Why Your Girlfriend Is Private And A Secretive Person 

You are trying to understand why your girlfriend is secretive but there are different thoughts trying to hit you from every side. 


You have been observing her but you feel like there is more going on. 


In this article, I will share with you some tips that are going to change your mind about what you think of your girlfriend. 


It can be that your girlfriend has been secretive and a private person since you met her. 


You don’t understand and it’s hard for you to get around what she does. 


Also, it can be that she just recently changed, she is secretive and a private person that you have never seen before. 


It will be hard for you to understand what is going on with her unless I explain to you what goes on. 


Without wasting time, let me explain why your girlfriend is secretive and a private person. 


This is why your girlfriend is secretive and a private person; 

1.  She is hiding something from you. 

Your girlfriend is so secretive but she has never been like that before.


she is a secretive person

She is a different person and you are always trying harder to understand why she behaves that way but you have no clue. 


The first reason why your girlfriend is secretive and a private person right now is because she is hiding something from you. 


You should conclude that your girlfriend is hiding something from you if this is a habit that has recently emerged.


She just suddenly started acting private and she doesn’t want to involve you in anything she is doing as she used to. 


A while ago, you guys used to share everything that was going on. 


Now she doesn’t tell you anything at all. She keeps all the things to herself. You have no details of what she has been dealing with. 


When you talk to her about it, she acts cool like nothing is going on and there is nothing you need to know about what she is up to. 


The truth is that your girlfriend is hiding something from you and that is why she is behaving like this. 


If there was nothing to hide at all, she wouldn’t have been acting the way she does right now. 


2. Your girlfriend doesn’t want to open up to you. 

This is another reason why your girlfriend is secretive and a private person.  


Your girlfriend doesn’t want to open up to you and that is why she is acting this way. 


She knows that if she shares with you what is going on it will be easier to know what she is thinking about or going through. 


Opening up to each other in a relationship is an important part that every couple should play. 


It strengthens the relationship and builds the foundation of trust between partners. 


Your girlfriend is secretive and a private person because she knows when she lets you see everything she is doing and going through you will be curious. 


You will want to know everything she is doing about the situation she is facing right now. 


This will force her to open up about everything that she is doing currently. 


Your girlfriend is keeping things to herself because she doesn’t want to open up to you. 


It can be that she doesn’t want to open up to you because she doesn’t want to burden you. 


She looks at you and notices that you are already dealing with a lot of problems. 


There are a lot of things that need your attention and energy and they are draining you up already. 


She keeps everything going on in her life secretive because she doesn’t want to stress you since you are already dealing with enough. 


You have enough on your plate and she doesn’t want to be the reason you break down. 


And that is why she is acting so secretive and being private all the time. 


The other thing is that she doesn’t want to open up because recently you have done or said something that made her uncomfortable to open up. 


For your girlfriend to open up to you, she has to feel comfortable around you. 


She has to be at ease to share what she is dealing with.


But if you did or said anything that made it harder for her to find that comfort in talking to you about what she is going through, she will always be secretive and a private person. 


You will hardly know what is going on in your girlfriend’s life. 


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You? 


3. She doesn’t trust you to let everything open. 

Trust is something delicate in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if it’s a romantic relationship or just a normal relationship. 


girlfriend is a secretive person

The moment trust in a relationship is broken, it’s so damn hard to fix.


When your girlfriend doesn’t trust you because of something you did or said, she will always be secretive. 


She will be a private person and secretive because she doesn’t want to let everything open for you to see and know what is going on. 


When it comes to trust, you can spend years building it but it can broken by a few words or actions. 


One lie and there is no trust between the two of you. 

One wrong act, there is no trust. 


So, sit down and think hard about what you did or said that made her not trust you enough to keep everything open. 


What did you do or say that made your girlfriend question everything you are doing? 


She is secretive because she doesn’t want you to know anything that is going on in her life. 


Is it because you shared sensitive information about her with your friends or her family? 


Did you do something to break the trust between the two of you? 


Your girlfriend doesn’t trust you enough to open up and that is why she is secretive and the private person you see now. 


4. She enjoys her space and privacy. 

It can be that your girlfriend likes being secretive and a private person because she enjoys it. 


She likes it when she is the only one who has the details about everything that is going on in her life. 


She is the kind of person who likes to keep things to herself. The part of her opening up and sharing what she is going through doesn’t excite her. 


When she shares everything she is going through, there’s no mystery. You will look at her and see everything plain. 


The way she behaves around you will give you a clear idea of what she dealing with right now. 


Your girlfriend doesn’t want you to see her like this. She enjoys it when you have no idea of what is going on in her life. 


She enjoys it when you keep guessing whether things are going the way she likes or not. 


The little mystery is what she wants you to remain with. 


This is one of the reasons why your girlfriend is secretive and a private person. 


You may be wondering what is there to enjoy about this. The simple things that may sound meaningless to you, are super meaningful to someone else. 


We all enjoy different things, for her it’s her space and privacy. 


What I know is that it’s normal for a person to enjoy his or her personal space. 


There is a moment when you don’t like to open up to someone about everything that is going on. 


It’s not because it’s wrong, but it’s because you enjoy keeping things to yourself for a while. 


This is something the same with your girlfriend. 


5. Your girlfriend thinks you are hiding something from her. 

What you need to know is that trust is a two-way thing, you have to trust me for me to trust you too. 


It’s the same principle that applies to every relationship. If you give, you will also be given. 


If you have been secretive because you don’t share anything that is going on in your life, your girlfriend might end up doing the same thing. 


She will find no need to open up to you about the issues she is dealing with if you are not ready to talk about yours. 


So, if your girlfriend thinks you are hiding something she will always start to keep things to herself. 


It can be that you have been doing something that makes her think you are hiding something from her and that is why she is acting the way she does right now. 


There is no way to solve this unless you start opening up to your girlfriend about everything that is going on if you want her to change. 


When your girlfriend thinks you are holding something out, she will also not feel so comfortable putting everything on the table. 


6. It’s her personality (it’s who she is) 

What you need to know is that there are people who can’t help but be secretive around other people even those they trust. 


They can’t help it because it’s who they are. It’s their personality and there is nothing they can do about it. 


You may ask them to be open about what is going on, they will agree with you but it will be hard for them to do what you have asked them to. 


It’s possible that your girlfriend has secretive personality disorder. 


People with paranoid personality disorder are characterized as being secretive and private. 


Schizoid personality disorder is considered to be a personality that is characterized as being secretive. 


So, if your girlfriend has been this way since you met her, it’s possible that it’s who she is. 


The only thing you can do is learn how to handle her with her current situation. 




When your girlfriend is secretive you have to find out why she is behaving that way if she was never like that. 


Figure out the cause of why she is acting like that and find a way to fix it. 


But if since you met her, this is how she has been always, the only thing you have to do is learn how to handle her. 


Don’t push her to open up to you about everything that is going on because you will only make things worse. 


She will end up feeling like you are invading her privacy and this might bring an end to your relationship. 


If you did anything that made your girlfriend find it hard to open up to you, you will have no choice but to make her feel at ease around you again. 


Related reads; 

  1. What To Text Her When She Is Out With Her Friends
  2. My Girlfriend Keeps Saying She’s Ugly: Do This
  3. Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Date Someone Else
  4. When A Girl Says She Just Wants To Have Fun: It Means?
  5. My Girlfriend Wants To Take Things Slow: 6 Reasons Why

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