My Girlfriend Wants To Take Things Slow: 6 Reasons Why

Your girlfriend wants to take things slow, you don’t know what she meant by telling you that and why she would say something like that when she already accepted to be with you.


There are several reasons why your girlfriend wants to take things slow.


Some of these reasons might even surprise you. Sit tight because we are about to dive too deep into this topic.


Before I share why your girlfriend wants to take things slow, this is something you need to understand.


What does it mean when a girl says she wants to it slow?

When a girl says she wants to take it slow it means that she doesn’t want to move fast into the relationship. She doesn’t want to commit immediately since she wants to figure out what she wants from the relationship and if she is sure about you.


You don’t have to worry about why she told you that she wants to take it slow.


She said she wants to take it slow because she doesn’t want to risk going too deep into the relationship yet she isn’t sure what she wants out of it.


There are several reasons why she wants to take things slow, but it doesn’t include her not having feelings for you.


So, if you were worried that she doesn’t have feelings for you, then take it off your chest.


If she wanted nothing to do with you she wouldn’t have given you a shot.


The fact that she made it clear she wants to take it slow, shows that she is willing to give it a shot.


Without wasting time, let me share why she wants to take things slow.


This is why your girlfriend wants to take things slow;

1. She doesn’t want to rush into the relationship.

Your girlfriend wants to take things slow because she doesn’t want to move too fast into the relationship.


what does it mean when she wants to take things slow

This is not a bad thing at all. You shouldn’t think that she doesn’t want anything to do with you.


She wants to take things slow so that you don’t end up destroying the relationship within weeks.


It can be that she has realized you are moving too fast into that relationship.


And that is not how relationships are supposed to move.


Moving fast into a relationship will only result in its failure.


Before you move into a relationship, there are several things you have to be sure about.


You have to know each other better, find out if you are all on the same page, and if you are compatible with each other.


When you move too fast into a relationship by getting into the major things like intimacy, moving in together, and engagement without even taking time to see if you vibe, you are all setting up the relationship for failure.


Your girlfriend is trying to avoid all these issues I am talking about and that is why she wants to take things slow.


It’s not advisable to move the relationship fast because things can get overwhelming.


And you might end up failing to know what you truly want from the relationship and each other.


2. She wants time to get to know you better.

Your girlfriend wants to get to know you better and that is why she wants to take things slow.


She wants to know the kind of guy you are, how you will handle each other, and the kinds of things you are interested in.


Your girlfriend doesn’t want to get too deep into the relationship with you if she doesn’t know the kind of person you are.


It’s a good thing that before one enters a relationship fully, he or she has to know the person she/he wants to spend his/her life with.


Your girlfriend wants to take things slow because she doesn’t want to rush into the relationship and it turns out that you are not the person she wants to be with.


She has feelings for you, she is ready to take the journey with you but she needs to know you better.


She is doing all this to understand your needs, how you should be handled, and what she can bring to the table.


It will be impossible for her to get to know you better when she is too deep into the relationship because she won’t be able to focus on understanding you.


She is afraid that she might be consumed by the big commitment and lost in love in that relationship.


Other things at that moment won’t make sense and that is why she wants to get to know you better before it reaches that point.


3. She wants to know your expectations in that relationship.

Your girlfriend wants to take things slow because she wants to know your expectations.


She wants to know what you truly want from her and the relationship at large.


Your girlfriend wants to know your drive.


Are you interested in her or do you just want to use her?

What kind of relationship are you working towards?


What are your short and long-term goals in the relationship?


These are some of the things your girlfriend wants to know before she gets too deep into the relationship.


There is nothing wrong with this, so you shouldn’t worry at all. But if you entered the relationship with the wrong expectations she will end up finding out.


When she finds out that your expectations are not the right ones, she will end up breaking up with you even before the relationship reaches so far.


So, if you wanted to be with her mainly because you liked what you saw, you are in for her body and not who she is, she will notice that from miles away.


