How To Get Over A Break Up Before Exam

If you want to get over a break up before the exam you are on the right article.


I will share several tips that will help you get over a break up before the exam.


You need your head on the game, you need to focus on your studies to be able to pass.


The break up is only going to take your concentration away and push you further from what matters.


Without wasting time, let me share what you need to do to get over a break up before you sit for your exam.


This is how to get over a break up before an exam;

1. Accept what has happened.

If you want to get over a break up before you sit for your exam, this is what I advise you to do first.


how to get over a break up before exam

You have to accept that it has happened and there is no way you are going to change things.


The only thing that makes the break up worst apart from the pain, is the thought of how it happened.


So, many of us are usually in denial, we don’t want to accept that the relationship is over and there is no way we can change things.


When you are in denial, you will think of everything you need to do to change the situation since you are not in terms of what happened.


Doing this doesn’t mean that you will get over the break up, but you will keep hurting yourself and the wound won’t heal anytime soon.


Just accept the fate of your relationship. Once you do that, you will be able to think of a way to handle the pain you are going through.


No matter how much you loved him or her, you have to accept that it has happened and it’s time for you to focus on something else that matters.


Your exam is around the corner. You need to focus on that.


The earlier you accept, the easier it will be for you to sit down and prepare yourself for the exam.


2. Let yourself feel what you want to feel.

I know you may be thinking that suppressing your feelings after the break up is the best thing to do because you have an exam approaching.


No! Don’t make the mistake of suppressing your feelings simply because you want to get over what happened recently.


I am not telling you that you can’t hide your feelings and sit for your exam. It’s completely possible to do that.


But the only risk you are putting yourself at is, what if all those negative emotions and pain erupt in the middle of your exam?


How are going to handle it? This will result in your failure and you will have no one to blame but yourself.


What I know is that if you keep suppressing your feelings and not letting them out, they will keep building up and when they will erupt one day, they will be uncontrollable.


If you want to get over the break up before your exam, you have to let your feelings out, let yourself feel the pain, and do anything you feel like to release the tension.


Cry if you want to cry, burn his or her things if you feel like doing it, and do anything that will give you the satisfaction of letting go of the break up.


When you release your feelings, it’s going to be easier for you to get over the break up easily.


With no time, you will find no need to sit down and cry about the break up.


It will feel something light, you will be able to sit down and study for your exam.


So, I advise you to work on your feelings and let the pain out to decrease the tension. This is how you will manage to get over the break up before you sit for the exam.


3. Let go of your past and focus on what matters.

If you want to get over the break up and focus on what you have on your exam, you need to let go of your past.


You are saying it’s a break, right? What is the point of dwelling on the past if there is nothing beneficial?


It has happened and there is nothing you can do about that. You can’t change the situation of how things are right now.


I know you may be feeling lonely, you feel abandoned and you probably don’t feel good about yourself.


What you need to know is that you will never change what happened in the past, but you can change what has become of you.


Look at yourself, you are a mess right now, crying over someone who doesn’t even care about you.


You have something important ahead, this is your exam that you have to work on.


Take a moment and think of what matters for a second. You will realize that there is no need for you to cry over the spilled milk.


He or she is your past right now, let go of the past and move on.


This is the reality of life, you will be in love today, tomorrow you will fall out of it and you will break up.


You will meet someone else amazing who will take care of you and make you forget about the pain you are going through right now.


So, let go of it. You will only do that if you are willing to accept that you can’t change anything about it and focus on something else.


This is how you will manage to get over the break up before you sit for the exam.


4. Keep yourself too busy to think about the break up.

You have to keep yourself busy if you want to get over the break up.


There is an exam approaching! The only thing you need to do right now is focus on your studies.


Do you know how you can study when heartbroken? There are some things you can do to manage that.


You might like this: How To Study When Heartbroken


Keep yourself occupied with books, do lots of research to even think of what happened a few days or weeks ago and this will distract you from what happened.


To be honest, you won’t get over the break up easily especially if it was someone you loved.


You are still going to feel it no matter how hard you try because everything will keep on reminding you of what happened.


So, keeping yourself busy with things that matter is what is going to give you the room to almost forget about the pain you are going through right now.


Study and do things that will take up almost all of your schedule. Be the busy person you have ever been.


Think of the time you have been wasting while in that relationship. You had no time for your friends, books, or even yourself.


You were very busy modeling the relationship that ended up in pieces. Since it has now ended, try to use every second you have before the exam to work on things that matter to you.


