Girlfriend Is Confused Between Me And Another Guy: Do This

Your girlfriend is confused between you and another guy; she doesn’t know who she should stick with. She doesn’t know if she should choose you or the other guy.


Situations like this happen in every relationship that has some issues.


Sometimes you may be the reason why your girlfriend is unsure of who she should choose but sometimes it is just because she is undecided.


In this article, I will share what you should do when your girlfriend is confused between you and another guy.


This is what to do when your girlfriend is confused between you and another guy;

1. Don’t overreact when she tells you about this issue.

This is the first thing you should do when your girlfriend is confused between you and another guy.


she is confused between me and another guy

Don’t overreact when she tells you she is confused between you and another guy.


Trust me, I know it hurts because I found myself in the same situation.


When your girlfriend tells you that she doesn’t know who she should choose between you and the other guy, overreacting will only make it worse.


The way you will react might show your girlfriend how you feel about her and if she wants to hurt you this might be the reaction she will use to learn so much from you.


The moment your girlfriend realizes that you are in love with her and you aren’t understanding this will make her put some question marks on you.


What you feel for your girlfriend is not enough for her to hold on to you.


She can leave you for another guy even if she is in love with you depending on how you will handle yourself before her.


When she tells you that she is confused between you and another guy don’t just start saying and doing things to show her that you are super angry at her.


At this moment, you might do or say things that will make your girlfriend put you aside and consider the other guy.


It’s obvious she also told the other guy the same thing she is telling you now.


That is if she is honest and she wasn’t planning to string you along.


You need to show her that you are an understanding guy. Let her know that you understand what she is talking about.


Sometimes, a girl might share this information just to get a reaction from you for her to decide who she should stick with.


If you give her red flags that the other guy didn’t due to what you do and say, she might leave you for him.


Stay calm, listen to her, and try to understand what she is telling you without calling her names and judging her.


2. Find out why she is confused between you and another guy.

The next thing you should do if she is confused between you and another guy is this; you need to find out why she is in this position of choosing between you and another guy.


Why is she at the point of choosing between you and another guy?


What happened between the two of you that made it possible for her to let another guy in?


Is she confused between you and another guy because she lost interest in you at some point and took another guy in?


Maybe at one point you broke up and you got back together but there was another guy with her when you made the rebound.


When you know why she is confused between picking you and another guy it will be easier for you to know how to go about this situation.


The only way you will find out why she has to choose between you and another guy is to talk to her.


She is confused and she wants to find a way to make the right decision.


You need to help her out even if you don’t want to. The faster she makes this decision the easier it will be for you to calm down and find someone else to focus on when that will be the case.


If she tells you that she is confused between you and another guy, she will also be willing to open up to you and tell you why she is in this position.


She will also want you to understand why she is in this position today for you to understand if she ends up making a decision you won’t be happy about.


You will need to talk with her and make her open up to you about why she is in the situation she is in.


If she has to choose between you and another guy, find out who was the first guy to be with her.


When you know who was the first guy to be with her between you and the other guy, it will give you an impression of what she feels for you.


If she was with you and she ended up taking someone else into her life, this shows that you weren’t enough for her.


Or maybe she took someone else while she was still with you because you disappointed her.


She couldn’t trust you and love you the way she used to and that is why she had to open her heart to someone else.


Thinking that you will never change and you will always keep hurting her.


You need to know everything about how the other guy came into her life and what was the reason for you to be able to find a solution to this matter.


3. Try to find out what she feels about you currently.

When you know why she is confused between you and another guy, this is something else you should do.


If she tells you that she is confused because she doesn’t know who to choose between you and the other, you need to know how she feels about you.


Knowing how she feels about you is what will make it easier for you to push her to make the right decision.


Also, when you know how she feels about you, it will help you prepare yourself for any decision that she will end up making especially if it’s going to be against you.


If she decides to choose the other guy and not you then you will be ready to deal with it.


How can you know how she feels about you?


You can know how she feels about you by just asking her what she thinks about you and the relationship. Ask her if the relationship you have is what she expected it to be. Go further and ask her if she sees a future with you. Talk about your plans together and just to listen how she will respond.


The responses she will give you when you talk about your plans together and ask her about how she feels for you will give you a clear view of how she feels.


She might not make things clear to you when you want to know how she feels about you, but it will be the start of you knowing how things will turn out to be.


Don’t be surprised when she tells you that she is not sure how she feels about you and that is why she doesn’t know who to choose between you and the other guy.


Also, she might tell you that she loves both of you, but she doesn’t know who truly loves her and is true to his words.


These are all possible responses you will get from her when you want to know how she feels about you.


Be ready for any of these.


4. Express what you feel for her.

Maybe the things between the two of you are unclear. She doesn’t know how you feel about her at all.


she doesn't know if she should choose me or the other guy

And that is why she is confused between you and another guy. She doesn’t know who she should choose because things between the two of you aren’t crystal.


The only way to make her realize that you are in love with her and that you are the guy she should focus on is by expressing what you feel for her.


Let her know that you are still in love with her through your words and actions.


It will take her a while before she even decides who she will end up giving her whole heart to.


You still have time to let her know that you are still in love with her, you are fighting for her and you are ready to do anything to make her consider you.


Don’t beg her to choose you, when it reaches that point you will only be degrading yourself before her.


She will find you to be pathetic and that will be the first reason for her to cut you off.


