My Girlfriend Is Financially Dependent On Me: What To Do

Your girlfriend depends on you to help her financially, and she draining you. What should you do if she keeps asking you for money and asking you to buy her expensive?


Should you tell her that you will never support her simply because she is dependent on you?


The way you will handle this situation is what will either determine the end of your relationship or make it stronger.


In this article, I will share with you what to do if your girlfriend is financially dependent on you.


This is what to do if your girlfriend is financially dependent on you;

1. Find out why she is dependent on you.

The first thing you should do when your girlfriend is financially dependent on you is to find out why she is that way.


what should i do when my girlfriend wants money

Before you do or say anything you need to understand why she is always dependent on you.


When you know why she is always dependent on you, you will have an idea of how you will be able to help her out.


To be honest, if she is always depending on you to help her financially there will be a moment when you won’t be able to do it.


Today you may have the means to support your girlfriend financially, what about tomorrow when your budget doesn’t add up?


It will be hard for you to help her and this might result in complications in your relationship.


If you are struggling financially you won’t always be there to help her out.


You need to come up with a way you will help her out if you want her to stop depending on you financially.


Is your girlfriend dependent on you financially because she doesn’t have a job to do?


Why is she always asking you for money? Is she taking care of her family?


These are some of the questions you should ask her if you want to know why she always depends on you to help her financially.


She is your girlfriend, you have the right to talk to her about money issues.


If there is something that is going on that is draining her financially she will tell you about it.


On the other hand, if she only wants to drain you financially you will also know about it.


Observe your girlfriend’s life to understand why she is always depending on you to help her financially.


Get to know more about her family and her background.


The moment you know why she is depending on you financially it will be easier for you to help her out.


2. Help her find a job or a side hustle she can do.

If your girlfriend is financially dependent on you this is what you should do.


You will have no other choice but to help her find a job or a side hustle.


I am sure if she starts making money she won’t always ask you to buy her things, pay her bills, and ask you for money.


If you know that you will never always be able to support her you need to help her find a means to support herself financially.


Giving her money every month won’t help her to become financially independent.


You will be making her lazy because she will never think of finding a job to earn money.


She will always assume you will be there to help her if she needs money to buy things and pay for her bills.


What are you doing right now that you can teach her to work on?


If you know a side hustle she can manage with her skills you should help her find one.


If she is financially dependent on you simply because she doesn’t have a job you should help her get one.


It can be that she has documents she can use to find a job but she doesn’t have an idea of where you should start.


This is when you should sit down with her and help her out.


Teach her how she can work on her resume, help her to build a good profile of herself, figure out ways she can reach out to several companies applying for the jobs, and support her every step of the way.


This is what you should do if you want her to find a job so that she can support herself financially.


Share with her some tips she can implement to get the job she wants.


If there is a side hustle you can teach her to work on, this is the time you should introduce her to it also.


For instance, if you are a YouTuber or a writer, this is something that doesn’t require you to have diplomas and degrees.


You can teach her how to write articles and create content on her YouTube channel.


If she is serious about it and puts effort into she will start making money.


The whole point here is to make her rely on herself financially.


The moment she starts making enough money from her account she won’t rely on you to fund her.


She will support herself financially and even help you out when you are stranded.


This won’t happen if you don’t sit down and talk to her about it. Talk about the kind of life you want to build together and what it will take to get where you want to be.


These kinds of conversations are what will push your girlfriend to work on being independent and help you build your future.


This is what you should do if your girlfriend is financially dependent on you.


3. Let her know about your financial situation.

You came into this article because you want to find a way to help your girlfriend out.


she is financially dependent on me

She has been draining you financially but you don’t know what to do about it.


You can’t say no to her when she wants you to pay her bills and buy her things.


She asks you to pay her rent and so many other things she needs, though you aren’t financially stable.


You are taking care of her but you don’t make enough money to be there for her.


It can be that you don’t earn enough money to keep on paying her bills and buying her the things she needs.


Your girlfriend may be financially dependent on you because she thinks you like to support her.


You don’t want her to hustle and go through tough times when you are there for her.


What you should do right now is talk to her about your financial situation.


Maybe she thinks that you can support her financially and that is why she is dependent on you.


You have never told her that you are finding it harder to pay her bills and buy her the expensive things she wants.


She doesn’t know if you also have to pay your bills and take care of your family once in a while.


Talk to her about your financial status and be open about everything you are going through.


This might give her an idea of how hard it is for you to keep supporting her financially.


