My Girlfriend Keeps Making Excuses Not To See Me: Why?

Your girlfriend keeps making excuses not to see you. You have been trying hard to reach out to her and ask her out on dates but she keeps making excuses.


It has reached a point where you don’t understand her intentions at all. Does she want to meet you or not?


Is she doing this because she no longer loves you? Maybe she is losing interest in you. You have no idea why she doesn’t want to see you.


She doesn’t tell you that she doesn’t want to see you, all she does is give you so many excuses.


Your girlfriend has lots of reasons to tell you why she can’t meet you when you ask her out on a date.


In this article, I will share with you possible reasons why your girlfriend keeps making excuses not to see you.


You already know that she is making excuses not to show up on the dates you ask her out on.


Read also; How To Tell If A Girl Is Making Excuses 


The problem is that you don’t know why she is making these excuses. It will be hard for you to solve this issue if you have no idea why she keeps making excuses.


Let us learn why she keeps making excuses not to make up for the dates you ask her out on.


This is why your girlfriend keeps making excuses not to see you;

1. She doesn’t want to meet you.

If your girlfriend keeps making excuses not to meet you this is the first thing you should know.


girlfriend keeps making excuses not to see me

She doesn’t want to meet you in person and that is why she is making so many excuses not to meet you.


This is the first possible reason why she comes up with so many lame excuses not to meet you.


If your girlfriend wants to see you, she will not wait for you to ask her out on a date. She will do everything she can to be around you no matter how hard it will be for her.


But if you ask her out on a date, she keeps on giving you so many reasons why she can’t make it, and it has been happening frequently, it’s clear that she doesn’t want to meet you.


She doesn’t want to see you and that is why she keeps giving you excuses instead of figuring out a way to show up on those dates.


You are saying that she keeps making excuses, you know that she has been cancelling the dates for so long, it has been clear to you that she doesn’t want to see you.


Read also; 5 Reasons Why He Keeps Rescheduling Dates


She doesn’t want to see you and that is why she keeps making these excuses. If she wanted to see you she would have done everything in her power to see you.


If she has been making excuses not to see you every time you ask her out on a date it’s clear she doesn’t want to meet you.


A girl who wants to see you will always make an effort to see you. It doesn’t matter whether she is busy or not.


2. She is losing interest in you.

If she keeps making excuses not to see you, it shows that your girlfriend is losing interest in you.


Things between the two of you are not like they used to be. I know you used to spend a lot of time together.


She used to come over to your place, she used to invite you to her place and you used to have so much fun together.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Asks You To Sleep Over


I am sure things are not the same right now. She is not the girl you fell in love with.


If she keeps making excuses not to see you, this shows that your communication is not the way it used to be.


You don’t talk often the way you used to. She doesn’t call, you always call her.


Read also; She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why


She doesn’t text and if you text her, she takes ages to get back to you.


When replies to your texts, they are just excuses about how she can’t do something you.


If this is what has been going on for a while, this is a clear sign that your girlfriend is losing interest in you.


She keeps making excuses not because she is truly in the situation she is talking about to you.


Your girlfriend is losing interest in you and that is why she doesn’t want to show up on the dates that you ask her out on.


If she has been distancing herself from you before she started making excuses not to see you, just know that she is losing interest in you.


Read also; When Your Girlfriend Is Acting Distant After A Fight: Do This


When a girl starts losing interest in you, she won’t care about you at all, she will never be the sweet girl you used to know.


And this is what is going on right now.


3. She is into someone else.

If she is making excuses not to see you it’s clear that she is into someone else.


She is not spending her time with you, who do you think she spends her time with?


Don’t tell me that she doesn’t interact with other guys out there. Don’t think you are the only guy she sees.


Your girlfriend sees and talks to a lot of guys out there. She is now busy giving her attention to someone else and not you.


That is why she keeps making excuses not to see you.


When a girl is into someone else, she will lose focus on you, she will ignore you, she will never give you her attention the way she used to and communication will slowly fade.


So, if you have noticed that she has been acting strangely the last few weeks or months before she started making many excuses not to see you in person, she is into someone else.


She didn’t want you to notice that she loves someone else and not you.


Your girlfriend is making excuses not to see because she is focused on someone else, not you.


She is spending her time with someone else and not you.


If she has been making excuses, ignoring you, not picking up your calls and acting like you don’t exist, this shows that she is into someone else.


The truth is that if she wanted you around, she would have been there for you.


You are not the person in her mind and that is why she makes so many excuses not to see you.


