Not Enough Time To Study For Exams; Do This

If you don’t have enough time to study for your exams, there is a strategy you can use to ensure you cover more in less time.


These are the same strategies that I used when I was in college and high school.


Time is a measure that can affect how much you can cover when you are studying for exams.


If you don’t have enough time, it’s going to crash you down because you will cover less.


There are some strategies that I will share that will help you cover everything you need to study if your time is limited.


Without wasting time, let me share what you need to do about this issue.


Here is what to do if you don’t have enough time to study for exams;

1. Know what to prioritize.

If you don’t have enough time to study for exams this is the first thing you should do.


not enough time to study for exams

You will cover much if you know what you should prioritize.

When I talk about knowing what to prioritize I am talking about the things you should put on focus.


Time is limited, you can’t read every textbook and retain the information you need especially if you have more than 5 units or subjects to study.


You should prioritize the right things since you have less time to study for your exams.


The only thing you should focus on right now is studying. You will have no choice but to put your pleasures aside.


Your schedule will have to change since you have limited time. I am sorry to tell you this but you will have to commit yourself to studying more than you have ever done before.


Drop all activities that don’t add value to your studies. If you were reading a novel, you will have to keep that on pause.


If you used to wake up at 9 in the morning, you will have to wake up a little earlier than that.


The moment you get up from bed, you should straight focus on studying and pause some activities that push you away from the goal of studying.


Doing this will keep you on the path of studying, your brain will automatically know that you have to prioritize things that push you to succeed in the coming exams.


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But if you fail to prioritize the things that matter the most right now, which are your studies, it will be hard for you to maximize your time studying.


This is the moment you will have to let your partner run your businesses if you have them, you will have to minimize the activities you do to put more time into studying and focus on it.


Let your partner know that you have a deadline to meet and that you won’t be hanging out as often as you used to.


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This is what will help you prioritize studying for exams when you have less time.


2. Manage your time effectively.

This is something else you will have to do if you have limited time to study for exams.


After you have been prioritizing the right things, you are on track to commit to your studies, it’s time to manage your time effectively.


You don’t have a room to sit down for hours watching Netflix series, you don’t have time to travel and hang out with your friends.


Time management is the only key you need now to ensure that you cover the most out of the little time you have.


If you use to eat your breakfast for 20 minutes, make it 10 minutes and use the rest to study.


Plan your day accordingly and ensure that you have more hours to study than you have had before.


Your main aim here should be to accumulate more hours to study within your limited time.


If you don’t have enough time to study for your exams, you should be smart to save your time for the right purpose.


Having more time to study means you will be able to cover a huge volume of notes that you haven’t touched in a while.


But if you will keep things as usual yet you have less time to study, time will run out and you will find out that you haven’t done anything solid.


I recommend you plan your day out, how many hours you are going to spend doing your normal chores.


You should significantly reduce the hours you spend doing things that don’t add up to the goal of your studies.


Be mindful of how long you use your phone. This is a device that is going to waste so much of your time without you realizing it.


When you are studying, ensure you put your phone on flight mode to minimize all distractions you will get from your social media.


If you do that, you will be able to maximize the time you have to study for the exams.


Do things that will help you rack up more time so that you can study sufficiently since you have limited time.


3. Focus on subjects or units you haven’t touched even a bit.

You may not have enough time to study for your exams, but at least you have read some subjects more often than others.


Or if that may not be the case, it can be that you are better in certain subjects or units compared to others.


What I would advise you to do if you have less time to study for your exams is to focus on units that you know you are poor in.


The subjects or units that you perform poorly need more attention if you want to succeed in your exams.


You will have to spend more hours studying the units that you are underperforming.


This will give you room to improve your areas of weaknesses and you will confidently pass your exams.


But if you choose to focus on areas that you are already better at, you will fail to balance your scores in your exams, and the other subjects that you will perform poorly in will pull you down.


In the end, you will find that your overall grade is down.


If you want to pass your exams you have to balance your scores.

And that is why I am advising you to focus on the subjects that you perform poorly in.


The other thing that you should also do if you have limited time to study for your exams is to focus on studying the units you haven’t touched.


There is no point in studying subjects or units that you have frequently covered.


This shows that you have the content from those subjects or units. The only thing you should focus on is retaining information from areas you have no idea of so that you don’t go into an exam room blank.


Create more hours to study for units or subjects that you perform poorly in and the units that you haven’t touched and yet they will be tested in your exams.


This is what you should do if there is not enough time to study for your exams to ensure that you balance things out.


4. Revise using past papers (studying for the exams).

If you don’t have enough time to study for your exams this is what you should do.


Especially if you are dealing with a course that needs you to read a large volume of notes.


There is no way you will read all the books and finish them. Even if you do read them all since you are a fast reader, retaining the information from all those books is going to be impossible.


You are studying for exams here, you should be smart about how you approach this since you have no time.


When you revise using past papers, you are going to save a lot of time, you will cover much within a less time and you will get familiar with the questions that are going to be tested in your exams.


This is a ticket you need to succeed in your exams if you don’t have enough time to study.


Take your past papers, and try to tackle every question as you find the appropriate answer.


I recommend you have a book with questions and answers to the things you are studying for.


When you read a question that you don’t know the answer to, go to your textbook or a resource material and try to find the answer to that part and study a little bit about that subtopic.


This shows that it’s an examined area that you should focus on.

You will find that you have studied almost all the topics that you need by the time you complete revising those past papers.


This is what I used to do to study more when I had less time for exams.


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But if you think that it’s smart to go into textbooks and read the notes as you go along, you are going to waste so much time and the amount of information that you will cover won’t be enough for you to sit for that exam.


Unless you are sitting for a paper that only contains one topic, that will be the best way to go about it since you will intensively cover everything you need to know about that topic.


You are studying to pass the exams here, but if the information you are studying is very important to make you successful in your career, you have to ensure you go back to those notes and read them extensively.


5. Time yourself when studying.

You should time yourself when you study to ensure that you don’t spend so many hours on a single unit or subject.


If it’s necessary, you will need to have a timetable. It’s going to make your work easier when it comes to the time you will use to study a certain subject.


When you time yourself while studying you are going to use your time effectively thus minimizing time wastage.


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You need to know how many hours you need to study each unit or subject.


When you time yourself while studying for the exams, it is going to enable you to allocate specific hours to subjects that you perform poorly in.


This is what you should do if you have less time to study for exams.



If you have no enough time to study for your exams you should know how to manage your time effectively.


Without managing your time and being smart about how you study for the exams, you are going to cover less.


And if you cover less you are going to fail. Luckily, the tips I have shared with you in this article are going to help you out if you put them into practice.


These are the things I used to do when I was in college and they helped me a lot.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions you should leave your comment. See you in my next article.


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