She Thinks We Don’t Spend Enough Time Together: Do This

If your girlfriend thinks you don’t spend enough time together, you need to do something and change this. You need to know that this can affect your relationship in one way or another.


The moment your girlfriend concludes that you don’t spend enough time together it shows that you either don’t spend quality time with her or you aren’t available when she needs you.


It can be that she had been holding this for a while before she decided to tell you about it.


When a woman finally says something that she is not happy about, she has been through enough.


Now that she has told you that she thinks you don’t spend enough time together you need to do something and change this.


The time you spend with your girlfriend plays a big role when it comes to the relationship you are building.


If she thinks you don’t spend enough time together, it shows that she is not happy.


When your girlfriend thinks you don’t spend enough time together, what should you do?


This is what I am going to share with you in this article.


This is what to do when your girlfriend thinks you don’t spend enough time together;

1. Find out why she thinks you don’t spend enough time with her.

If your girlfriend thinks you don’t spend enough time together the first thing you have to do is find out why she thinks that way.


my girlfriend thinks we don't spend enough time together

She thinks you don’t spend enough time together because you are rarely there when she needs you.


When she is free and she wants to hang out with you, you are not available for her.


She couldn’t have concluded that you don’t spend enough time together if you were giving her the attention she wanted.


Before you say or do anything when she concludes that you don’t spend enough time together you need to find out why she thinks that way.


It can be that there is something tiny that she usually expects you to do but you never try it out.


Doing this one thing that she wants so badly will make her feel that you spend much time together.


You don’t need to stress yourself when she thinks you don’t spend enough time together.


If you want to know why she thinks you don’t spend enough time together you need to talk to her.


Confront her and ask her why she says you don’t spend enough time together.


The response she will give you will give you an idea of how you can change what she thinks of you right now.


If she says that you don’t spend enough time together simply because you are not available when she needs you, you will have an idea of how you can work that out.


On the other hand, listen to what she says to you. How does she want you to spend your time with her?


It can be that you are always there for her but you never do the things she wants you to.


This makes her feel that you don’t give her enough time because you don’t do what she always wants you to do when you are together.


She is not satisfied and that is why she thinks you don’t have enough time for her.


Take your time to hear from her and this might be the only key you need to change what she thinks about your time together.


2. You need to compensate for the time you lost.

Your girlfriend thinks you don’t spend enough time together, is it true what she thinks about your being around her?


You know it better if you spend time with her or you just pass by.


There is a difference between spending time with your girlfriend and passing by, just to say hi.


It can be that you see her often but you don’t truly spend time with her.


All you do is just visit her and say hi. You don’t have time to catch up with her about the things that have been going on in your life.


She doesn’t get the attention that she truly needs from you.


You indeed visit her, she comes over to your place but you don’t spend time with each other.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House


If you choose to spend time with your girlfriend it should be a quality one. You may spend half an hour with her and she will end up feeling like you have been there for 6 hours.


What you do when you are around your girlfriend is what will either make her think you spend enough time together or not.


If you know that you have been absent most of the time when you were around her, you need to change that.


Furthermore, if you know that you have been so busy and you haven’t been seeing her often, you need to change that.


It can be that she thinks you don’t spend enough time together because you are always busy.


You are busy chasing your dreams to the extent that you forget that your girlfriend also needs you.


It’s hard sometimes to balance your work life and commit to a relationship at the same time.


At one point you will feel that one thing is weighing you down more than the other.


Your girlfriend may be an understanding person. When you don’t show up when she needs she will just conclude you are busy with work.


She will give you a pass because she knows you have important things to do to live the life you want.


But as time goes by she will fail to understand your needs. She will want you to be there for her.


She will not push you but the way she communicates will make you realize that you aren’t giving her what she wants.


The phrase, “I don’t think we spend enough time together nowadays” is just one way of expressing that she is not happy.


If you want your girlfriend to stop thinking that you don’t spend enough time together, you need to be there for her.


You have to compensate for the time you haven’t been there for her. There is no shortcut when it comes to spending time with your girlfriend.


If you choose to spend time with her, be available; you should get rid of anything that is going to take your attention away from her.


You need to focus on her and enjoy your time together even if it’s only for half an hour.


It should be a well-spent time together so that when you are not there when she needs you nothing bothers her.


There is no need to spend time with your girlfriend at the same time you are distracted by your work.


You won’t focus on her and she won’t feel like you have spent enough time together.


Compensate for the time you were not there physically and emotionally if you want her to change what she thinks right now.


