How To Study When Not In Mood

In this article, I will share ways you can study when not in a mood.


You won’t always be in the mood to study; there are times you will feel like just sleeping the whole day.


Your mind and body are not dragging you to your studies because you are not in the mood.


It’s not that you lack the motivation to study; you know that you need to study and why you need to do it, but it’s the mood that holds you down.


When I talk about not having the mood to study, I am talking about the excitement of studying when you are needed to.


You won’t enjoy studying if you are not excited to do it. If you won’t excited, this means you won’t be active in your studies for that moment, you will hardly grasp the information, and you won’t go the extra mile to get the knowledge you need.


There is a need to kick away this negative mood to be able to bring back the excitement of studying.


Without wasting time, let me share what you need to know about this issue.

This is how to study when not in a mood;

1. Change your mindset on how you approach your studies.

This is the first thing to do when you want to study but not in the mood. You have to change your mindset on how you approach your studies.


There is something you feel about your studies that don’t resonate with you, and that is why you are not in the mood to do it.


You can’t just wake up and feel that you are not in the mood to study, yet it’s something you do every single day.


The way you think and feel about your studies, or it can be even a single subject that you want to study that day, is what makes you feel so bored to focus on your studies.


You are not in the mood to study because you think that the subject you are about to study is hard to grasp.


There is no way I will understand that topic, no matter how hard I try.


This is what you tell yourself, and that is why whenever it’s time for you to sit down and study it, you feel like you are not in the mood.


It’s like you are pushing yourself to do it; it doesn’t seem fun at all.


All these feelings are brought about by a single subject that you hardly understand.


You might like this: What To Do When You Can’t Understand A Topic


If you observe your pattern and find out that you are always not in the mood when you are about to sit down and study thermodynamics, this clearly shows that you have negative feelings towards that subject is negative.


But if you always feel not in the mood when you are required to sit down and study, then know that you have negative feelings towards your studies in general.


Change your mindset by developing a positive mindset about your studies, and when it comes time for you to study, even if you are not in the mood, there is something else that will push you to do it.


You will feel that you need to study because of how you perceive your studies.


Do that, and you will thank me later; that is how you will manage to study when not in the mood.


2. Find out why you are not in the mood to study.

Sometimes when you are not in the mood to study, it’s not always about your mindset.


Several things can result in you feeling this way when you are about to study.


These are some of the reasons why you are not in the mood to study;

  1. You have so much work to cover that you haven’t done a thing about it.
  2. You are stranded because you don’t know how to navigate a certain subject, but you still have to do it.
  3. You are not in the mood to study because you were in the middle of something fun that you were doing.
  4. You are not in the mood to study since you always don’t get the results you hoped for, even after committing to your schedule.
  5. You are not in the mood to study because there are several chores you have to do when your schedule wants you to study.
  6. You are not in the mood to study because you are just lazy and unmotivated.


So, if you are not in the mood to sit down and study, find out why you feel that way.


If it’s one of the reasons I have listed above, then you need to come up with a solution for it.


There is no way you will be able to sit down and study perfectly if you don’t resolve the reason behind your feeling the way you do about your studies.


And that is what brings me to the next point of this topic.


3. Fix the issues that make your studies boring for the moment.

Now you know why you are not in the mood to study.


Since you have sat down and thought about it, it’s time to find a solution to what you feel about your studies.


If you are not in the mood to study because you were doing something fun that you had to leave since your schedule needs you to study, figure out a way you can bring your mind back to studies.


Right now, you are drawn to something that produces a higher amount of dopamine.


If you play video games, it’s something that you enjoy so much, and you don’t need to put much effort into doing it because it’s always fun.


This is all about dopamine; when you think about studying, you don’t feel excited about doing it because the amount of dopamine you produce is less compared to when you think about gaming.


You are stuck on high dopamine, and that is why you are not in the mood to sit down and study.


What I advise you to do if you are in this situation; you just have to push yourself into the books.


