Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Pay For Everything

If your girlfriend wants you to pay for everything this may be driving you nuts. Especially if you are struggling financially it will be hard for you to pay for everything.


In this article, I will share with you some of the reasons why your girlfriend wants you to pay for everything.


Some of these reasons are already making sense while others will leave you blown away.


Money issues in a relationship are a very sensitive topic. If you are not careful enough, you might find yourself in a worse condition.


So, without wasting time, let me share some of the reasons why she wants you to pay for everything.


This is why your girlfriend wants you to pay for everything;

1. She is struggling financially.

She is struggling financially and that is why she wants you to pay for everything.


she wants me to pay for everything

The first thing you should know is that she is not capable of paying for anything and that is why she wants you to do it for her.


If she never told you that she is struggling financially, you should take this as a sign that she isn’t capable of taking care of herself financially.


When you came into her life, it was a blessing for her. She knew you would be there to support her financially and that is why now she wants you to pay for everything.


She knows you have a job, she knows you make good money from it and that is why she wants you to pay for everything.


It can also be that before you started dating her, you were showing her that you were capable of taking care of her financially.


Just to get her to admit you in her life easily. She did it!


You were giving her money even when she didn’t ask for it, you bought for her expensive things and took her to amazing resorts and restaurants.


All these things made her realize that you are the perfect guy to pay for everything she needs.


She has won a trophy! You are exactly the type of guy she wanted all along and that is why she wants you to pay for everything.


Your girlfriend is in a worst situation right now, she depends on you to pay for everything.


If you look at her closely, you will find out that she doesn’t have a job, or if she has one, it cannot provide her with enough income to support her family.


She may be the firstborn in her family or the only girl who cares about her family.


All the money she earns from her gig goes to her family and she is left with nothing.


She knows that you are capable of helping her financially, paying her bills, and paying for everything she wants and that is why she wants you to do it.


If you know that your girlfriend is struggling financially to the extent that her life is miserable, you should know that this is the main reason why she wants you to pay for everything.


Where will she get the money to pay for everything she needs? You have to support her.


2. She thinks you have to pay for everything.

She thinks you must pay for everything and that is why she wants you to.


Women think differently. We have those who think that it’s a guy who is supposed to pay for everything.


You are her man that is why she thinks it’s your responsibility to pay for everything she needs.


She wants you to invest in her heavily because you own her for now.


Anyway, women in different countries have different perspectives when it comes to who should spend money on the other.


In the USA couples are into the fifty-fifty financial split while in Latin America women expect men to pay for everything.


In Kenya – where I am from, women will ask a man to pay for everything when they know he is capable of doing it. It depends on so many situations.


Where is your woman coming from?


So, if your girlfriend has the mentality that you should pay for everything because it’s your responsibility as her man, she will always ask you to do it.


She will never pay for anything when has this mentality about this issue. Even if she has a thousand dollars in her purse, she will always depend on you to pay for everything she needs.


When your girlfriend looks at you as a guy who is supposed to pay for everything she needs and take care of her in every way so that she doesn’t have to, she will want you to pay for everything.


Also, it’s possible that in her previous relationships, she had so many guys who used to pay for everything.


This made her believe that a man always has to pay for everything in a relationship and that is why she wants you to do it.


3. She wants you to spend money on her.

If your girlfriend wants you to pay for everything, it’s because she wants you to spend money on her.


It can be that since you got together, you never bought her anything or spent money on her.


She always spends money on herself and buys herself anything she needs.


Not once, did she ask you to buy her anything or ask you to give her money?


Today, she has decided that she wants you to spend money on her and that is why she wants you to pay for everything.


She wants you to open your wallet today and buy her everything she wants.


It’s also possible she wants to look at how you will respond when she tells you that you should pay for everything.


Has she ever spent money on you? If she did, how many times did she spend it on you?


If your girlfriend has been spending money on you but you have never done it, she may be asking you to pay for everything to make things even.


She also wants to see you treating her for once. If what I am talking about here is true and she has only asked you once to pay for everything, it’s just that she wants to see her guy spending money on her.


This is what will make her feel great and a sense of financial security when she is around you.


Women often want to feel that you can be there for them when they need you in the future.


Other women will ask you to pay for everything because it just feels good looking at you taking care of them.


4. She doesn’t want to work at all.

This is another situation that you should know about. She wants you to pay for everything, right?


Does she have a means of supporting herself financially?


my girlfriend wants me to pay for everything

Is she doing anything to pay for the essential things she wants?


Is she ambitious and a hard-working woman?