Work on yourself and your studies, this will give you confidence that you can tackle any problem that comes your way.


When you are idle, that is when the break up will keep on occupying your head and you will find it hard to think of something else.


If you want to study for your exam, then you need to keep yourself busy right now. It will at least give you the window to focus on the exam that you are about to sit on.


5. Get rid of anything that reminds you of the break up.

If you want to get over the break up before you sit for an exam, you have to get rid of anything that reminds you of him or her.


Thinking about him or her, it’s only going to increase the pain. If there is something that always keeps reminding you of the break up, there is no need to keep it.


I know you may be wondering, but how AJ? Everything reminds you of him or her.


Do I have to get rid of everything?


If you can get rid of everything in your apartment, and start fresh that would be awesome.


But if you have no means to do that, you only have to get rid of simple things that connect you to him or her.


It can be the big t-shirt you wear when you are going to bed, it can be the watch that he or she bought you, it can be the hoodie, it can be a music playlist and movies you used to watch together on repeat.


Try your best to eliminate things that most remind you of the break up.


When you will do this, you will have it easy. You will have fewer things to distract you while you are preparing for your exams.


You will only focus on what matters and that is your studies.


The less you think about the break up the easier it will be for you to get over it.


6. Do things that make you happy.

This is something else you can do if you want to get over the break up before your exam.


I know you are hurting right now. It hurts so bad! But you can get over this pain easily if you do things that will have the opposite effect of what you are feeling right now.


Which things usually make you the most happier? Think about things that usually keep you hyped and ready to take on the day with a smile.


If you start doing things that give you joy and focus on your studies and anything else that matters, it’s going to help you get over the break up.


When you are happy, you won’t have time to think of what happened in the past.


You won’t even want to indulge yourself in situations that will only keep hurting you.


This will be a ticket for you to walk away from all the pain and chaos that you are in now.


Don’t sit in your room and be inactive simply because you are heartbroken, if you do that you are only allowing yourself to break into pieces.


Go out there and do things that you love the most. If you like skating, dancing, creating content, and making things, just do that.


You need to be happy right now to eliminate the negative feelings you are going through.


Be around people who are going to make you happy and do things that elevate your emotions positively.


This is what will get you in shape and you will be able to focus on your studies.


You will sit for your exams when your head is pretty clear.


7. Don’t jump into another relationship as you are getting over the break up.

How can you jump into another relationship so quickly yet you have an exam around the corner?


You need to get over this break up so that you can focus on your studies. Don’t make the mistake of getting into another relationship right now.


The only thing you need is just to get over this break so that you focus on your studies.


Remember you have an exam to do and you have been wasting so much time in that relationship that just ended.


I know you may be telling yourself that it’s a good idea to enter another relationship to get over what happened.


You don’t have time to do that. With lots of work you have on your end, there is no way you are going to manage to handle a new relationship.


Unless it’s just a hook-up, but if it’s a new serious relationship you are going to waste lots of time.


Instead of wasting your time trying to come up with another relationship, I advise you to sit down and focus on what is on your plate right now.


Study for your exam. After that, you have the time to get into another relationship. If that is what you want.


You need to get over the break up to sit for your exam, right? You need to study, right?


So, no matter how lonely you feel, don’t push yourself to get into another relationship.


8. Give it time, you will get over it but not that quick.

What you need to know is that it’s going to take time to get over the break up.


I don’t think you can completely get over the break up in a few weeks. You need enough time to heal your wounds.


The tips I have shared here are just to help you cope with it as you are preparing yourself to sit for the exams.


You need to give yourself time to heal.

Maybe you might do the things I have shared and feel like you are over it. If you think you are completely over it before you sit for your exam, then you are on the good side.


That is good for you! But we have some people, it’s going to take them a while to get over a break up easily especially if it was something solid they had.


Don’t feel bad when you still get the flashes of the break up. There are some times you will feel so down, start crying, and feel you don’t have the energy to move forward.


All these will be results of the break up that happened some months ago. This is normal.


It takes time to get over a break up, with time your wounds will heal.



If you want to get over a break up before you sit for your exam, you need to do anything you can to get your head back to what matters.


You need to focus on your studies right now, with you thinking about the break up, it’s going to be hard to get over it.


This is the main point you should take away from this topic. If you can find a way to focus on your studies while going through a heartbreak, you will be able to prepare sufficiently for your exams.


If you have any questions leave your comment. See you in my next article.

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