When she notices that you only want her for her body and it’s not love that exists, she will walk away.


Your girlfriend is mature and she knows that it’s always best to get to know if your expectations in the relationship align or not.


That is what she is trying to determine.


4. She wants to be sure about the relationship.

Your girlfriend wants to take the relationship slowly because she thinks she might have made a rushed decision.


She still wants to find out if it’s lust that drove her to you or if it’s something else.


Your girlfriend wants to be sure about what she feels for you before she settles into the relationship.


She is trying to find out that she is in a relationship with you for the right reasons and that it’s what she truly wants.


It can be that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be with you or not, but since you vibe and connect she thought she should give you a shot.


Now, before you go too deep into the relationship, she wants to know that you are the person she wants in her life.


She wants to be sure if there is a serious relationship between the two of you before you can get into it.


This is why wants to take things slow for her to be sure enough about the relationship.


It can be that she doesn’t know if she should be with you or not, she is stalling to figure out if with you it’s where she should be.


She wants to be sure that she has made the right decision allowing you into her life.


You have to give her time to be sure if she wants to be in that relationship or not so that she doesn’t change her mind when you have fallen too deep for her.


That will only end up hurting you too much because you expected so much from someone who wasn’t too deep into you.


5. She has unfinished businesses she is dealing with.

Your girlfriend hasn’t finished what she is dealing with and that is why she wants to take things slow.


when she wants to take things slow

She wants to ensure that she finishes all the things that will take her focus away from the relationship.


Right now, she has a lot to deal with and that is why she wants you to give her time to handle other issues before she settles down with you.


She won’t tell you that she has unfinished business. She knows that by telling you to take things slow you would understand that there are issues she needs to handle.


It can be that there is a guy who wanted to be with her, they were close but she was still figuring things out when you came in and took her.


She found that her connection with you is greater compared to the connection she had with the other guy.


Now she is trying to cut off the other connection with the other guy slowly so that she can give you a shot with her.


Your girlfriend doesn’t want to be too deep into you and then later on she realizes that you are not the guy she wants to be with.


So, if she tells you that she wants to take things slow, let her have it her way because you don’t want to find yourself on the wrong side.


Give her time to work on her issues before she settles down with you if you don’t want drama when you are fully settled in that relationship.


6. She is afraid to get hurt.

Your girlfriend wants to take things slow because she is afraid to get her heart crashed into pieces.


She doesn’t want to fall too fast in love with you because she has had bad experiences in the past.


If she has ever told you how hard it’s for her to trust someone and the painful past she had in her previous relationships you should understand that she is trying to protect her heart.


She doesn’t want to get hurt and that is why she wants to take things slow.


You can’t blame your girlfriend for wanting to take things slow, it can be that she is also trying to protect your feelings.


Most of us guys want to rush into relationships as long as we find the woman attractive.


For men, we love what we see, and taking caution is never our strong suit.


Your girlfriend is battling ways of how she can trust you and how she can protect herself when things go sideways.


If it’s when you have started dating, you should understand that your girlfriend is afraid to get hurt.


She has been through a rough experience, so don’t rush things when she tells you that she wants to take it slow.


What you should focus on is showing her that you are not like the rest of the guys she has been with by showing the positive side of things to her.


Your words and actions should show her that you are ready to be with her and not just use and dump her.


Give her your assurance through actions and words. This is what will help her to be confident enough that she is with the right guy.




When your girlfriend wants to take things slow, you should respect that. Don’t rush things when she tells you not to because that will give her the red flags.


She wants to be sure that you are the right guy she wants to be with. Your girlfriend is protecting her heart and yours too.


If your intentions with her are not good, she will see you from miles away. She is a mature woman and she is searching for a serious relationship that she can settle in.


So, if you wanted someone for a one-time thing, she is not the woman you should focus on.


But if you want someone who is ready to settle down and start a foundation of a strong relationship, this is the woman you should stick to.


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