6 Reasons Why She Avoids Serious Conversations With You

If she is avoiding serious conversations with you, something is going on. You need to find out why she does that before you find yourself in a mess.


Communication is important in a relationship. It’s through communication you will be able to solve most of the problems in a relationship.


The moment you notice your girlfriend is avoiding talking about topics that will lead to the growth of your relationship and your life in general, something fishy is going on.


In this article, I will share some of the reasons why she is avoiding serious conversations with you.


What you will learn in this article, will enable you to work things out between the two of you.


It can be your girlfriend or someone you are interested in. If she avoids serious conversations with you, you need to know why for you to navigate this issue the right way.


This is why she avoids serious conversations with you;

1. She is not serious about you.

When a woman avoids important conversations with you this is the first thing you should know.


she avoids serious conversations with you

She is not serious about you and that is why she does this.


Anyway, before you conclude that she is not serious about you, the first thing you should check on is the topic you want to talk about with her.


Are you trying to seduce her to be your girlfriend?


Are you talking about things that she needs to change to improve her life?


Do the issues you are talking about involve her making a decision that is good for both of you?


If the conversation you want to have with her involves her listening to you and making a change, it’s possible that she doesn’t take you seriously.


Apart from her not taking you seriously, she doesn’t respect and that is why this is happening.


The truth is that if she respected you she wouldn’t have been avoiding these important conversations with you.


She looks at you and thinks that you are not qualified to tell her anything.


This woman is looking down upon you and that is why she is avoiding serious conversations with you.


She is like, “Why should I sit down with you and talk about anything at all”


“You aren’t even smarter than”


“There is nothing you can tell me that I don’t already know about”


This is the attitude that she has and that is why she avoids all important conversations with you.


If a woman doesn’t take you seriously, this is what you will come across. She will never be willing to sit down with you and listen to anything you want to share with her unless it benefits her.


This is a sign that she doesn’t respect or value you. She just sees you like the other guys she is always talking to.


2. You are not on the same page.

This is another reason why she avoids serious conversations with you. You are not on the same page.


Your interests don’t align and that is why she doesn’t want to sit down and talk to you about anything important.


The truth is that if your interests aligned, she would have been more than willing to be around you, listen to you, and even contribute to what you want to share.


She is avoiding these conversations because she knows what will come out of it.


The decisions you will make when you sit down together to talk about the sensitive issues you want aren’t in her interest.


She has predicted what you are about to tell her and that is why she doesn’t want to sit down and listen to you at all.


Talking about anything with you will only be a waste of time for her and that is why she avoids anything sensitive you want to talk to her.


She avoids these conversations by giving you so many reasons why she can’t talk about what you want.


Read also; How To Tell If A Girl Is Making Excuses 


It can be that there is an issue you want to solve but she doesn’t want that.


She wants the tension between the two of you to keep on growing and that is why she doesn’t want to talk with you about anything.


On the other hand, it can be that you are interested in her. She is not interested in you.


She doesn’t want to tell you the truth about how she feels and that is why she is avoiding talking anything serious with you.


She isn’t into making peace with you, she doesn’t feel what you feel for her and nothing you want to share with her aligns with her interest, which is why she avoids serious conversations with you.


3. She wants to waste your time.

You may not have noticed this at all. She doesn’t want to talk to you about anything serious.


When she notices that you are changing the tone of the conversation she starts making excuses not to be around you.


She has been very close to you. You have known each other for a while but when you are about to open up to her, she changes the topic or makes excuses not to talk about what you want to.


If she is a woman you are interested in and all she does is avoid talking to you about how you feel for her, she is just wasting your time.


Women play hard to get when they want to waste your time or are not ready to submit to you yet.


They will do anything to waste your time so that you lose focus on what matters.


The truth is that when a woman keeps avoiding the sensitive topics you want to talk about with her for your benefit (win her) you will at one point lose focus on her.


You will even forget what you wanted to tell her and what you wanted from her.


She will be someone who is so close to you but your relationship will be undefined because you haven’t talked about anything important.


This is just putting you in the friend zone without you knowing about it.


You haven’t shared what you feel for her, you haven’t made your intentions to her clear, and nothing makes sense between the two of you.


This will make things even harder for you. You will find yourself wasting so much time but you will never tell her what you want to.


