Should I Convert To Islam For My Girlfriend? (+When To)

You are thinking of changing your religion for your girlfriend simply because you are in love with her, should you do it or not? She is a Muslim and you aren’t and this difference makes you feel that you won’t be able to move your relationship to the next step.


I am a Muslim and I’m going to be honest with you about whether you should change your relationship for her or not.


Will you be doing the right thing to convert to Islam because of your girlfriend?


In this article, I will share with you every side of this issue for you to understand what you should decide about this issue.


You will know whether you should convert to Islam because of her or not.


This is when you should convert to Islam for your girlfriend;

1. When you know for sure she is the woman you want to marry.

If you are sure that she is the woman you want to marry it’s reasonable for you to convert to Islam for her.

should i convert to Islam for her

What you should know is that Muslim women aren’t allowed to marry men out of their religion.


For the marriage to happen successfully the man should change the religion.


It doesn’t have to happen before you marry her. You can decide to change your religion when you are even married to her.


But it will be more appropriate when you convert to Islam before you marry her.


This will be an added advantage and it will make it easier for you to understand all the practices that will happen during the marriage.


Also, changing your religion to Islam early in advance before marriage will make it easier for your girlfriend to introduce you to her family.


Read also; 5 Reasons Why She Wants You To Meet Her Parents


Her family will take you in with open arms and make you feel welcome.


Muslims love it when someone joins their faith. You will have been born new.


And this might be a reason for your girlfriend’s family to love you even more.


I’m sure they will want to offer you support and even teach you more about the Islamic religion.


This will strengthen your relationship with your girlfriend’s family and it will also increase the relationship bond you will have with your girlfriend.


So, if you are thinking of marrying her and you know that her family is strict and won’t allow her to be married to a man who isn’t a Muslim, you will have no choice but to change your religion.


The moment you are thinking of spending the rest of your life with her you should just be open and ready for the change.


If you love her, you probably love how she handles herself in front of you.


The way she behaves reflects her entire religion. If you love how she dresses and prays, you love the religion too.


The truth is that if you never loved how she handled herself you wouldn’t even be thinking of marrying her.


2. When you truly believe in Islam.

I know you love her so much and they say love is blind.


You are thinking of changing your religion for her because you are so deep into her.


Before you think of converting to Islam for your girlfriend you need to know that it’s a big step you are about to take.


Do you truly believe in Islam and the teachings that it contains?

How do you feel about this religion?

Are you solely converting to Islam simply because you are in love with her and not the religion?


You need to ask yourself these questions before you think of converting to Islam because of her.


To be honest, it won’t be of help to you if you only change your religion to Islam yet you don’t believe in anything about it.


If you don’t know anything about Islam, before you think of converting to Islam you should take your time to learn the basics article of their faith before you make the change.


Learning a few things about Islam won’t straightforwardly change you into one.


Not until you take “Shahadah” (an Islamic affirmation that you believe that Allah is one and only one to be worshipped and Prophet Muhammad (Saw) is His prophet) that is when you make the switch.


When you learn a few things about Islam it will help you to have an idea about it and whether your mind believes in it or not.


The moment you make the change you won’t just do it and forget about it.


You will spend your entire life on Islamic principles. The way you eat, dress, walk, talk to other people, treat yourself and other people, and even the way you sleep will be in an Islamic way.


Every aspect of your life will have to follow the teachings of the holy Quran and the prophet.


I am telling you this because you have to know that when you convert to Islam, it won’t only be about your girlfriend.


This is something bigger than just your relationship with your girlfriend.


So, if you truly believe in Islam then that is when you should convert to Islam for your girlfriend.


3. When you know that the change will make you happy.

Once you learn a few things about the Islamic religion and you truly believe in it, making the change will make you happy.


If you know that you will have to have a new way of life with your girlfriend then you should convert to Islam.


The truth is that your girlfriend won’t be able to occupy your mind 24/7.


There are times you will be left alone with your thoughts. You will have to think about yourself and the choices you made in your life.


If you made the wrong choice by converting to Islam you will never be happy in that relationship.


It will haunt you that you made a major change in your life and aren’t even happy about it.


This will affect your relationship and it might be the reason your relationship ends.


You should only convert to Islam if know you will be happy about the change even when your girlfriend won’t be in the picture.


This is because every time you enter the mosque to pray you will be doing it for you and your creator.


You won’t be praying simply because your girlfriend told you to do so. When you step inside the mosque and you have made the intention you are praying it should be for the right reason.


You can’t just do it to show off to people that you are praying.


If you practice all these things just to show off and please your girlfriend, you will never find happiness at all.


So, before you think of changing your religion for your girlfriend this is what you should keep in mind.


4. When you know it’s the only thing you will have to do just to keep her.

Maybe you want her so badly. Your life without her won’t be the same.


should i be a muslim because of my girlfriend

The success you have right now is because of her support and your hard work.


