My Boyfriend Loves His Parents More Than Me: Do This

If your boyfriend loves his parents more than you and it’s affecting your relationship, you must do something about it. His parents might be a reason for your relationship with him not working out.


It’s wrong for your boyfriend to love his parents, but he must also consider how you feel.


The things he does for you and his parents shouldn’t make you feel left out.


If you feel that he leans on his parents more than you and it hurts you or makes you feel neglected you need to do something.


Your boyfriend needs to understand that you feel left out, he doesn’t give you the attention you want and it hurts your feelings.


Since we are talking about his parents, may be a sensitive issue. You need to handle this maturely and carefully.


Don’t do or say anything that will make your boyfriend feel that you are disrespecting his parents.


This might end up ruining your relationship for good.


So, what should you do when your boyfriend loves his parents more than you?


Should you assume that it’s his parents and ignore it? Should you ask your boyfriend to also consider how you feel?


Is it right to tell your boyfriend that you feel left out?


What to do when your boyfriend loves his parents more than you;

1. Find out why your boyfriend loves his parents more than you.

The first thing you should do when your boyfriend loves his parents more than you; is to find out why he loves them so much than you.


he loves his parents more than me

It can be that this is something that just emerged a few months ago. He used to care about you so much.


He never forgot that you needed to be taken care of. Nowadays he just doesn’t spend money on you at all but his parents only.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You


When you tell him about your issues, he gives you so many excuses not to help you out but to help his parents only.


All he does is just ignore you when his parents are around. He doesn’t spend as much time with you as he used to.


He pays so much attention to his parents and ends up forgetting you (his girlfriend).


There is a reason why your boyfriend stopped loving you and started putting all his love on his parents.


Do you know why he loves them more than he loves you?


The love your boyfriend has for you shouldn’t be comparable to his parents.


You are just someone he met recently, you don’t have a blood connection and he will always put his parents over you.


Read also; Boyfriend Says Family Comes First: It Means?


But that doesn’t mean that he should make you feel left out and forgotten simply because he has to take care of his parents.


He has to be responsible for you, take care of you, give you the attention you need, and listen to what you have to say without bringing his parents in between.


You need to talk to your boyfriend to find out why he doesn’t put much effort into loving and taking care of you as he does for his parents.


Confront him and ask him why he doesn’t love you the way he used to.


If there is a problem between the two of you that pushed him to invest all his energy into taking care of his parents and leaving you out, you will know about it.


If it has something to do with his parents controlling him, you will also know about it.


Read also; My Boyfriend Is Controlled By His Family: 5 Things To Do


When you know why your boyfriend loves his parents more than he loves you it will be easier for you to find a way to work out this problem.


You will know exactly how to approach this problem without bringing conflict between you and his parents.


Maybe his parents don’t want you to be with him but you have no idea about it.


Read also; My Boyfriend’s Parents Don’t Want Us Together: Do This


When you find a way to make your boyfriend open up about what his parents make him do, you will know why he loves them more than you.


2. Fix any misunderstandings between the two of you.

When you know why your boyfriend loves his parents more than you it will be easier for you to work things out.


You will have an idea of how to approach this issue without bringing about another huge fight between you and his parents.


If your boyfriend tells you that you are the reason why he loves his parents more than you, this will give you a clue about why he invests all his energy in his parents.


You will know for sure that you are the reason why he loves his parents more than you.


And that will force you to look at yourself and analyze what things you are doing wrong to make him happy.


If you take your time and observe your relationship and find out that there is unresolved conflict between the two of you, this might be one of the reasons why he loves his parents more than you.


He doesn’t care about you right now since there is a negative tension between the two of you. He is still mad at you for the things you did.


This negative tension is what pushes him away from you. He is distancing himself from you and finds love from his parents.


Your man feels closer to his parents than you because he is not at war with them.


You don’t give him a choice but to focus on all his energy on his parents.


The only way you will get your boyfriend to love you the way he used to, take care of you, and be the man you always knew, is if you work this issue out.


You need to resolve the misunderstandings if you want your boyfriend to love you more than his parents.


If you did something to hurt his feelings or his parents, you should find a way to apologize and make peace with him or his parents.


Work out any problem between the two of you and it might be a reason why he will start paying more attention to you than his parents.


3. Express what you feel about what he does for his parents.

If your boyfriend loves his parents more than you and it makes you feel left out, talk to him about how you feel.


my boyfriend loves his parents more than me

Maybe he doesn’t know that what he does makes you feel left out and neglected. The only way your boyfriend will know that you are going through a tough time in your relationship because of his parents is if you talk to him about it.


How do you feel that he takes care of his parents more than you?


Do you like it when he spends hours talking to his parents on the phone and after that he goes to bed without even saying a thing to you?


Do you like that he spends all his money on his parents and leaves you unattended?


The only way your boyfriend will know that you are not happy is if you talk about it with him.


If you don’t like that he doesn’t pay attention to you but spends hours talking to his parents, tell him about it.


He is not an angel; he is not perfect and he might be doing things thinking that they are right but that is not what you feel about them.


