My Boyfriend Wants Me To Block Someone: Should I Do It?

If your boyfriend wants you to block someone should you just do it? Does he have the right to ask you to block someone? What you should know is that your boyfriend doesn’t have the right to ask you to get rid of someone unless he or she is a threat to your relationship or your life.


It depends on what is going on between you and the person he asks you to block.


You also just can’t wake up and ask him to block someone out of nowhere.


Read also; Is It Okay To Ask Your Partner To Block Someone?


So, what should you do when your boyfriend asks you to block someone?

When does your boyfriend have the right to ask you to block someone?

Under what circumstances should you block someone your boyfriend wants you to?


These are some of the questions I will answer as we continue going deeper into this topic.


What to do when your boyfriend wants you to block someone;

1. Find out why he wants you to block that person.

If your boyfriend wants you to block someone the first thing you should do is find out why he wants you to.


he wants me to block someone should i do it

You have the right to know why he wants you to get rid of that person.


Don’t just block someone simply because he wants you to.


If he or she is your friend don’t just block him or her since your boyfriend wants you to unless you know what’s going on.


So, when he wants you to block someone you should confront him and ask him why he wants you to.


These are the questions you should ask your boyfriend when he wants you to block someone;

“Why do you want me to block him or her?”

“Is there anything wrong with me being in touch with him or her?”


The answers to these questions will give you an idea of why he wants you to block that person.


When you know why he wants you to block the person you are in touch with, this is when you will have to verify if there’s a need for you to do that.


2. Verify if his reasons are right for you to block that person.

When you know why your boyfriend wants you to block someone that’s when you should think if he is right to ask you to do that or not.


Before you think so hard about whether you should block the person or not these are some situations you should know.


This is when you should block someone your boyfriend wants you to;

  • When the person is hitting on you.
  • When the person incites you to end your relationship.
  • When the person is the reason why you don’t pay attention to your boyfriend.


If the person you are in touch with possesses the above issues you should block him or her when your boyfriend wants you to.


You can’t let your relationship end simply because of someone who is not of any importance to you.


Just block him or her if he or she poses any threats to your relationship.


He has the right to ask you to block him or her.


This is when you shouldn’t block someone your boyfriend wants you to;

  • When the person is your friend and doesn’t pose any threats to your relationship.
  • When your boyfriend wants you to block him or her based on jealousy and insecurity.
  • If your boyfriend hates that person but you don’t have conflicts with him or her.
  • When your boyfriend wants you to block someone just because he or she meant something more to you in the past.


If your boyfriend wants you to block someone simply because he is jealous and insecure don’t do that.


Maybe he or she is your friend, you get along with him or her well and this makes him feel irritated.


He doesn’t like it when you talk to him via social media.


Nothing is going on between the two of you but just friendly vibes and conversations.


He doesn’t have the right to ask you to do that at all.


But if the person he wants you to block hits on you, pushes you to end your relationship, and affects how you feel about your man through what he or she is feeding you, you need to block that person.


3. Express what you feel about what your boyfriend wants you to do.

If your boyfriend wants you to block someone who doesn’t pose any threats to your relationship, don’t do it.


Instead, you should sit down and talk to him about what you feel about what he wants.


If you feel that your boyfriend doesn’t have the right to ask you to block someone since he or she isn’t a threat, don’t do it.


Let him know that you won’t block that person and why you won’t do it.


When you express what you feel about what he wants it will enable your boyfriend to understand why you don’t want to do what he wants you to.


He must understand why you think it’s not okay to block the person he asked you to.


This is what will make him realize whether he is doing the right thing or not.


When he knows that what he wants you to do is wrong through how you express yourself, he will stop demanding that you do it.


4. Do what you feel is right.

If your boyfriend wants you to block someone you need to do what you feel is right.


when your boyfriend wants you to block someone

When he wants you to block someone and you feel that you should just do it to avoid unnecessary fights and arguments with him just do it.


As long as the person he wants you to block doesn’t occupy any important part of your life.


If you feel it’s right for to block anyone just to make your man happy, don’t think about it so hard.


Do it and forget about it.


But if you feel that it’s not right for you to block that person he wants you to because he or she is not a threat to your relationship, don’t do it.


You have to stand up for your decision and let him know that you won’t do it.


If it doesn’t feel right for you to block him or her, don’t do it.


What you should know is that if you make any decision based on what you feel without considering his feelings he will get mad at you.


It might result in negative tension between the two of you. You should be ready for this and know how you are going to handle this.


Your boyfriend does not have the right to control your social life.


He can’t ask you to get rid of your friends due to his selfish reasons.



If your boyfriend wants you to block someone the first thing you should do is ask him why he wants you to.


Especially when it doesn’t make any sense to you. Like when he asks you to block your guy friend yet nothing is going on.


He doesn’t flirt with you or send you any texts that go against the pledge of your relationship.


As long as he doesn’t hit on you or does anything that poses a threat to your relationship you shouldn’t block him.


Maybe he just wants you to block him because he is jealous and insecure.


Take your time to assure him that he shouldn’t be worried about him at all. Let him know that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.


But don’t just block your guy friend simply because he wants you to.


If he insists on it and it reaches a point where he forces you to do it, just know that your boyfriend is controlling.


It’s a toxic behaviour and you should not allow it to keep going. Stand up to him and tell him the truth.


If you let it be, he will get used to it and he will conclude you are under his control. And this won’t be the last thing he will ask you to do.


Next time he will ask you not to talk to someone so close to you out of nowhere.


And it will go on to the extent that he will control your entire life.


Related reads;

  1. Should I Block Someone Who Blocked Me? (+When You Should)
  2. He Blocked Me But Still Talks To Me: Here’s Why
  3. Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You
  4. 5 Things To Do When A Guy Cries In Front Of You 
  5. My Ex Blocked Me And Unblocked Me On WhatsApp: Why

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