These are some of the questions you should find the answers to if you want to know why she wants you to pay for everything.


If she is lazy and unmotivated, this could be the reason why she wants you to pay for everything.


She is not ambitious, she is not hardworking and she is super lazy. When your girlfriend doesn’t push herself to work on anything that is going to drive her income, she just doesn’t want to work.


Sometimes she looks at you and sees how ambitious you are. You are also busy trying to make ends meet.


When she thinks about it, you make enough money for both of you and that is why she doesn’t feel like she should tire herself hustling when she knows you have everything covered.


It can be that you gave her the impression that she doesn’t have to work at all.


She should just relax and let you take care of her and that is why she wants you to pay for everything she needs.


It stuck in her head that you should be there for her, pay for everything she wants and she will be a loving woman to you.


That is what is going on right now. It can also be that you don’t remember but you told her that you can take care of her and she doesn’t need to worry.


She wants you to pay for everything because you once told her you would take care of her.


She doesn’t want to do anything that will stress and tire her. You have been there for her so she doesn’t see a point in her finding a job at all.


So, if she doesn’t work, there is no way she will be able to pay for anything she wants.


She will always want you to pay for everything because she doesn’t earn anything.


On the other hand, she doesn’t want to find a job because she is lazy and unmotivated.


5. She is using you.

She wants you to pay for everything. How long has she been asking you to pay for everything?


she wants you to pay for everything

When you started dating, did she used to ask you to pay for everything? How long has been this going on?


You may be dating someone who came into your life because of your money and not because she loves you.


She accepted to be with you because of what you can offer and not because of how she feels about you.


The woman you love dearly may not be the person you think she is.


Hold up! I am not telling you to conclude that she is with you because she wants to use you financially.


Before you conclude that she is using you financially, continue reading if what I have to say will make sense of the kind of person she is to you.


If she doesn’t have any responsibilities and she has a good-paying job but she wants you to pay for everything ever since you started dating, this should let you know that she is just using you for your money.


She is taking advantage of how you feel about her to exploit you.


You don’t have a say over what she wants because you are too deep into her.


The only thing you do is obey her commands and pay for everything.


When you stop paying for what she wants, she threatens to break up with you to find someone who will pay for everything for her.


If this is something that is going on in your relationship, it’s clear that she is manipulating you.


She is using you because she knows there is no way you will pull away from her.


Deep down, she knows you don’t have a say over what she wants from you.


She knows you love her so much and you would want her to be snatched away by other guys.


Your feelings and devotion for her, she is using them to manipulate you.


Also, if she has always been asking you to give her money, yet there is nothing important she wants to do, she is just using.


If there is a business project she is working on and that is why right now she wants you to pay for everything she needs, that is understandable.


She is investing her money into something else that will benefit both of you in the future and that is why she wants you to support her for the time being.


But if that is not the case, she just wants you to pay for everything while she keeps her money intact, she using you for money.


If when you fail to pay for everything she wants she doesn’t want to see you around or handle you the way she used to when you were paying, this is a big red flag.


She is only with you for your money and it’s not that there is a genuine connection between the two of you.


This is what you should know.


A woman who is using you for money will always put money first. When you ask to meet her, she wants you to send her money, when you go out on a date with her, she will want you to pay for everything and when you want her to come over to your house, she will need money.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why She Doesn’t Want To Come Over (+What To Do)


There is no day she will spend her money to do something for you. She will never buy you anything you need.


So, if what I am talking about here is true, your girlfriend is just using you for money and that is why she always wants you to pay for everything.



If you have found out that your girlfriend is using you for money, you will have no other choice but to leave her.


The truth is that she doesn’t love you at all, she is with you because you can support her financially.


When you stop paying for everything she wants, she will walk away from you and find someone else who will pay for what she wants.


On the other hand, if you have found out that your girlfriend wants you to pay for everything because she doesn’t have the means to support herself, you will have no choice but to do it.


You will have to take care of her for the time being while you teach her ways to make money.


If there are any skills you can share with her that will help her make money and be independent, you should do it.


As long as she is hardworking and ready to make her cash, she will be willing to work hard and support herself and not always rely on you to pay for everything she wants.


If she doesn’t want to work, she doesn’t want to try anything at all that will make her money, the choice is yours.


You either choose to let her go or always be the guy who pays for everything she wants.


Related reads;

  1. 5 Reasons Why She Wants You To Meet Her Parents
  2. Chase Money Not Women: This Is Why
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  4. My Girlfriend Keeps Making Excuses Not To See Me: Why?
  5. Why Your Girlfriend Is Private And A Secretive Person 

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