Within the first 30 minutes, it will feel like you are pushing yourself to study, but with time, the dopamine will kick in, and that is when you feel so glued to your books.


When someone distracts you from your studies, you will feel so offended because you have drawn deep into studying.


But if you follow your dopamine and tell yourself that you are not in the mood to study, so there is no need for you to do anything, there is no way you will push yourself to study.


You will find yourself falling back to gaming because that is fun for you.


The solution I have given you here is for a specific problem. I can’t come up with every solution you need because I have no idea why you are not in the mood to study.


You know it better. Take a specific approach to deal with your mood, and that is what will push you to study even when you don’t feel like it.


If you have to work on something before you sit down and study, then ensure you clear that.


4. You can incorporate things that will make the studies fun.

This is something else you can do if you are not in the mood to study.


You are not in the mood to study because the studies are not exciting to you.


To be in the mood to study, you need to come up with something that will make your studies exciting.


And that is why I am telling you that you can incorporate something fun along with your studies.


What are the things that you can do while studying to make it fun?

Do you usually listen to music while studying?


Do you find studying fun when you eat snacks while studying?


Ask yourself the things that usually make your studies exciting and try to incorporate them.


You have to ensure that the things you incorporate with your studies don’t affect your concentration or take you away from it.


It has to be something that will motivate you to keep on studying and be excited to tackle some problems.


When I was in college, whenever I wanted to study thermodynamics, engineering mathematics or complicated power production units, I used to turn on some music.


Listening to soft music while studying is what pushed me to study even when I was not in the mood.


I also used to listen to the Lofi beats on YouTube while studying; this is what made me look forward to studying no matter how I felt.


So, if you are not in the mood to study, just try to study while doing something fun and see how that will take you.


It should be something positive that doesn’t affect your concentration.


5. Think of the rewards you will get when you study.

Another way to study when you are not in the mood is to think of what is at stake.


Think of the rewards and what you will also lose if you fail to study simply because you are not in the mood.


You will have to sit down and do your exams; it doesn’t matter whether you are in the mood or not.


Ask yourself what will happen if you don’t study and what rewards you will reap when you study.


Thinking of the consequences and the opportunities that will come out of your studies is another thing that will motivate you to study even when you don’t feel like doing it.


When you think of how failure is going to drag you behind, you won’t allow that to happen.


So, you will push yourself to study even when not in the mood, and you will work smarter because you are afraid of failing.


And when you think of the good things that will come when you succeed in your studies, you won’t let the mood prevent you from studying.


Thinking about all these situations is what will push you to do the right thing when you don’t feel like doing it.


This is how you will manage to study when not in the mood.


6. Try to study in a library.

This is something else you can do if you aren’t in the mood to study.


If you are always used to studying in your room, this time just try to change the environment.


Take yourself to the library.


When you go to the library when not in the mood to study, you will find that this mood fades away.


You will see so many people focused on their books; this will motivate you to study because you wouldn’t want to waste your time in the library.


When you work with people who are putting effort into doing the best they can to produce greater output, you will also be motivated to do that.


Don’t sit around a group of friends in the library if you want to study. Since you are not in the mood, you might find yourself talking to them throughout, and you will not study.


Sit around a table of people who are serious and focused on their studies, you will feel ashamed of yourself, and you will study even when not in the mood.


Another thing you can do if you are not in the mood to study is to join a serious study group.


Studying with your group, you will find out that they give you the morale to study even when you don’t want to.




If you are not in the mood to study, find a way to make your studies fun to take on.


Think of the reason why you don’t find your studies fun and find a solution to that.


Make your studies exciting, change your mindset, change your study environment and study in a group when not in the mood to study; this will push you to study even when you don’t feel like it.


If something is bothering you and that is why you are not in the mood to study, work out that issue before you sit down to study.


This will give you the room to focus on your studies since you will have solved the one thing that tied you down.

Thank you for reading; if you have any tight questions, just leave your comment. See you in my next article.


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