Deep down you know that if you let her go you won’t have anything in your life.


She is the reason you are the man you are today. She makes you feel complete and pushes you to go beyond your limits just to make your life better.


You know that if you don’t convert to Islam there’s no way you will have her in your life, you will have no choice but to make the shift.


Before you make the change you need to make up your mind that you won’t turn back after that.


You don’t have an option if you want to be with her. It’s clear that if you don’t convert to Islam your girlfriend won’t be ready to be with you.


It’s not that she doesn’t love you but her family won’t allow her to be with you.


The truth is that she won’t disown her family because of how she feels about you.


Her family means everything to her and she won’t do anything to go against what they want.


The only thing you will have to do is convert to Islam for her to keep her.


When you should not convert to Islam because of your girlfriend;

1. When you know you don’t believe in the relationship.

If you know that you don’t believe the relationship is going to work out, there is uncertainty about how she feels about you, don’t convert to Islam.


You might change your religion for her and end up finding out that she is not even sure if she wants to stick with you.


Changing your religion is a big deal. If you are not sure how your girlfriend feels about you don’t make any irrational decision.


What you should do is just push the relationship the way it is and observe your girlfriend.


Get to know how she feels about you, listen to what she thinks about your future together, and how she wants you to handle her.


If she doesn’t show you any signs that she wants a future with you don’t bother changing your religion for her.


Don’t convert to Islam for her because you might end up regretting it later.


If the relationship is new and you have no idea how it will go don’t just convert to Islam yet.


You will be moving too fast. Since the relationship is new you may not be thinking straight.


What you feel for her is what may be making you consider changing your religion for her.


Give it some time and see how the relationship will turn out to be before you even think of converting to Islam for her.


2. When you know she is not someone you want a future with.

If deep down you know that she is not someone you want to spend your future with, don’t think of changing your religion for her.


should i be a muslim for her

We guys know if we want to play for keeps or not.


If you know that she is not someone you want to keep in your life don’t change your religion for her.


Why convert to Islam for her when you know that she is not someone you want to keep?


You will only be disrupting the flow of your lifestyle.


Confused is what you will be when you keep jumping from one faith to another. This might affect you in ways have never imagined.


So, if you know that she is not someone you are planning to marry don’t convert to Islam for her.


Maybe you are with her because she is amazing for you now, she is convenient for now.


Let her remain for the moment and don’t do anything that will affect your lifestyle.


Don’t just change your religion for her based on something that won’t even happen.


Be honest with her that you won’t convert to Islam because you aren’t certain about the future of the two of you.


This might hurt her and even be the reason for her to end the relationship but don’t just get yourself in another faith just to lie to her.


You will be lying to yourself all along and not her. You will be the one practicing what you don’t believe in.


3. When you know it won’t make you happy.

She wants you to convert to Islam but deep down it’s a change that won’t make you happy.


You will only change your religion to please her but you will never be happy.


If every aspect of her religion doesn’t make you happy it will reach a point you even end up hating her.


When you hate her for her religion you will end up breaking up with her just because she is a Muslim.


For the relationship to work you all have to be happy with each other.


You have to be happy that she is a Muslim and you also have to be happy practicing the religion.


This is what will unite the two of you and strengthen the relationship.


Building the foundation of your relationship is what you should think about.


If changing your religion for her will end up destroying your relationship there is no need to change at all.


What you should know is that your conversion to Islam won’t do anything good if you aren’t happy about it.


4. When you know that the Islamic principles don’t go with your lifestyle.

The lifestyle you choose plays a big role in the path you choose to take.


she wants me to be a muslim

If you know that the kind of lifestyle you chose doesn’t go with the Islamic religion don’t get yourself into it.


What you need to know is that once you change your religion you will have no choice but to shift your entire lifestyle.


You will have to change the way you do things just to fit in the Islamic principles.


If you aren’t sure that you want to change your entire lifestyle for your girlfriend don’t convert to Islam.



You should convert to Islam for your girlfriend if you believe in the religion, you want to marry her and you are sure that you will be happy embracing the new faith.


These are the main things you should look at before you think of changing your religion for her.


Don’t listen to what people have to say about this.


I know some people are going to talk bad about you changing you’re religion because of your girlfriend.


At some point, even your family might come between you and your girlfriend simply because you want to convert to Islam for her.


You need to know that it’s your decision to make. No one is accountable for your happiness but yourself.


If you know that you won’t be happy after converting to Islam don’t do it.


There’s no need for you to do something just to please your girlfriend when you know it will haunt you for the rest of your life.


Related reads;

  1. My Girlfriend’s Family Is Toxic: Do This
  2. What To Do When Your Girlfriend Wants Constant Attention
  3. Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Pay For Everything
  4. Why Your Girlfriend Is Private And A Secretive Person 
  5. She Is Not Putting Effort Into The Relationship: Do This

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