I Don’t Want To Study Anymore: Know This

If you don’t want to study anymore because of any reason, listen to what I have to share with you in this article.


It can be that you don’t want to study because of how things are progressing with your studies, you feel demotivated to do anything since you don’t see a change.


Continue reading this article, maybe I may change your mind if you feel like you don’t want to study anymore.


This may be just a feeling within and it’s not something you want to do.


You are frustrated and tired of committing to something that needs your energy and attention every single day.


Trust me, everyone feels the way you do. It’s just some people can work off this feeling and find a way to make progress.


Without wasting time, this is what you should know if you don’t want to study anymore.


If you don’t want to study anymore, here is how to change that;

1. Find out why you don’t want to study.

If you don’t want to study anymore this is the first thing you can do to change that.


i don't want to study anymore

Do you know why you don’t want to study anymore? If you don’t know then you should start finding out why you feel that way.


The moment you know why you don’t feel like studying anymore, you will be able to change this.


You are a student, there is nothing else important in your life currently than getting the knowledge you need.


Being knowledgeable is what will separate you from those who have none.


You have to sit down and ask yourself why you don’t want to study anymore.


Is it because of your family?

Is it because you have something better to do with your life than studies?


Do you want to start your life and just let go of your studies?


Do you want to stop studying simply because you have been performing poorly despite the effort you put into your studies?


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I don’t know why you don’t want to study anymore, you know it better.


When you find out why you don’t want to study anymore, it’s time for you to follow my next step.


2. Try to fix the issues that demotivate you from studying.

If you don’t want to study anymore and you have found out why that is so, there is a way you can change that.


The first thing I would advise you to do is to figure out a way you can solve the problems that are dragging you down.


You don’t want to study anymore because there is something that is constantly demotivating you no matter how harder you try.


If you will be able to work on the issues that make you want to stop studying then you will be able to fix this.


The only thing I would advise you to do is to try and find a perfect solution to the problems you are facing right now.


If you don’t want to study anymore because you have been failing despite the effort you put into your studies, find out a way to change that.


And if you don’t want to study anymore because you have a problem that drags you behind then find a way to fix that.


Work on a specific problem using a particular solution.

If some of the problems are hard for you to solve, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your friends, family, or partner.


This is an issue you will need other people to help you get back on your track.


3. Remind yourself why you chose to study in the first place.

If you don’t want to study anymore, this is what you should do to change that.


Sit down and remind yourself why you wanted to study in the first place.


You are pursuing a certain course because you wanted to be someone in life.


The career you are running away from is what you truly wanted some years back.


What has changed now?


Why are you pulling yourself away from it?

What was your end goal when you chose to pursue the career you are pursuing now?


How many years have you wasted in school already up to this point that you want to give up?


When you ask yourself these kinds of questions you will be able to get your thoughts on point.


The answers to the questions you will ask yourself will give you clarity about what you feel about your studies.


If you don’t want to study anymore because you have made up your mind then you will also get to know that by the answers that you will give yourself.


Furthermore, if you are thinking of changing your career because you are no longer excited by what you do, you will also know what you should do about that.


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If you will be able to remind yourself why you chose to study and why it mattered to you then you will be able to change your mind about what you feel when it comes to your studies.


That is what you need to do if you don’t want to study anymore.

Go back to your roots, where it all started and you will find the answers to what you are seeking.


4. Use the challenges you are facing to your advantage.

If you don’t want to study anymore because of the challenges you are facing, then here is what you should do.


You don’t want to study anymore since things are harder for you. The only thing you feel is the weight on your shoulders and what you have to do to make it in school.


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It can be that you have been performing poorly in other units or subjects to the extent that you feel there is no way you will succeed no matter how hard you try.


What I can tell you is that, there is a way to change things around as long as you are willing to stand up against what you feel right now.


You are giving up right now because you feel that there is no way you can turn things around.


I know you have been trying hard, you have been waking up early to study, do your assignments, and be the good student everyone expects you to be but things aren’t working out.


You are not the only one going through this moment right now. Studying is hard. I want to be straight with you.


It’s not easy to sit down and focus on a single thing that doesn’t excite you for hours yet you could be doing something else amazing.


You are sacrificing your pleasure for studying. I know how that feels.