This is what she exactly wants from you. She wants to waste your time and waste you too.


These are the kinds of women who want to keep guys around because they benefit from them.


The longer it takes for you to get what you want from her the longer you will be around her.


She will finally get the chance to use you for attention and money.


So, before you conclude anything about her, look at how she handles you.


If she avoids letting you talk about what you feel for her but keeps you close, she just wants to waste your time and keep you around.


4. She is not a mature woman.

Women are complicated beings. You might be asking yourself so many questions why she doesn’t want to talk to you about anything serious.


It’s not that she doing it intentionally, she is not mature enough to comprehend what you want to talk about with her.


A mature woman isn’t defined by her age, what she does, and her social status.


You might be trying hard to get her to listen to you but she doesn’t understand the benefits of what you want to talk to her about.


She can’t think clearly about anything important right now other than the simple things she keeps handling every single day.


It can be that you want to talk to her about your future. You want to find a way to make your life easier and find a common ground to set things right but she doesn’t see that.


She is not mature and that is why she can’t make sense of what you are trying to talk about to her.


What you perceive as a significant course isn’t the same case with her.


So, if she has been handling herself like a kid around you, she hasn’t been good at making wise decisions and nothing makes sense in how she does everything, it’s clear that she isn’t mature enough.


A woman who isn’t mature will always give you a hard time when you are trying to put sense into her.


She will avoid any sensitive conversations with you because she doesn’t know its meaning.


The stage she is in doesn’t allow her to think so deeply about what you want to share with her.


You consider what you want to talk with her about is very important but she doesn’t see that because she is not mature.


This is one of the reasons why she avoids serious conversations with you.



5. She wants to throw you off the radar.

Do you want something from her? Are you pursuing her?


why she avoids serious conversations with you

If want something from her and she doesn’t want to talk about it, it’s clear that she wants to throw you off the radar.


She wants you to forget about what you want from her.


The harder it is for you to get closer to her and talk about what you want from her, the easier it will be for you to forget what you want from her.


She doesn’t want to talk about anything serious with you because she knows you will end up forgetting about it in the long run.


You have been asking yourself so many questions about why she avoids talking to you about these serious conversations, now you have the answer.


She wants to throw you off the radar. It’s like she doesn’t want to talk about it and she wants you to forget about it.


If she doesn’t want to give you something you want, and she knows that when you sit down and talk it’s all going to be about it, she will avoid talking to you.


You need to understand that there is nothing you can do about it. There is no way you can force her to change her mind if she doesn’t want to talk to you.


6. She isn’t ready to give you what you want.

She isn’t ready to give you what you want and that is why she doesn’t want to talk to you.


The moment you want to sit down with her and talk about a serious matter, she pulls away because she knows you will convince her.


She is not ready to give you what you want and that is why she doesn’t want to talk to you.


If she is a woman you are pursuing, it’s clear that she isn’t interested in you.


The truth is that if she was so close to you, she wouldn’t be doing what she does right now.


If she wanted to give you what you wanted, you wouldn’t be chasing each other right now.


She would have given you what you wanted already.


Women tend to be complicated but one thing about them is clear.


If she is into you she will never let you down. She will give you what you want because it’s what she wants also.


This is what you need to know.


So, if what you want to talk about with her is about convincing her to give you something and she keeps avoiding talking about it with you, this is clear that she doesn’t want to give you.


She is not ready to offer you what you want and that is why she is taking you in circles.



If a woman avoids talking about serious conversations with you it’s clear that she is not ready to hear what you have to say.


It can be that she doesn’t want to give you what you want, she doesn’t respect you, she looks down upon you or she just doesn’t think it’s important to talk about what you want at all.


When you notice that a woman avoids serious conversations that will lead to something productive between the two of you, don’t push her.


Don’t force her to sit down and talk to you because even if she decides to do so, it won’t be for your benefit.


It will be just to please you and nothing productive will come out of that conversation.


If she avoids serious conversations with you let her be. It can be that she is not ready to talk about it at all.


Give her time and she might come around.


Furthermore, if you find out that she doesn’t want anything to do with you and that is why she keeps avoiding serious conversations with you the best thing you should do is walk away.


Forcing yourself on her will only waste your time and energy. Find someone who is going to be there for you and be ready to listen to you.


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