If you were the only guy she was into, she wouldn’t have been making excuses not to meet you.


She wouldn’t have been behaving the way she does right now. She would have made you the priority and not anyone else.


4. You don’t make the dates exciting for her.

Your girlfriend keeps making excuses not to see you because you don’t do things that excite her.


It can be that she is not happy about the dates that you always plan with her.


The dates are not what she expects them to be and that is why she doesn’t want to show up for them.


She doesn’t want to tell you that she doesn’t like how you do things because she just doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.


If the dates were so exciting and the way she wanted them to be, she wouldn’t have been making so many excuses not to meet you.


The moment you tell her about meeting up, she would have been excited to see you.


She is not excited to see you, she is always not happy when she is around you because of how you handle her.


You have to understand that a date is about the two of you. If you go out with her and you don’t make her happy, next time she won’t be willing to see you.


But if you always make her happy whenever you go out with her on a date, she will always show up on any date you ask her out.


She will be the first person to plan the dates and even ask you when you are going to see each other again even before the date ends.


If she keeps making excuses not to see you, she is not happy to be around you.


This has to do with how you handle her out on those dates, the places you take her and what you do when you are out together.


Try your best to make her open up to you about what is going on before you do anything else.


Find out how she wants the dates to be and what you want to do, this might be the key to all these issues you are going through.


5. She is mad at you.

If your girlfriend keeps making excuses not to meet you, she may be mad at you.


You did something to annoy her and that is why she doesn’t want to meet you.


Take your time and think about the last time you were around each other, the last conversation you had and how her mood was when you went your separate ways.


Was she okay when you left her? Did you do or say anything to annoy her?


Was there a conflict that you left unresolved? Was it your first date with her?


Answer those questions before you go deeper into this article.


If she wasn’t okay the last time you left her she may be mad at you.


You left things tense, you didn’t do anything to apologize to her and show her that you are sorry for what happened.


She doesn’t want to meet you because she is still mad at you.


Your girlfriend doesn’t want to meet you since she is still mad at you but she doesn’t want to tell you about it.


It can be that you just didn’t make any point to apologize to her about what happened.


You assumed that she was okay when you went your separate ways. She took it to heart.


She keeps making excuses not to see you because she is just mad at you.


This is how girls behave most of the time. You will ask her if she is okay, and she will tell you she is doing great, but that is not the case.


If there was a conflict that you left unresolved, and now she keeps making excuses not to see you, this is happening because she is still mad at you.


On the other hand, if it was the first date and now she has been making excuses not to see you, it’s clear that she never liked you.


She is giving you excuses not to see you because she doesn’t want to tell you the truth about how she feels about you.


6. She is distancing herself from you.

If she keeps making excuses not to see you it’s because she is distancing herself from you.


she keeps making excuses not to meet me

When a girl is distancing herself from you, she will never make an effort to be around you.


You will ask her out on dates but she will keep cancelling and rescheduling them.


A woman will distance herself from you for so many reasons.


If I start listing and explaining these reasons, it will be another topic of its own.


Your girlfriend may be distancing herself from you because she is not happy to be with you, she wants to cut you off, she is losing interest in you, she wants your attention and so many more reasons.


If your girlfriend wants to distance herself from you for any reason, the first thing she will do is limit your meet-ups and slowly cut off the communication.


Have you noticed any unusual behaviour from her?


Is she talking to you frequently the way she used to?


Is she picking up your calls?


If she has changed the way she used to communicate with you plus the excuse she keeps making not to meet you, it’s clear that she is distancing herself from you.


She knows that if she doesn’t show up on these dates, your bond will weaken and she will get a chance to cut you off for good.


It’s kinda a way of breaking up with you without even you knowing that she is doing it.



If your girlfriend keeps making excuses not to see it shows that she doesn’t want to meet you.


She doesn’t want to tell you the truth. If a woman wants to meet you, no matter how busy she is, she will do everything she can to meet you.


The excuses she has been giving you are just meant to confuse you. She doesn’t want you to know what she is thinking about.


Something is going on, but she still wants to keep you around. The moment what she is working on out there goes through, she will end up walking away from you.


So, if she keeps making excuses not to see you, her communication with you is limited and she doesn’t treat you the way she used to, just know that she is about to leave you.


She is into someone else, very soon, she will walk away from you.


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  2. Is It Okay To Let Your Girlfriend Go Clubbing? 
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  4. My Girlfriend Wants To Go On A Trip With A Male Friend 
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