Let me be honest with you about something here, she is probably comparing you to the other guy.


If she sees anything that turns her off she will just walk away from you.


Open up to her and let her know that you are willing to work things out with her.


If you did something to break the trust she had in you, assure her that you have completely changed and you are willing to make things right for her.


Don’t hide anything you want to say to her if you are still into her. Let it all out.


It’s true that if you did something to hurt her feelings she might not choose you because you did prove her wrong.


You are someone she can’t trust and she will probably choose the other guy but that is not a reason for you to stop putting effort into pulling her to your side.


5. Give her a reason to choose you instead of the other guy.

If she is confused between you and another guy, there is a competition here.


She will only choose the best guy. If you aren’t better than the other guy you will end up losing her.


She will eventually end up picking the guy who is better in every way.


What you should know is that if she is at the point of choosing between you and another guy, this shows that you are almost in the same league with the other guy.


Your qualities align and that is why she is confused between you and another guy.


If you were lesser than the other guy she could have walked away from you.


And she couldn’t have told you about the issue of her being confused between you and another guy.


She could have left you to find out for yourself why she broke up with you and went to date another dude.


If you still want to be with her give her a reason why she should choose you and not the other guy.


Deep down you know it will be up to her to decide but you still have to show her that you are willing to fight for her.


She has to get the impression that you are still into her and you are willing to pull her towards your side.


If you will give her the impression that you have given up on her simply because she has to choose between you and another guy, she will conclude you never loved her.


And she won’t think twice about this at all. You will be left.


“How can a guy just pull away immediately from me when I tell him that I have to choose between him and someone else?”

“Is that how true love quickly fades?”


Even though you know that she might not consider you, try to show her that you still want her in your life.


Try to work things out if you have conflicts and you might be surprised.


The little things that you will do to show her that she means a lot to you might be the reason for her to decide to stick to you and let go of the other guy.


6. Give her some time to figure out who she wants to be with.

It will be hard for her to make an instant decision on who she should choose to stick to.


She is telling you that she is confused between you and another guy because it is hard for her to make the right choice.


You may be impatient and you want her to quickly give you the answer you want to hear.


Right now you are on the fence, you might fall inside or out depending on what she feels about you.


I know you may even push her to give you her response right away.


When you push her to give you her decision she won’t make the right one.


If you did anything to hurt her feelings in the past she will just let you go and choose the other guy without thinking about what you have been through together.


And this is all because you rushed her to choose between you and another guy.


You should know that she is confused right now. And you can’t push a confused person to lead the way in a maze.


She needs to think of every side of the coin before she decides on either choosing you or the other guy.


What you should do is give her time.


If it’s possible just create a distance between the two of you. Don’t talk to her often and rarely be around each other.


This will give her ample time to think about the guy she should stick to.


It doesn’t matter what you will say right now, it won’t push her to make the right decision.


Give her time and be patient with her. The only way you will manage to do that is by focusing on something else.


Keep yourself busy and when the time is right for her, she will tell you what she has decided.


7. Finally, what she will decide will be based on how she feels about you.

If she has feelings for you and loves you more than the other guy she will end up choosing you.


she is confused between me and another man

But if she no longer loves you the way she used to, you gave her reasons to doubt your loyalty and she doesn’t think you will do better by her side she will let you go.


When she makes you her choice, you should be happy about it and focus on her.


Do things to strengthen your relationship and start rebuilding the trust between the two of you.


Hold tight on her and assure her that you won’t let her slip.


Please don’t give her a reason to be confused again about who she should choose.


If she decides to choose the other guy, you don’t have to be cold and mean to her.


Let her know that you understand the decision she made and you are at peace with it.


Slowly pull away from her and focus on building your life. Make her regret choosing another guy instead of you.


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This is not the time for you to sit down and start wailing over her. She chose someone else and you should move on with your life.


What’s coming is better than what’s gone!


You still have a long way to go, places to go and explore and people to meet.


You will end up meeting someone who will hold tight onto you and will never be confused when it comes to holding onto you and another guy.


On the other side, it might be hard for her to let you go because she is still in love with you but at the same time, she doesn’t want to be with you.


That’s how complicated women can be. She might want to be with you and at the same time be with the other guy.


Something like this will mainly happen when the other guy is far from her and you are available.


You are around her and it’s easier to get hold of you when she needs you.


The truth is that if the other guy was around, she would have cut you off. But since she doesn’t want to be lonely, she will want you around.


This is just to use you for attention and money.


But when things between her and the other guy click, she will cut you off.


If the other guy is pressuring her to choose him over you, it will be up to her to decide who she wants to be with. If she truly loves you more than the other guy she will end up being with you.



If you decide to be with her for the moment because the other guy is far away from her, don’t take yourself too deep.


Don’t take her into your heart so deeply because she will at one point hurt you.


If you are lonely at the moment and you have no one else to focus on, hold on to her for the moment. Enjoy the moment you have with her.


But if you manage to come across someone who truly cares about you, don’t let go of her because of what you are getting from your girlfriend who you are you using each other for the moment.


When a girl is confused between you and another guy this should let you know that you aren’t the choice.


A girl who truly loves you won’t even consider choosing you over someone else.


Even if she ends up choosing you in the end, your relationship will never be the way it used to be.


Deep down you will always know that one day she will end up replacing you with someone else better than you.


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