Talking to her about your situation may help her understand what you are going through and this might motivate her to find a means to support herself.


There is no need to pretend that you have it all covered when you are finding it hard to pay your bills.


I know you want to show her that you can care for her so that she feels financially secure when she is with you.


You can’t keep this up if you can’t pay your bills on time. If you don’t earn enough money to support her and pay her bills when she wants you to.


It’s okay for her to know that you are also going through a tough time to find the money she wants for her needs.


Be honest with her, if she loves you for who you are she always be there to help you out and support you in what you are doing.


But if she accepted to be with you because you are always giving her money and paying her bills, she will walk away from you.


4. Let her know that you won’t always be there to support her.

You need to tell your girlfriend the truth about your financial situation.


She needs to know that you won’t always be there to support her financially.


Today you have the means to take care of her financially but tomorrow that might not be the case.


You need to talk to her and prepare her for any possibilities in the future.


If is with you simply because of the financial aid you offer her, I want to let you know that she will walk away from you.


But if she is with you because she is genuinely in love with you she will understand you.


This kind of conversation might help her come up with a way to rely on herself when it comes to financial issues.


When your girlfriend knows that you won’t always be there for her, she will start thinking of a way to depend on herself.


Be honest with her and let her know that things won’t always be as they seem now.


This is what will open your girlfriend’s mind and she will be open to anything you will want her to do.


If it’s time for her to get a job she will start working on ways to secure a gig somewhere.


She will know that she has to be active and get out of her comfort zone to find a means to support herself.


You can’t teach her ways to support herself financially if she knows that you always be there for her.


When she realizes that you will always give her the money she wants to pay her bills she will be reluctant.


She will be super lazy to work on anything and she won’t even think out of the box.


This will keep her financially dependent on you no matter what you say to her.


5. Teach her how to be financially independent.

You can help your girlfriend secure a job or a side hustle, but she will continue to rely on you financially if she doesn’t know how to be financially independent.


my girlfriend depends on me to help her financially

You need to teach her ways she can manage her money. If she knows what she is required to do to maintain the cash flow she won’t come to you for money.


Please share with your girlfriend some tips that will help her save some money and earn more of it.


Let her know the techniques you use to manage your cash so that she can imply the same.


Share with her your spending habits and how she can apply the same to the money she earns.


Teach her the benefits of becoming financially independent and how it will help her achieve most of the things she wants in life.


Talk about your relationship goals and connect them to your financial goals; this will give her a reason to start working on herself to be the woman she wants to be.


Share with her the meaning of chasing the luxurious life you all see in the movies.


The moment you notice that she is not spending money the way she should be, talk to her about it.


These might not mean much to you but as time goes by your girlfriend will start adjusting to the life you want her to adopt.


This is the only way your girlfriend will stop depending on you financially.


The moment she knows what she has to do to become financially independent that is when she will stop asking you for financial help.



You need to find a way to make your girlfriend financially independent if you want her to stop depending on you.


There is no way she will stop relying on you if she doesn’t have a means of earning money.


If there is a gig you can teach her to work on, this is the time you should introduce it to her.


You need to push your girlfriend to be independent by working on the things that will enable her to make money.


To be honest, you won’t always be there for her. You will never be able to support her throughout if you are also struggling financially.


Don’t be afraid to talk to her about anything that is bothering you. If she needs money and you know that you are also on the tough side, let her know about your situation.


If she loves you for who you are but not for the support you offer her, she will understand you.


And this will be the reason for her to start working on what will enable her to be financially independent.


This is what you should do if your girlfriend is financially dependent on you.


When your girlfriend starts acting differently when you tell her the truth about your financial status; she is distancing herself from you, she no longer wants to hang out with you, she makes excuses not to see you and loses her respect for you, know that she wanted you for your money and not love.


What if the girlfriend refuses to find a job or a side hustle? If your girlfriend refuses to find a job or do a side hustle the only option you will have is to be honest with her about your situation. Let her know that you won’t always be there to pay her bills and she has no choice but to start working.


If she understands your situation and she is not with you just to exploit you, she will get in line. But if she is using you for money, she will leave you for someone else who can give her the financial aid she wants.


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  1. What To Do When Your Girlfriend Wants Constant Attention
  2. Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Pay For Everything
  3. What Does It Mean When A Girl Gives You Money?
  4. Chase Money Not Women: This Is Why
  5. 6 Reasons Why She Avoids Serious Conversations With You

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