When you feel left out and forgotten simply because he is busy taking care of his parents, let him know about it.


If your boyfriend is doing all these intentionally just to hurt your feelings you will know it from the response he will give you.


Additionally, when he realizes that what he does makes you feel neglected he will do something about it.


He will make sure that he starts paying attention to your needs, listening to you, and giving you the attention you deserve.


Your boyfriend will know that he is hurting your feelings and he should lean on you more instead of his parents.


You are his woman, he left his parents’ home to find you, and you mean a lot to him too.


And if there is any reason that makes your boyfriend invest all his energy in his parents and not you, you will also know about it.


Maybe his parents are sick and they are dying. It might be the last month for him to see them and be with them.


If this is the case he will choose to spend more time with them than you, take care of them, and give them all his attention.


Don’t be afraid to express what you feel simply because it has something to do with his parents.


He has to take care of you too, he has to give you attention and be there for you just like what he does for his parents.


You aren’t supposed to be forgotten because you also occupy an important part of his life.


4. Find ways to make your boyfriend love you more.

What you need to know is that love increases and decreases in a relationship depending on how you handle your partner.


If his love for you is decreasing this could be the reason why he loves his parent more than you.


Your connection is getting weaker while the one he has with his parents keeps on increasing.


This pushes him to take care of his parents more than you.


So, you will have to do things to pull your boyfriend closer to you. Remind him why he is with you in the first place.


Do things to remind your boyfriend of the first days when you were together. The days when he couldn’t even take his eyes off you.


You can make your boyfriend think about you always and want to be around you just by how you handle him.


The things you do and say when you are around him play a big role when it comes to how he will handle you.


Your boyfriend now loves his parents more than you, this shouldn’t scare you.


What his parents can offer him isn’t comparable to what you can do for him.


You have more cards on your end that you have to use to make your boyfriend love you more than his parents.


When you know how to use your cards, it will be easier for you to pull him to your side and make him always consider you first before his parents.


But if you don’t make him happy, do you think he will consider you first over his parents?


You know what your boyfriend loves about you, use that to your advantage to pull him by your side.


If it has something to do with taking care of his parents, you can choose to be the first person to show love to his parents.


Be there for them, take care of them, and always help them when they are stranded.


The moment your boyfriend notices that his parents are happy because you take good care of them, he will start loving you more than his parents.


Instead of him investing so much energy in his parents, he will focus on you because his parents are well taken care of.


These are some of the things you can do to pull your boyfriend to your side.


Start working on the tips I have shared with you and you will be surprised by how your boyfriend will treat you.


5. If he doesn’t want to consider how you feel leave him.

If you have tried everything I have shared with you but your boyfriend still makes you feel forgotten because he is busy taking care of his parents start by distancing yourself from him.


boyfriend loves his parents more than me

He loves his parents more than you? Let him take care of them and don’t go between him and his parents.


Don’t say or do anything that will make your boyfriend feel that you don’t love his parents.


Maybe you don’t understand what is going on between him and his parents.


So, the first thing you should do before you think of leaving him is just to give him ample time to take care of his parents.


The moment you distance yourself from him, you don’t push him to be there for you and take care of you as he used to, this will raise some questions.


The sudden change you made will get his attention.


He will want to know why you changed and this might be the best chance you will have to express to him what you feel.


But if he won’t seem to care about you even after you have distanced yourself from him, it’s clear that he doesn’t love you.


The next thing you should do is just leave him.


Maybe he never loved you at all.


A guy who loves you will always consider how you feel. The moment you raise your issue about something that bothers you he will make you a priority.


But if you told him how you feel about how he handles you and his parents, and he didn’t care to make a change, he doesn’t care about you.


You should break up with him and find someone else who is going to take good care of you.



If your boyfriend takes care of his parents and forgets you when you need him the most, you should address this issue with him.


The moment you notice that he is leaning on his parent’s side too much and forgetting about you, say something about it.


It can be that he doens’t know that he is forgetting about you and investing all his energy in taking care of his parents.


Let him know that you feel forgotten and left out.


If your boyfriend truly cares about your feelings, he will do the right thing to make you feel loved and taken care of.


But if your boyfriend chooses to focus all his energy on taking care of his parents so that you feel neglected and walk away, he won’t bother fixing anything.


He won’t even care about what you think and feel about how he takes care of his parents.


If there is a conflict between the two of you and that is why your boyfriend decided to love his parents more than you, work out on the problem.


Resolve the misunderstandings and pull your boyfriend to your side. Anyway, your boyfriend will always love his parents more than you.


Don’t expect that he will choose to abandon his parents because of you. They have a bond you can’t comprehend.


But this doesn’t mean that he should make you feel neglected. The energy he puts into loving his parents shouldn’t be less than the energy he puts into loving you.


Related reads;

  1. 12 Signs Your Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Like You (+To Do)
  2. My Boyfriend Tells His Mom About Our Fights: Do This
  3. What To Do When Your Boyfriend’s Family Is Toxic
  4. Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend Because Of His Mom?
  5. My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 

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