My Girlfriend Pays More Attention To Other Guys: Do This

If your girlfriend pays more attention to other guys than you, there is something you have to do.


Letting this go on, will only ruin your relationship with her. You are her boyfriend, she has to pay attention to you and not the other guys.


As a man, it hurts you so bad. I know it. You are searching for a way to make her pay more attention to you than the other guys.


There are several things I will share with you in this article, that will change everything.


If your girlfriend is paying attention to other guys because of some of the things I will talk about, you will be able to change her.


Your girlfriend is paying more attention to other guys than you because she finds these guys incredible. These guys make her tick, so she pays more attention to them.


They are the kind of guys that she wants to hang out with, talk a lot with, and even spend more time with them than she does with you.


These guys are cool!


Anyway, that may not be the case. It can be that your girlfriend is bored being around you.


There is nothing new you bring to the table. You keep on doing and saying the same things over and over.


She is bored and that is why she is not paying more attention to you at all.


Without wasting time, let me share what you can do about this problem to end up making your girlfriend pay more attention to you.


This is what to do when your girlfriend pays more attention to other guys;

1. Don’t overreact and cause a mess.

If your girlfriend pays more attention to other guys, this can light up a fire within you.


The first thing you might end up thinking is that your girlfriend is interested in these guys.


And maybe she will end up cheating on you with them.


You may end up confronting your girlfriend and start accusing her of cheating on you with these guys.


So, don’t do anything that may cause a conflict between the two of you.


This is not something that should cause an argument.


Stay cool and handle this issue maturely in a way that will make her realize she is not doing the right thing.


2. Try to understand why she pays more attention to other guys.

You have to find out why she pays more attention to other guys than you these days.


I know when you guys started dating things were not like this. She used to notice you.


But as time passed by she started paying more attention to other guys than you.


There must be a reason why she started paying more attention to other guys.


When you know why she does it, it will be very easy for you to fix this issue once and for all.


Before you start pointing out all the issues on her as you are trying to find out, you have to check yourself first.


It can be that you might be the problem here and that is why this happens.


If there is something you are doing that makes your girlfriend pay more attention to other guys, work that issue out.


You can find out why your girlfriend pays attention to other guys by being closer to her.


This is not the time for you to distance yourself because she hurts you by what she does.


For you to understand her, you will have to get closer to her and observe why she does the things she does.


If she pays more attention to other guys than you, what exactly in other guys makes her pay attention to them?


Is it how they are dressed?

Are the other guys doing things that your girlfriend is interested to see in them?


Is your girlfriend paying attention to other guys because you don’t pay attention to her?


Are the other guys closer to your girlfriend than you are?


What makes her pay more attention to them than you?


When you find the right answer to this question, that is when you will be able to work out this problem.


If you can’t find out why she pays more attention to other guys than you, don’t be afraid to talk to her about it.


You just ask her indirectly so that she doesn’t start insinuating that you are asking her those kinds of questions because you are so insecure and jealous.


She might end up turning the plate on you.


These are the kinds of questions you can ask her to find out why she pays more attention to other guys than you;

  1. Am I the same person you fell in love with?
  2. What would you like me to change?
  3. Are you happy with how I handled things between the two of us?
  4. Can you let me teach you something that you need to know?


These are just a few questions you can ask her, the main reason behind these questions is just to make her open up to you if she is willing to get closer to you or not.


For her to do the things you will ask her, she will have to pay attention to you.


3. Resolve any problems between the two of you.

Your girlfriend may be paying more attention to other guys than you because there is a problem between the two of you.


she pays more attention to other guys what should i do

You are not on good terms and that is why she doesn’t notice you.


When a girl is mad at you for something you did, she will hardly want to pay attention to you.


She will ignore you, she will suddenly change how she handles you and she might start to distance herself from you.


So, if you know that there is a problem between the two of you that you haven’t resolved, this is the time to start working on it.


You have to work out your problems if you want her to pay attention to you.

How can she pay attention to you when she is not happy being around you?


You should apologize to her if you did something to hurt her feelings.