These are just challenges you are facing right now. You are on your way to becoming the best person you wanted to be.


I know there is a reason why you chose to study. I know you have goals and ambitions to be somebody in the future.


You have big things you want to achieve in your life. So, why stop now when you can have it all?


It’s time to use the challenges as your ladder to keep climbing up. When you are faced with challenges you don’t fall back.


You have to keep fighting back since this means what you are doing is working.


If something is pushing you back and making you want to quit studying, use that to motivate yourself and push harder.


Let me ask you a simple question, if you give up now, what will you do with your life?


What is the point of giving up after you have wasted so many years concentrating on the same thing you want to stop now?


Think about the challenges you overcame when you were starting to do this and ask yourself again if you truly want to stop studying.


Don’t let the challenges win, you are stronger than you think, I know you can do this.


Instead of the obstacle dragging you behind, use them to learn more about yourself, motivate yourself, and be the best student you have ever been.

There is still time to turn things around.


5. Take a break and reconnect with yourself.

I know you don’t want to study anymore. I don’t want to force you to go back to your books by force.


I can’t push you to keep on pursuing your career yet you feel like you don’t want to.


What I can ask you to do is to take a break and reconnect with yourself.

I know you have been going so hard on books. You have been trying everything you can to succeed.


The effort you put into your studies is phenomenal, if they don’t see it, you know it better.


Take a break and listen to yourself. Listen to what your body wants from you.


Your body doesn’t need you to spend 6 hours trying to solve calculus equations right now.


You don’t need to keep on studying thermodynamics right now, you need something else and that is a break.


When you push yourself harder without having a moment to rest you will end up losing sight of what you are fighting for.


You need to take a break and reevaluate everything before you choose to commit.


Take a break of 3 to 6 days to reconnect with yourself. This will give you a moment to think about a lot of things in your life.


You will be able to feel what you want with your life, and here is when you will recognize if the feeling you felt before about your studies was real or just a rush.


If you will take a break and try to figure out what you want to do with your life and still come up with the same conclusion that you don’t want to study anymore, then it’s clear that you no longer want to study.


Your passion shifted to something else and you should find out a way to change your career.


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On the other side, if you have taken a break, reconnected with yourself, and figured things out about yourself and your studies and it turns out that you still need to study then you should go back to it.


This shows that what you needed was a break and not quitting.


6. Change your perspective when it comes to your studies.

It can be that you don’t want to study anymore because your perspective about it has changed.


You no longer think that you need to study to make it in life, which is true.


I know people who gave up on studying because they thought they needed to do something else with their lives and now they are living a dream.


You don’t need to study so hard to be the person you want to be in life.


It can be that you don’t want to study anymore because you think you are not using your time effectively.


You are wasting your time yet you could have been doing something else to change lives and live the life you desire.


Maybe you want to become a content creator. You have decided that studying is not for you anymore.


You find joy in doing the things you love. This is what made you decide that you no longer want to study anymore.


What I ask you to do is to change your perspective about your studies.


If you have been studying for years and you are about to complete your studies then there is no need to give up now.


You can still choose to focus for the few years remaining and get your degree or diploma.


After that, you can just keep it aside and do what you want to do with your life.


Don’t just look at your studies as something that is going to push you far away from the things you want to do with your life.


The papers you will get after completing your studies are going to help you in one way or another in the future.


You may not see that now but in the future you will realize that you did a solid job by completing your course.


If it’s when you have started studying, you are one year in and you have decided that you don’t want to study anymore, don’t force yourself anymore.


Especially, if you have tried everything I have shared in this article but you still feel the same about your studies.


This shows that your mind is focused on something else, even if you force yourself into studying there is no way you are going to be successful.



If you don’t want to study anymore because you want to do something else with your life that is okay.


There is nothing wrong with stopping to study to do something that is going to change your life, make you happy, and give you what you desire the most.


After all, we are doing the things we do because of the future we are building for ourselves.


If you can find the future you are seeking easily without going through years of studying then go for it.


But before you choose to stop studying, you have to go through the things I have shared in this article to figure out if you no longer want to study or if it’s just a feeling.


Anyway, you can still study and do the things you love; there is no harm in that.


I am an engineer and a content creator, if I can do it, you can too.


Thanks for reading, leave a comment if you have any questions. See you in my next article.

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