How To Study Early In The Morning Without Being Sleepy

In this article, I will share how you can study early in the morning without being sleepy.


Morning hours are usually the best when it comes to studying. If you want to make the best out of the hours you get early in the morning, you need these tips.


We have some people who can’t study in the afternoons. Studying early in the morning, about 4 to 6 in the morning can be challenging and this is where I come in.


I used to study early in the morning when I was in college. I would wake up early about 5 AM and start studying without falling asleep.


This is what helped me to make my study schedule and social life so easy to handle.


During the day, I would just attend my classes, hang out with my friends and watch some tv shows.


So, there is a need for you to know how to study early in the morning without being sleepy since it will help you so much to organize yourself.

This is how to study early in the morning without being sleepy;

1. Go to bed early if you know you have to study early in the morning.

This is what you should do if you want to study early in the morning without being sleepy.


how to study early in the morning without falling asleep

You need to go to bed early if you know your schedule wants you to wake up early in the morning and study.


Don’t sleep late at night and expect that you will wake up early in the morning and start studying without any challenges.


It can be that you are glued to the habit of watching tv shows up to midnight before you sleep.


I am telling you this because I was a victim myself. It will give you challenges if you want to study early in the morning.


So, if you know you will be waking up early in the morning to study, go to bed early enough.


When you wake up the next day to study, you will have it easy, you won’t be extremely tired, your body will be ready to handle the loads of work for the day and you won’t be sleepy.


This is no other secret to studying early in the morning without being sleepy.


Go to bed early! That is the cure for this issue.


2. Make the intention of studying early in the morning.

This is something else you can do if you want to study early in the morning without being sleepy.


Before you go to bed you have to prepare yourself psychologically, especially if you are the person who finds it hard to wake up very early in the morning to study.


When you tell yourself that you will wake up early in the morning to study, this is going to be your system.


You will be prepared and it will be easier for you to get out of bed early in the morning to study.


Before you sleep, just take a moment, and affirm that you want to study early in the morning without being sleepy.


I know you may think that it’s silly, but this is something I used to do that helped me a lot.


For now, I am out of school, but I wake up at about 4 am every day, to study Spanish, write the articles you see on this website, and work out.


This is because the pattern of making the intention of waking up early in the morning is what helped me to make this a habit.


So, if you want to wake up early in the morning and study without falling asleep, this is what you should do.


Just mark it in your head that you want to wake up early in the morning to study without being sleepy. And you will see the magic.


3. Take a cold shower before you sit down to study.

This is another thing you should do if you want to study early in the morning without being sleepy.


studying early in the morning without being sleepy

You need to get out of bed early in the morning and take a cold shower.


I know you might be intimidated by this fact because you are afraid of cold water.


You may find it hard to take a cold shower early in the morning especially if you live in a very cold area.


Trust me, I used to wake up early in the morning and work out shower and then get to my books to study.


I know you can do it too. This will make it easier for you to focus on your studies.


Taking a cold shower early in the morning will kick away the drowsiness.


If you don’t have time, you don’t need to work out, but at least, don’t miss the cold shower early in the morning if you want to study without being sleepy.


Taking a cold shower early in the morning will keep you awake while studying.


I know you are always sleepy in the morning when studying because you may have not been doing this.


Cold showers early in the morning take away the sleepiness and you will study effectively.


4. Don’t study in your bed early in the morning.

Another thing you should do if you want to study early in the morning without being sleepy is by ensuring you don’t go back to your bed.


how to study early without being sleepy

Even if you take the cold showers, prepare yourself to study and you go back to your bed pretending to study, you will find yourself falling asleep.


Especially, if this is your first time trying this study schedule, it’s going to be a challenge for you.


So, don’t go study in your bed if you want to avoid being sleepy early in the morning while studying.


Go to your study room if you have one if you don’t I would advise you to sit on a chair while studying.


If you will choose to sit on a chair while studying early in the morning, to avoid being sleepy, you need to sit upright and put the lights on.


You won’t fall asleep if you do these things.



If you want to study early in the morning without falling asleep, just follow the tips I have shared in this article.


I am sure they will help you a lot. But if you have been doing the things I have shared in this article but you still fall asleep when you study early in the morning, you should try taking a strong coffee early in the morning.


The coffee will help you kick away the sleepiness and you will focus on your studies, that is if the coffee doesn’t have any negative effects on you.


Some people will be affected when they take coffee early in the morning.


Taking coffee on an empty stomach early in the morning can lead to bloating and vomiting.


The last point you should take away is if you have been trying hard yet you keep falling asleep while studying early in the morning then this shows that this schedule is not for you.


I advise you to sleep throughout and wake up and study in hours that you can manage.


You can also choose to study from 8 am and you will still be productive.


There is no point in waking up early in the morning to study when you can’t focus on anything.


That will just be a waste of your time and energy.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions you should leave your comment. See you in my next piece.


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