How To Study When Heartbroken

In this article, I will share ways you can study when heartbroken.


I know it can be so hard to study when you are going through a break-up. I have never been in this situation, but with the knowledge that I have when it comes to relationships, I know I can help you out with this.


I’m I competent enough to give you a piece of relationship advice? Yes, be comfortable because I am also the author of Love Profile.


If your boyfriend or girlfriend hurt you, you broke up or he or she cheated on you, all these situations can affect your entire study schedule.


Without having an idea of how to navigate through this situation, you are going to find that you can’t even sit down and focus on your studies.


The only thing that will be going through your head is the scar that your partner left.


There are some things that you can do to be able to study when heartbroken. And that is what I am about to share with you in this article.


This is how to study when heartbroken;

1. Let yourself feel the pain at first.

If you want to study when heartbroken this is the first thing you have to do.


how to study when heartbroken

You should let yourself feel the pain because there is no way you can prevent it from coming out.

Before you sit down to study, just let yourself feel the pain that your partner who is now an ex caused.


There is no need to pretend that you are strong enough to handle all the pain that came as a result of the heartbreak.


You are human, you are vulnerable to the pain and there is nothing you can do about that.


Allow yourself to feel the pain, if you want to cry just let it out.


Let yourself feel the pain and after that pick yourself up and do something about your studies.


When you let yourself feel the pain, and sink deep into what happened between you and him or her, this will somehow decrease the tension that you feel.


You will feel at ease and concentrating on your studies is going to be easy.


And you will find yourself focused for some hours, but I can tell you that the flashes of what happened won’t bother you.


At some points, you will get flashes of what happened, but you should not let it control how you handle yourself.


2. Don’t let heartbreak control your actions.

He or she broke your heart, you now feel useless and not good enough. What I can tell you is that what happened between the two of you has nothing to do with your studies.


Don’t let the heartbreak control how you handle everything. It doesn’t mean that if he or she broke your heart you are supposed to be a mess.


You don’t need to be a mess, you are still in control of everything you do.

He or she doesn’t control your schedule, that person is no longer in your life.


I know it hurts so bad! There is nothing you can do about it, it has already happened.


If you let the heartbreak control how you handle yourself and your schedule there is no way you will sit down and focus on your studies.


Don’t allow what you feel about what happened to tie you down because you have the power to decide what you want to do with your life.


So, don’t let the pain you feel prevent you from sitting down and focusing on your studies.


Be strong and take control of what you feel, focus on what matters now, he or she used to be someone best in your life, but he or she isn’t there anymore.


Don’t let what happened between the two of you stop you from doing what matters.


3. There is no need to think of what happened and what you could have done better.

If you want to study when heartbroken this is something else that will help you navigate this problem.


how to study when going through a break up

The only way you will be able to study when going through a heartbreak is to not think about what happened.


The more you will think about what happened between the two of you the more you will keep going deeper into the pain you are feeling right now.


It can be that you messed up and that is why the relationship ended. I don’t know, maybe it’s him or her.


If you are the cause of the heartbreak, I know you may be feeling guilty and blame yourself for everything.


You tell yourself that you are not good for anything and if only you did things better this couldn’t have happened.


Stop thinking of what you could have done better. It has already happened.

Thinking about it only takes you back to the only situation you were in.


If you want to study when heartbroken, you need to keep the blame and guilt aside and focus on your studies.


This is the only way you will get a window to concentrate on your studies and leave behind what happened.

This is how you will manage to study when heartbroken.


4. Eliminate yourself from situations that will remind you of the heartbreak.

If you want to study when heartbroken this is something else you will have to do.


You will never manage to get over what happened with a single snap of your fingers.

I know that for sure!


If you want to study and focus on retaining information you will have to do everything you can to eliminate yourself from situations that will make you think of the heartbreak.


You need to stay away from things that will remind you of how things were between the two of you.


