He Blocked Me But Still Talks To Me: Here’s Why

He blocked you but still talks and you are wondering why did he even do that in the first place. The whole point of him blocking you was to cut off the communication with you.


Why is he still talking to you in person if he Blocked?


Before I go too deep into this article there is something you need to know about him.


He blocked you but still talks to you because he just wants to get your reaction.


This guy wants to know what you feel about what he did and that is why he is still talking to you.


There are still several reasons why he blocked you but still talks to you when he sees you in the streets.


It’s important to know why he is still in touch with you even after blocking simply because it will help you navigate anything that he wants to throw at you.


In most cases, when a guy blocks you it shows that he doesn’t want to talk to you.


But if he still talks to you even after he has blocked you there is something more going on than what he portrays.


Why he blocked you but still talk to you;

1. He wants to know how you feel after he blocked you.

He still talks to you after he blocked you because he wants to know what you feel after blocking you.


he blocked me but still talks to me

The main reason why he blocked you was not to cut the communication with you.


It’s just a way of him trying to get to know what you feel about him.


He blocked you and now he is talking to you knowing that you will end up expressing what you feel about what he did.


It can be that he wants to know what you feel about him.


There is no way for him to know if you feel something for him because you haven’t made things clear.


He knew that if he blocked you would end up asking him why he did it.


This is one way of him confirming whether you like talking to him or not.


If you will complain about why he blocked when he talks to you he will conclude that you care about him.


And that is when he will use the situation to his advantage.


When he knows that you care so much about him being in touch with you it will give him the power to keep pursuing you harder.


If he is a guy who is interested in you and he just blocked you this is just to get to know what you feel for him.


On the other hand, if you don’t say anything even after he blocked you, it will give him the impression that you don’t care about him.


Read also; When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?


You aren’t bothered if he texts you or not.


This will make him conclude that you don’t consider him as an important person in your life.


He is just a guy you talk to but doesn’t add anything important to your life.


This is one of the main reasons why he blocked you but still talks to you.


It’s a way of him finding out what you feel about him and it’s not that he wanted to cut off the communication with you.


2. He wants to know if he got your attention after blocking you.

Sometimes a guy can block you just to get your attention.


When he texts you, or calls you but you have been ignoring him, this is what he will do.


He will block you just to get on your nerves.


If he is someone you have been talking to for a while you will want to know why he blocked you in the first place.


He still talks to you because he wants to confirm if what he did got your attention.


You were not giving him the attention he wanted online that is why he blocked you.


Since you haven’t been paying attention to him, you haven’t been replying to his texts or picking up his calls, he had no choice but to talk to you even after blocking you.


He still talks to you since he wants to confirm if he got your attention.


How will he know that he got your attention?


When he meets you in person after he has blocked you and the only thing you can talk about is what he did he will realize that he has your attention.


The truth is that if you want to talk to him but you have been distracted, when he blocks you you will have lots of questions to ask him.


When you meet him the first thing you will want to know is why he blocked you.


Since it’s not something normal you will want to know why he did it.


You will want to know why he did it because you care about making things right between the two of you.


The moment you start the chase of wanting to know why he blocked you this is what will assure him that he got your attention.


Why would a guy want your attention?


A guy will want your attention when he wants to share with you something, when he wants you to notice him, and when he wants you to consider what he feels for you.


Read also; Guys Get Mad When You Don’t Give Them Attention: Why? 


If he blocked you but still talks to you know that he just wanted to get your attention.


3. He feels guilty after blocking.

He blocked you but still talks to you because he feels guilty.


What he did is something that haunts him and that is why he still talks to you.


It can be that he blocked you when he was angry at you for something you didn’t do. When he realized that he did the wrong thing the only option he had was to face you.


He is still talking to you after he blocked you because he is figuring out how to express what he did.


Deep down he knows that he did something wrong and that is why he still talks to you.


He feels guilty for blocking you and that is why he is getting closer to you to find a way to apologize for what he did.


If he thought that what he did was right he wouldn’t have been talking to you.


The point of him still talking to you shows that he feels guilty.


The good thing he can do to wash away the guilt is to get closer to you and be nicer to compensate for what he did.


If he knew that he did the right thing by blocking you because you did something to hurt his feelings, he wouldn’t have been talking to you.


He would have been a distance from you.


When most guys do something wrong it’s hard for them to apologise.


Apologizing will make them seem weak and incompetent and that is why men hold onto their pride.


Their only way of apologizing will be to do something nicer to show you their appreciation and make things cool between the two of you.


He blocked you when there was no need for him to do that at all.


If he is extra nice to you after he has blocked you this is just a way to wash away his guilt.


Read also; 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Extra Nice To You 


Don’t wait for him to apologize and say that he did something wrong by blocking you.


Just appreciate that he still talks to you, for now, he will unblock you soon.


4. He wants to see your reaction.

This is another reason why he blocked you but still talks to you.


He blocked you just to get your reaction.


It’s not that you did something to hurt his feelings and that is why he blocked you.


When a guy wants to get your reaction when he does something you didn’t expect him to do, he will do something unusual.


He has been in touch with you for a while and you didn’t expect him to block you.


But he did it anyway and now he is talking to you.


He knows that if you have anything to say or do after he has blocked you when he starts talking to you, you will open up about it.


This guy is still talking to you even after he blocked you because he just wants to see your reaction.


What will you do or say when he blocks you?


This is the answer he is searching for and that is why he blocked you but still talks to you.


5. He wants to prove a point to you.

How do you perceive each other? What did you say to him about his communication habits with you?


he blocked me but still talks to me when we meet

It can be that you said something to make him feel that you think he is glued to you.


What you did or said made him feel that you think he is so obsessed with you.


He texts and calls you every day and that is why you gave him this impression.


It may be that you joked about him being always there to answer any texts you send him.


This made him feel bad and that is why he decided to block you.


He blocked you just to prove a point to you that he can live without being in touch with you.


The part of him calling and texting you doesn’t add anything to his life.


This is what he is trying to prove to you and that is why he blocked you but still talks to you.


Also, a guy will block you but still talk to you in person just to show that you aren’t that important to his life.


If he wants to, he can just get rid of you and you will not do anything about it.


Guys have a funny way of proving something they want someone to pay attention to so that they preserve their status.


He wanted to show you that if he wanted to walk away from you nothing would hold him back.


The part of him talking to you is just the point of telling you, “Do you see I can do it if I want to? “



When a guy blocks you but talks to you the first thing you should do is find out why he did it.


If you are interested in him let him know that what he did wasn’t right.


Show him that you aren’t pleased by him blocking you because you still want to be in touch with him.


But if you aren’t interested in him don’t push yourself talking to him if he blocked you.


Block him back and stop talking to him to show him that you don’t also want to be in touch with him.


Anyway, when a guy blocks you but still talks to you it shows that he is attached to you, he is after something and he just wants you to pay attention to him.


If he didn’t want to talk to you at all he wouldn’t have been talking to you in person after he blocked you.


Related reads;

  1. Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You
  2. Is It Okay To Ask Your Partner To Block Someone?
  3. Kinds Of Questions Guys Ask When Interested In You
  4. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  5. When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?

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