Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Date Someone Else

Your girlfriend wants you to date someone else! I know this is something that you don’t understand.


Why should your girlfriend suggest something like this?

Is she serious about your relationship?


There is a reason why she wants you to find another girl. I will share everything so that you understand why she would allow you to do such a thing.


Can you allow your girlfriend to date another guy while you are still with her?


If not, why won’t you let that happen? The answers to this question will give you an idea of how ridiculous such an idea is.


There are reasons why your girlfriend wants you to date someone else.


Without wasting time, let me share why she wants you to find another girl.


This is why your girlfriend wants you to date someone else;

1. She doesn’t love you at all.

Your girlfriend wants you to date someone else because she doesn’t love you at all.


my girlfriend wants me to date someone else

This is the first reason that should come into your mind.


It’s a hard thing for a woman who is in love with you to ask you to date someone else.


Women are jealous and possessive.  Your girlfriend would be so mad at you for just complimenting another girl.


Now, think of dating another girl!


When your girlfriend wants you to date another girl it’s because the connection between the of you is weak.


She doesn’t feel you like she used to and that is why she is giving you such an option.


Your girlfriend has lost interest in you, she doesn’t find it an issue if another woman takes her space.


You should conclude that your girlfriend is no longer in love with you if she has changed lately.


The way your girlfriend has been handling you before she told you to find someone else says a lot about what she feels for you.


If she never gave you attention, disrespected you, never cared for you, hurt you intentionally, and even did things to show you that she is over you, this is clear that she doesn’t want you anymore.


This is the main reason why she told you to date someone else.


But if she has been treating you nicely, there hasn’t been a change to how she treats you, she respects you but she suddenly told you to find someone else, there is more to it.


Continue reading the article to get to know one of the main reasons why she wants you to date someone else.


2. She wants to end the relationship.

If you have observed that your girlfriend is no longer in love with you through how she handles you, this should tell you that she wants to end the relationship.


She wants you to date someone else because she doesn’t want to be with you.


That is the truth! She is telling you that she wants to end the relationship with you but indirectly.


There is more to what she told you, but this is one of the reasons she wants you to date someone else.


So, if your relationship with her has been through lots of challenges that weakened it, put you through trials that you couldn’t handle, and hurt each other, just know that she wants to end the relationship.


She knows that when she directly tells you that she wants to break up with you, she might end up hurting your feelings and that is what she is trying to avoid.


There are so many reasons why she wants to end the relationship with you, but she doesn’t want to do it directly.


3. She wants an open relationship.

If your girlfriend wants you to date someone else yet she is so into you, your relationship is in good shape and you both commit to each other, this should let you know that she wants an open relationship.


There is no need for her to tell you to find someone else if your relationship with her is in good standing.


Why would she tell you to find another girl yet you are still together?

What does that suggest?


Your girlfriend is giving you the freedom to date other girls while you are still with her because she also wants to date other guys.


There is no way she will let you hit on other girls, yet she remains loyal to you.


If you hit them, she will also get along with other dudes she finds attractive.


Your girlfriend telling you to date another girl is one way of telling you that she wants an open relationship.


She is just telling you indirectly. So, it’s up to you to decide whether it’s something you are willing to do or not.


When it reaches a point your girlfriend tells you that, she has thought about it for a long time.


She now wants you to do it and it’s not that she is requesting your permission.


Your girlfriend has made up her mind about this.


4. She can’t give you what you want.

Your girlfriend wants you to date someone else because she can’t give you what you want.


It can be that you want to have kids, but she doesn’t want at the moment.


She loves you but she is not ready to give you what you want currently.


The only solution that she can think of is allowing you to be with another woman.


She is okay with that because she can’t give you what you want.


The above theory is just an example of how things are with women out there.


When a girl can’t give you what you want, but she still loves and cares about you, she will want to make it easier on you.


She knows your needs and what you care about. That is what she wants to fulfill because she is understanding.


If you solely focus on her there is no way she is going to give you what you need.


And that is why she wants you to date another woman.


I had a girlfriend who told me that she was ready to let me date another woman because she was not ready to make love with me.


She told me that she would still handle me like her boyfriend. The only thing she wouldn’t do is get in bed with me because it’s too early for her.


That is when I realized that a woman can ask you to date someone else who can give you what you really need when she can’t offer it.


So, if you want something from your girlfriend that she can’t offer to you and she ends up telling you to find another girl, this could be the main reason why she did so.


5. She has realized you aren’t compatible.

If you have been dating for a while and out of nowhere your girlfriend asks you to date someone else, this should let you know that she has realized you are not the type of guy she wants to be with.


She has observed and realized that you aren’t compatible. And she figured out that you can handle another type of girl but not her.


And that is why she wants you to date someone else and let her be alone.


Your girlfriend has realized that there is no way you are connecting, the relationship doesn’t feel right at all and she wants you to be happy.


This is true especially if you have been through constant issues in your relationship that never seem to end.


So, she is asking you to find another woman because she wants the best for you.


But on the other side, you should know that she is also letting you go.


Don’t think that there will still be a relationship between the two of you.


She will just friend zone you and that will be the end between the two of you.


6. When she thinks she is too good for you.

Your girlfriend will ask you to date someone else so that you slowly let her go.


when your girlfriend wants you to date someone else

When she thinks she is better than you in every way she will ask you to let her go.


She thinks that she deserves someone better than you.


You should understand the phrase she used. She told you to find someone else.


This means she is looking down on you. She doesn’t think you are good enough to be with her.


She is of a high class, and you are just a guy with nothing great that you can offer her.


Your girlfriend told you to date someone else to let you know that she is too good for you.


Another woman who is not her will be able to fit into what you can offer but not her.


She thinks she is too good for you. You should find a woman in your class.


You should conclude this if she has been complaining a lot when you put effort into the relationship but it doesn’t match her expectations.




If your girlfriend tells you to date someone else, the first thing you have to do is confront her. Let her tell you why she wants you to date another girl.


Her response is what will give you an idea of how you should handle what she has asked of you.


If she is telling you to date someone else simply because she no longer wants to be with you, there is nothing much you can do about it.


You will have to let her go because she already made the decision. If she wants you to find another girl because she wants an open relationship, it’s up to you to decide if that is what or not.


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