3. Share with her why you aren’t always available for her.

Another thing you can do when your girlfriend thinks that you don’t spend enough time together is to talk to her.


You need to share with her why you aren’t always available when she needs you.


That is if you have been truly away from her often. She needs to understand why this is happening if you want her to stop thinking that you don’t spend enough time together.


Now she only thinks you don’t spend enough time with her, next time she is going to conclude that you don’t care about her.


Before it reaches the point whereby, she concludes you don’t care about her, you need to make her understand why you don’t spend enough time with her.


If there is another holding you back and that is why you don’t have much time with her you should be honest about it.


She needs to know why you aren’t always there for her when she needs you.


When she understands why you can’t spend hours together, that is when she will stop thinking the way she does right now.


You need to be honest about what you are doing out there if you want her to stop thinking you don’t have time for her.


Are you working on a project right now that is taking so much of your time?


Do you have a tighter schedule right now than you did before?


Has your work shift changed?


If there is anything that prevents you from spending more time with your woman share it with her.


The truth is that if she can’t help you out, she will give you tips on how to manage your time so that you also get time for her.


Furthermore, she will understand what you are going through and she won’t push you to give her constant attention.


Read also; What To Do When Your Girlfriend Wants Constant Attention


4. Ask her what she expects you to do.

Another thing you can do when your girlfriend thinks that you don’t spend enough time together is ask her what she expects you to do.


She thinks you don’t spend enough time together, what does she want you to do?


It can be that she has an idea she would like to share with you that will improve the quality of your time together.


You need to talk to her and hear what she has to say. Don’t be defensive and start talking about how wrong she is.


Sit down with her and ask her what she expects you to do if she thinks you don’t spend enough time together.


The moment she tells you what she expects you to do that is when you should check out if what she is telling you aligns with the program you have right now.


If she tells you that you need to be there for her 24/7 you will have to be honest with her about your current situation.


It can be that she is used to the fact that you used to spend hours with her when you had nothing important going on in your life.


Things are not the same anymore, you have a job to do and responsibilities are following you behind.


If your girlfriend expects you to do something that is going to improve the time you spend together and it doesn’t hurt your schedule then feel free to implement it.


As long as it’s something you can manage you should do it.


She is your girlfriend; you need to sacrifice your time for her and be there when she needs you.


If you aren’t able to give her what she wants be honest with her too. Let her decide if she still wants to be with you in the current situation you are in or find someone else who is going to be there for her.


5. Let her know that you won’t always be there for her.

If your girlfriend thinks you don’t spend enough time together you have to be honest with her.


my girlfriend thinks we don't spend enough time together

It can be that you are always trying everything you can to make her happy but she wants too much.


The time she wants to spend with you is more than you can give.


This might be the reason why she thinks you don’t spend enough time together.


You wake up very early and head to work, every single day from 9 am to 5 am.


On the weekends you are too tired to go out with her. At the same time, you have chores to deal with.


When you get a 2-hour window you visit her. You are there with her but later on, you realize you need to rest and prepare yourself for the work day on Monday.


Things are tough though you are trying everything to manage the time you have to at least be there for her.


To be honest, you can’t push yourself that far unless you want to break into pieces.


You need to be honest with her about your work situation and how it’s harder for you to manage your time.


Let her know that you have no much time to be there for her and that is why you always come and go.


If your girlfriend understands your situation, she will be ready to accept whatever you will throw at her.


Let her know that you have to sacrifice the time you have right now to build your life.


The big goals you need to achieve won’t come on a silver platter. You need to work hard and sacrifice the little pleasure for now.



If you spend time with your girlfriend but she thinks you don’t spend enough time together it’s because of how you handle her when you are around each other.


She doesn’t think you spend enough time together because you don’t give her what she expects.


It’s not a quality time because you are always distracted by other things and you don’t pay attention to her.


This is why she thinks you don’t spend enough time together. If it’s true that you don’t spend enough time together, you need to start being there for her.


She now thinks you don’t spend enough time together but that won’t hold on for too long.


If you want to keep her, be honest with her if you can’t give her the time she wants from you.


Let her know that sometimes it’s harder for you to be there for her and she should understand that you are dealing with something big right now in your life.


If she loves and cares about you she will understand your situation and she won’t make this a big deal.


Related reads;

  1. Why Your Girlfriend Is Private And A Secretive Person 
  2. My Girlfriend Keeps Saying She’s Ugly: Do This
  3. Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Date Someone Else
  4. My Girlfriend Wants To Talk All The Time: Do This
  5. My Girlfriend Pays More Attention To Other Guys: Do This

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