If you have to stop wearing his or her hoodie when studying, do that, if you have to stop listening to the music you used to listen to together, do that.


Just get rid of anything that will remind you of what was, if you want to focus on your studies.


This is the only way you will manage to focus on your studies despite the heartbreak you are going through.


Anything that will remind you of the pain, get rid of it. If you used to study in your room and you know that is where you had an amazing time with him or her, just go and use the library for now, kindly.


Change the environment if you want a chance to focus on your studies and forget about the pain you are going through now.


5. Use the heartbreak to your advantage.

If you want to know how to study when heartbroken, take this at the back of your brain.


how to study after a break up

You are feeling the pain right now, the relationship is no longer what it used to be.

Take advantage of the pain you feel right now to get the most out of your studies.


Think of all the things that could make you a better person, especially your career.


You are pursuing that course because you want to be someone in the future.

There is no excuse, you need to succeed to make him or her regret breaking your heart.


That anger you have within you, turn it into constructive energy.


The pain you are feeling right, turn it into the power that will drive you to study harder.


Develop a hatred for what happened between the two of you, and create a love for one thing that will never break your heart, which is your career.


This is what I advise you to do if you want to study when heartbroken.


Don’t let the pain you are feeling be the reason for you to stop studying.


Study and succeed, let him or her see that you can do it even when he or she isn’t around to push you.


This will make you feel good about yourself and you will focus on your studies and not the heartbreak.


6. Remind yourself what is at stake.

If you want to study when heartbroken, but can’t do it, remind yourself of what is at stake.


You have been heartbroken, you have lost someone you loved so much, do you also what to lose your career?


What will happen if you fail the exams that are meant to push you further up in your career?


Do you want to lose everything you have worked for because someone broke your heart?


There is a bigger thing you are chasing in your life other than the relationship you were in.


You need to be someone in the future, achieve your dreams, travel the world, and be the best at what you do.


Think of what you want to be in the future and the things you could do when you make it in life.


All these things you want won’t happen if you won’t push yourself past this heartbreak.


There is something bigger and that is what you are building right now.


Remember why you went to college/university in the first place. This is what will push you to focus on your studies and build yourself.


Sit down and think of what you are going to lose if you fail to study because of him or her.


He or she broke your heart, don’t keep wailing because of what he or she did.


You are only wasting your time. There is something bigger you are fighting for, the heartbreak is nothing to prevent you from chasing what you want to grab.


Do you think he or she is crying right now because you broke up?

He or she is busy chasing his or her dreams.


Why waste your tears, energy, and time because of him or her?

Focus on your studies because you have much to lose if you don’t make it.


7. Focus on your studies and let go of the past.

Focus on your studies because that is the only thing that matters now. You don’t need anyone to tell you that what happened between the two of you can’t be undone.


You can’t go back to the past and make things right. He or she is no longer in your life, just let go of the past and focus on what took you to college/university.


I know you love him or her, that was the past, focus on what you want to have in your hands now.


Those are the degrees and diplomas you are chasing.

You will be able to focus on your future if you let go of your past.


That is the only way you will manage to study when heartbroken.



If you want to study when heartbroken the only way you will manage that is to let go of what happened.


Keep yourself busy enough not to think about what happened between the two of you.


Letting go of the past and focusing on what is at stake right now is what will push you to study.


But if you keep taking yourself back to what happened between the two of you, there is no way you will manage to focus on your studies.


To study, you need maximum concentration, you won’t be able to do that if you will still be stuck to what happened.


Thanks for reading, do you have any questions? Let me know in the comment section. See you in my next article.

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4 thoughts on “How To Study When Heartbroken”

  1. Thank you very much 🙏🥹
    It’s hard to let go of someone you have loved wholeheartedly 💔😭.I will stick to this advice. It isn’t easy tho

    • I’m happy that this article has helped you Perkins. It’s hard to let go of someone but you have to try and realize that there is more to life than what you are feeling right now.


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