Going To School After A Break Up; Know This

If you are going to school after a break up, you have to know what I am about to share with you.


It won’t be easier for you during the first weeks or months. You are going to be out of place.


You are still going to be stuck behind and thinking so much about what happened between the two of you.


What you need to know is that it’s going to affect your focus in school without you doing something about it.


If you are going back to school after a break up, you need to clear your head, get over what happened to be able to focus on your studies.


Let me share some of the things you should do if you are going back to school after a break up.


What to do when you are going to school after a break up;

1. Work on moving on from what happened.

If you are going to school after a break up this is what you should do.


You need to work on moving on from what happened if you want to focus on your studies.


It’s going to be hard for you. The break up is going to drag you behind if you are not going to do something about it.


I know you may be telling yourself now that you are going back to school, but you won’t be bothered by what happened.


Trust me, if you won’t work on moving on from what happened, the flashes of the break up will haunt you so badly.


When that happens, you will be in the worst state than before and this will affect your concentration level.


If your focus will be affected, this will end up affecting your performance in school.


So, do anything you can to move on from the break up. If you need to find closure from your ex, just do it.


If you have to write a letter or meet him or her in person and say what you want to, do it.


Finalize everything with him or her before you go back to school.


When you go back to school, only your studies should be what bothers you, but not the break up.


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2. Leave all your relationship messes behind.

It can be that you had the best summer of your life, the relationship was what you hoped for but things didn’t end the way you expected.


Things changed, you got hurt and now you are about to go back to school with a scar on your heart.


I know you may feel the need to carry on what happened and talk to your friends about it.


Since you were in love, you still want to keep in touch with someone who broke your heart because you think you won’t manage without making things right.


You are forgetting the fact that the two of you are not what used to be in the past.


If you will continue being in touch with someone who broke your heart with the intention of fixing things, while you are going back to school, then know that you are going to make things worse for yourself.


You have to remember that you guys broke up. He or she doesn’t want anything to do with you.


On the other hand, if you broke up with him or her, there is no need to go back and try to fix things even if you are feeling guilty about it.


That chapter is over right now, the only thing you should focus on is what is in front of you.

You are starting a new chapter when you go back to school. I advise you to leave all these relationships messes behind as you leave for school.


If you want to focus on your studies and improve yourself as a student, don’t carry this mess to school.


It will affect your studies negatively and you will be the only person to blame when it happens.


3. Focus on what you are going to school for.

You are going back to school for something bigger than your relationship and the break up.


The only thing you need to focus on is what you are going to school for.


Relationships start and end, there is no way you can change that. It ended because it wasn’t meant to last.


You are going back to school because you have dreams and goals that you need to hit.


You need to succeed in what you do and that is why you are going back to school even after what happened.


Why are you going back to school?

Are you going back because you have no choice or it’s because you want something better for yourself?

If you are going back to school after the break up because you need to chase your dreams then you have to focus on your studies.


You need to focus on what you are going to school for. If it wasn’t important at all, you wouldn’t have bothered going back.


Taking yourself back to the break up is not going to help you with anything rather than increasing the pain.


You won’t focus when you are still hurting.


But if you will choose to focus on your studies, and push yourself beyond your limits to get the best out of your studies, you are going to increase your concentration level in school.

And that is what you need right now to be successful.


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4. Work on improving yourself to achieve better.

You are going back to school after a break up; it’s a new chapter you are commencing.


There is no need to feel guilty or blame yourself for what happened.


You never had control of anything in that relationship.


Stop thinking about the break up and focus on improving yourself since you are going back to school.


You need to increase your confidence and work on your self-esteem if you want to survive the world of school after what just happened.


There are times you are going to feel like you are not good enough because of what happened.


This will lower your self-esteem and the way you will handle yourself in school, a place of so many different kinds of people; it’s going to wreck you into pieces.


Your relationship with yourself will change if you won’t work on improving yourself.


Now that you are going back to school, you need to work on improving yourself physically, mentally and socially.


Get rid of negative views you had about yourself after the break up.


Fix your broken parts and work on being the best version you can be. You need that, if you want to succeed in school.


Don’t let what happened to you prevent you from making life-changing decisions.


You can be the person you wanted to be, you need to keep on working on yourself.

The failed relationship doesn’t define your capabilities!


5. Don’t move too fast to any other relationship in school.

You are going back to school after a break up, this is something that is going to pop up.


There are times you will feel so lonely especially if you were used to being around someone.


You will miss the amazing moments you had with your ex. Sometimes you will feel that your days are dragging behind because you don’t have any plans with anyone but yourself.


This might even tempt you to get into another relationship so quickly to get what you used to have or get over what happened.


You will find yourself moving too fast to another relationship because you are desperate, and lonely and you also hope to move on from the break up.


This is not a good idea; you need to work on yourself first before you move into another relationship.


You have an old closet full of dirt that you need to clean.


What will happen if you put clean clothes in a dirty closet? Will the clothes be clean as they came in?


What I am trying to tell you is that you shouldn’t rush to indulge yourself in another relationship because you need to focus on yourself now.


You need time to heal, time to get to know the person you will choose to date so that you avoid the same issue that happened to you.


Moving too fast into another relationship is only going to make things worse for you.


You will hardly have time to work on yourself, your studies and you might end up dating the wrong person.


Don’t make this mistake because this might be something that will hurt you so badly.




If you are going to school after a break up, you should focus on putting your head straight on what you are going to school for.


You need to focus on your studies and not the break up.


Try to leave everything behind if you want a fresh start at school. This is what will help you settle in school and focus on your studies.


But if you carry the relationship mess to school, trying to work on a broken relationship while in school, you will only end up hurting yourself.


Not only will you hurt yourself, but also you will waste your time and kill your focus on your studies.


The results will be a failure. I know that is not something you want to go through.


Thanks for reading, if you have any burning questions leave your comment. See you in my next article.


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