I Have An Exam Tomorrow But I Don’t Feel Like Studying

You have an exam tomorrow and you don’t feel like studying at all? Here is what you need to know.


I know what you are feeling right now. You feel like there is no need to study at all.

If you never studied months before the exams why do it now?


It can be that you haven’t been studying at all. You have just been wasting your time doing other things you enjoy.


I know studying is not exciting especially if you struggle to perform well in school.


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You searched this phrase because you want to know what you should do about your situation.

Abduljabbar is here to help you out.


Without wasting time, let me share what you need to do about your situation.


If you have an exam tomorrow but don’t feel like studying do this;

1. If you don’t feel like studying don’t study.


i have an exam tomorrow but I don't feel like studying

If you have an exam tomorrow but don’t feel like studying at all this is what you should do.


You don’t feel like studying, so don’t study.


Your mind just locked itself up. There is no way you are going to grasp anything right now if you force yourself to study.


If you don’t feel like studying yet you have an exam tomorrow, studying right now won’t make a significant change if you did not study for months before the exam.


When you force yourself to study because you have an exam tomorrow and you know that you never studied in the past, you are only going to increase the tension.


You are going to panic when you realize that you know nothing at all.


The moment you start studying you will notice that you have no idea what is in the book.


The more you will study, the more you will realize your head is empty and this will only affect you negatively.


So, there is no need to study if you don’t feel like studying. The exam is tomorrow.


Ask yourself, how many hours do you have before you sit for the exams?

Can you retain anything for the remaining hours?


The answer is probably NO! There is nothing much you are going to retain rather than increase your panic significantly.


If you are not up for studying because you don’t feel like doing it, you better do something else.


Do things that are going to refresh your mind, and keep you active and super motivated for tomorrow’s exams.


Studying when you don’t feel like it yet you have an exam tomorrow is only going to make things worse for you.


You can even end up forgetting the things you retained in your brain because of the pressure you are going to impose on yourself.


So, if you don’t feel like studying but you have an exam tomorrow, the best thing to do is not to study.


2. Watch some videos instead of studying.

If you have an exam tomorrow but you don’t feel like studying, this is something else that you can do.


If you don’t feel like studying, you can watch some videos instead.


Watch some videos about the exam you are going to sit on tomorrow.


If you are going to sit for a mathematics paper, watch some youtube videos of people solving mathematical questions related to what you are going to do.


Don’t grab a book or a pen to write down the questions being tackled in these videos.


You don’t feel like studying, so when you take a pen and a book and start writing down the questions and answers you get from these videos is going to just increase the pressure.


The thing you are trying to avoid now is being under more pressure since your exam is tomorrow.


There is nothing much you can do and you need to avoid the tension so that you can handle the exam confidently.


Watch the videos for fun, you should concentrate on watching them but don’t bother yourself to write anything.


This is what I would advise you to do if you have an exam tomorrow but you don’t feel like studying.


When you watch these videos, you are going to grab something that is going to help you tomorrow in your exams.

As long as it’s related to the paper you are going to sit for tomorrow.


This is something I used to do when I was in college.

You can do the same because it helped me a lot.


3. Sit down and try to refresh your memory about the things you studied in the past.

This is something else you can do if you have an exam tomorrow but don’t feel like studying.


Since you don’t feel like studying you can just sit down and recall the things you studied in the past.


If you are going to sit for a physics paper tomorrow morning then you should refresh your mind about the things you did.


Just sit down far away from distractions of any kind. Try to remember everything you can about physics.


The most important thing you will need to remember if you are going to handle a physics exam tomorrow is to recall the formulas.


Don’t go too far with it because pushing yourself so hard is going to make you panic especially when you realize there are so many formulas that you don’t recall.


After you have sat down and tried to recall the formulas or the main key points of the things you studied about the paper you are having tomorrow, just write down the things you don’t clearly remember.


When you are done with that moment of a sit-down memory refresh, you can just go through the formulas you didn’t clearly remember.


Don’t try to go through something new since it will only increase the pressure and you need to be free from it because of the exam tomorrow.


Only look for the specific things that you didn’t have a chance to remember and just leave the book.


You don’t feel like studying after all, if you force yourself to study there is nothing you are going to benefit from that.


4. Spend your time preparing yourself for tomorrow’s exams.

If you have an exam tomorrow but you don’t feel like studying this is something else you can do.


You can spend your time preparing yourself for tomorrow’s exam if you don’t feel like studying.

Studying is the last thing you need to do right now.


How do you prepare yourself for an exam?

Do you usually sleep a lot before you sit for an exam? Do you eat a lot?

What do you do?


You can prepare yourself for the exam tomorrow by keeping your things in order.


If you need to sharpen your pencil you should do that, get your mathematical set, get your drawing tools in shape, and even wash your best clothes.


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You just have to ensure you get everything you need early in advance so that you don’t have the problem of searching for everything early in the morning during your exam day.


This will only increase the tension and it might affect how you are going to perform in your exams.


So, just get your room in order, and make yourself comfortable by doing everything you need to for tomorrow’s paper.


Especially, if it’s your first paper, you need a good start because that is what you will need to keep you motivated for the rest of the exam papers remaining.


If you don’t feel like studying but you have an exam don’t study, just prepare yourself sufficiently for tomorrow’s exam.


5. Just be positive that things will work out.

If you have an exam tomorrow but you don’t feel like studying, there is no need to study.


The fact that you are not hyped to sit down and learn, it’s going to be hard for you to retain anything.


So, what I would advise you, is just to continue doing the things you were doing.


If you were playing video games, keep on playing them. There is no need to stop now because you have an exam tomorrow.


Just enjoy yourself and be positive that you are going to perform better. As long as you studied the past few weeks or months before the exams, you are good to go.


You have to be optimistic that things will be great. This will give your memory a boost, it will save you from panicking and you will handle your exam with ease.


What I would advise you not to do if you have an exam tomorrow, is to start filling your mind with negativity.


Stop all the negative thoughts. You should only welcome the positive vibes and hang out with people who are positive that they are going to perform better in tomorrow’s exams.


I also don’t advise you to spend your evening drinking alcohol or going to a party or doing anything that is going to drain your energy.


You need to rest sufficiently to get the energy you need to start your exams with the right power.


Sleep sufficiently, drink a lot of water, take a cold shower in the morning and dress nicely and leave for your exam.


That is the best way to handle yourself.


If you have an exam tomorrow but don’t feel like studying at all then you should not force yourself to study at all.


There is no need to study because you are only going to make things worse especially if there are so many things you didn’t grasp in the past few weeks or months.


Take your time to relax and do something else that will refresh your memory and prepare yourself for tomorrow’s exams.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, leave your comment.

See you in my next article. I know you are going to perform, just believe in yourself.

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