What To Do When Your Girlfriend Wants Constant Attention

Your girlfriend wants your attention constantly to the extent that you can’t even focus on other important things in your life. It was sweet of her when she always wanted you to be around her, and talk to her but now it’s becoming too much.


You have no idea how to handle her at all because she is becoming too much for you to handle.


To be honest, you can’t even give her the constant attention she wants from you.


In this article, I will share what you should do when your girlfriend wants constant attention.


You need to do something about it because one way or another it can mess up your schedule.


It’s hard to satisfy a woman who craves attention. No matter how much you love her, it will still be impossible for you to give her 100% of your attention.


So, what can you do about it if she wants constant attention? Knowing that if you fail to give her what she wants she might end up cheating on you or walk away from you.


This is what to do when your girlfriend wants constant attention;

1. Find out why she wants constant attention.

When your girlfriend wants constant attention the first thing you have to do is find out why that is the case.


what to do when your girlfriend wants constant attention

Before you do or say anything that might make her think you don’t want to be around her, you need to understand why she wants so much of your attention.


Did she want your attention constantly when you started dating?


Have you been there for her? Is she going through a tough situation in her life?


These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before you do or say anything.


I know it’s irritating that she always wants you around, she wants you to talk to her 24/7 and wants you to recognize her.


If you don’t handle this carefully she might think that you don’t love her anymore.


The moment your woman concludes that you don’t care about her this might end up destroying your relationship.


How can you find out why she wants your constant attention?


You can find out by talking to her and digging deep into why she always wants you around.


Cleverly, ask her why she wants your constant attention. The response she might give you will give you an idea of why this is happening in the first place.


Another thing you can do is observe the situation she is in. If your girlfriend is going through a difficult time, this might be the reason why she wants your attention.


She needs you around because you are a distraction from what she is going through in her life currently.


Unless the issues she is going through are handled, she will keep on demanding extra attention from you.


When you know why she wants constant attention, that is when you should start working out this problem.


Solve any issues that put your girlfriend in the situation that she is in right now.


When you know where to start working on the problem, it will be easier for you to make her happy.


2. Compensate for the time you were not available for her.

If your girlfriend wants your attention because she misses you, you will have to be there for her.


You will have to compensate for the time you have been away from her.


For instance, if you have been away for a considerable period, she hasn’t been talking or seeing you, this will force you to avail yourself for her no matter how busy you are.


She wants your attention because you haven’t been there for her. She has the right to want you around her.


If you will do or say anything that makes her feel that you don’t want to be around her even after being away from her for a while, she will conclude you don’t care about her.


This alone can end up ruining your connection with her. Once she finds another guy who is ready to give her the attention she wants, don’t be surprised when she dumps you.


There is no shortcut in relationships, there is no way you can do or say something clever that is going to compensate for the time you have lost with your girlfriend.


You either choose to be there for her or not. It’s that simple.


She wants constant attention because you haven’t been there for her.


Your girlfriend gave you time to deal with everything you wanted and now she can’t be patient with you anymore.


The more time you spend with your girlfriend, she will get used to you being around her.


It will reach a point where she will get bored of you being always there for her.


And this is when you can get time to work on what you want to because she won’t be on your neck. She won’t need much of your attention.


So, if you have been away for a while you will have no choice but to be there for her.


What you need to know is that you need to sacrifice your time for each other if you want the relationship to survive.


3. Find ways to keep her occupied.

Your girlfriend will want constant attention when she has nothing important going on in her life.


She will always want to talk to you and see you every time she is idle.


A woman who is busy chasing her goals and dreams, won’t have the time to talk to you 24/7.


She won’t always invite you to her place because she has deadlines to meet.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Wants You To Visit Her


Your girlfriend doesn’t have anything important going on in her life, you are the only important deal she has going.


There is nothing she can think about other than hanging out with you every time.


Does she have a job to do? Does she have hobbies she can stick to?


If there is nothing important your girlfriend is doing in her life, you need to find ways to keep her occupied.


This is the only way you will get her to want less of your attention.


When she is occupied by something she cares about she won’t need your constant attention.


Sometimes when you are around it will be a nuisance to her since you will be taking much of her time yet she has something to work on.


The only thing you will be doing is distracting her.


You need to get your girlfriend into something that is going to occupy her and keep her committed.


That is the only way you will get her to stop wanting constant attention from you.


If you work on something that she can handle, teach her how to do it. Get her into hobbies that will require her to spend much of her time practicing.


This is one way to get her to stop wanting constant attention from you.


4. Allow her to hang out with her friends.

Maybe she wants constant attention from you because you don’t allow her to hang out with her friends.


If your girlfriend can’t hang out with other people, she will always want you around.


You are the only person she talks and hangs out with, she will always want your attention.


She will call and text you every time, she will want to come over to your place because she has no one else she can spend her time with other than you.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House


Also, if your girlfriend doesn’t have friends she will want your constant attention.


You should expose your girlfriend to areas that will enable her to make friends.


It can be going out with her to public places where she can also interact with other people, introducing her to your friends and your family too.


If she can make friends with whom she will talk and hang out with when you are busy, she won’t bother you at all.


You are not the only one she can talk to, so the part of her wanting your constant attention will be eliminated.


5. Let her know that it’s not possible to be always there for her.

When your girlfriend wants your constant attention to the point where it ruins your focus on what you are working on, this is no longer a healthy relationship for you.


my girlfriend wants too much attention

This relationship will just drag you behind and there is no way you are going to develop as an individual.


You have to be in a relationship that helps you thrive in different ways.


The moment you notice that your girlfriend wants too much of your attention to the extent that you can’t focus on what you are working on, you will have no choice but to be honest with her.


You need to talk to her about how this affects your life and the relationship at large.


It can be that she doesn’t know that she is affecting your focus on what matters the most and that is why she does it.


But when you are honest with her and let her know that you won’t always be there for her because of what you are working on, she will understand you.


Let her know that you have a tight schedule and that sometimes you won’t have the chance to call, text, or be there in person when she wants you.


Also, assure her that you will try your best to compensate for the time you will be away.


If she is mature and she understand that there is more to a relationship than what you feel for each other she will listen to you.


She will realize that you also have dreams and life to build.


The trips she wants to go with you won’t happen if you are broke and have no means to earn money.


Let her know what is at stake if you decide to focus every minute of your time with her.


When she knows the risks of her always wanting your attention, she will do the right thing to ensure that you are successful in what you do.



When your girlfriend wants your constant attention to the extent it’s distracting you from working on building your life, you need to be honest with her.


Let her know that what she does affects everything you are working on.


She should understand that you have a life to build. You won’t always be close to her when she needs you.


If your life is to be better, both of you have to focus on building it.


There is more to a relationship than what you feel for each other. You need money, you have goals to achieve and you need to enjoy yourselves once in a while.


This won’t happen if you give her much of your time.


These are some of the sacrifices you both have to make if you want to have a better life.


If she doesn’t want to listen to you and yet what she does affects your entire life, you will have no choice but to break up with her.


Related reads;

  1. Chase Money Not Women: This Is Why
  2. Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Pay For Everything
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  4. My Girlfriend Keeps Making Excuses Not To See Me: Why?
  5. 5 Reasons Why She Wants You To Meet Her Friends

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