If there is a misunderstanding; which happens all the time in a relationship, you have to find a way to work it out.


She will realize that you are trying to work things out and she will start paying attention to the things you do.


This is what you should do if your girlfriend pays more attention to other guys than you.


4. Add excitement to the relationship.

If you keep boring your girlfriend don’t expect her to pay more attention to you at all.


It can be that she now pays more attention to other guys because you don’t excite her at all.


You have been too busy with your work to the extent of forgetting about your girlfriend.


She needs attention you know. I understand that you are chasing your goals so that you turn things around.


But you should understand that the moment you stop doing things in your relationship, your girlfriend will change.


Once in a while, you have to remind your girlfriend that you still care about her. You have to show her that you notice her no matter how busy you are.


You can do that by adding excitement to your relationship.


Stop being predictable to your girlfriend. The moment she least expects you to cook her dinner that is when you should do it.


Call her in the middle of the day and invite her to a restaurant of your liking without her even realizing about it.


Do things that will add up some heat in the relationship and spice things up.


You are her man, make her yearn for you more than she has ever done.


Be the romantic guy she fell in love with if you want her to pay more attention to you than the other guys.


Give her something to think about when you are not close to her. These are some of the things you can do to make her pay more attention to you than the other guys.


5. Make your girlfriend notice you more than the other guys.

Your girlfriend is paying more attention to other guys than you because she doesn’t notice you.


You have to do things that will make her notice you. It’s easier for you because you guys are in a relationship.


It’s not that you are trying to win her. You already have her in your life and making her pay attention to you is super easy.


When you start working on your relationship, putting effort into it, trying different things when you are around each other, and even working out.


These are some of the things that will make your girlfriend start noticing you.


She will pay more attention to you when you start changing into a better version of yourself.


For instance, if you start working out, which is something she never expects you to do, she will ask herself lots of questions.


She will want to know why you have started working out and this will be one step closer to achieving your goal.


You want her to pay attention to you, right? This is what you have to do.


Make a change within yourself in an area that will interest your girlfriend if you want her to pay more attention to you than the other guys.


Change the way you dress, focus on improving your skills, sharpen the way you communicate with her, and improve yourself in every possible way you can.


This is what will make your girlfriend start noticing you more than the other guys.


She will start to be interested in what you do, she will always want to talk to you because you are not the guy she used to know.


By doing the things I have shared with you in this section of this article, you will make her pay attention to you.


6. Let your girlfriend know what you feel about what she does.

This is the last thing you should do if your girlfriend pays more attention to other guys than you.


she pays attention to other guys

You have to be honest about how you feel about what she does. If you have tried everything in this article to make her pay more attention to you than the other guys but nothing has worked, you will have to talk to her.


Let her know how you feel about her paying more attention to other guys when you are next to her.


It can be that she does this without knowing how much this hurts you.


Also, she may even have no idea if she is doing this at all and you are the only one noticing it.


If your girlfriend is not doing this to hurt you intentionally, she will realize the mistake she made and change herself.


She will apologize for hurting your feelings and she will do the right thing.


After all, she is your woman, you can turn things in your favor.


But if your girlfriend is paying more attention to other guys with the intention of hurting you, this will come up from the response she will give you.


When you tell her that what she does affects you, she will react negatively and this might even turn out to be a huge fight.


The only thing you have to do when she is doing this intentionally is just to ignore her and focus on yourself.


Don’t pay any attention to her, cut off the communication and see how she will react.


If she won’t change, you will have no choice but to find someone else who will pay attention to you and not other guys.


Your girlfriend isn’t interested in you anymore. She is just pushing time with you.




Your girlfriend should pay more attention to you than other guys because you are together.


She has to understand the connection between the two of you.


If your girlfriend is paying more attention to other guys than you, there is always a reason.


You have to find out why and fix the problem between the two of you.


If you don’t pay attention to your girlfriend; you don’t compliment her, you don’t put effort into the relationship, and you don’t give her reassurance that you notice her this is the time to change that.


She will only pay more attention to you if you also do the same. When you notice her presence she will also do the same. She is your woman, handle her the right way.


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