I Told Him I Love Him And He Said I Know: It Means?

If you told him you love and he said, “I know” this shows that he doesn’t feel the same for you. The response he gave you might have several meanings that I will explain as you keep reading the article.


The words a man will say after you have expressed your feelings for him say a lot about how he feels about you.


If he loves you, the moment you express your feelings he will respond positively.


He won’t give you mixed feelings or signals.


In this article, I will share several responses that you might come across when you express your feelings to a guy.


You must know the meaning of them simply because it will be easier for you to figure out how a guy feels about you.


If you have no idea what it means when a guy says, “I know” after you have told him you love him, you will be in the dark.


You might decide to give yourself to him thinking that he feels the same for you but he ends up using you.


Later on, he dumps you. You won’t blame him because he never told you that he loved you too when you said it to him.


He said, “I know” which doesn’t mean that he is also in love with you.


I told him I love you him and he said I know

If you told him you love him and he said, “I know” it means that he doesn’t feel the same for you, he doesn’t take you seriously and he doesn’t want you to keep talking about it. The truth is that if he felt anything for you he would have said, “I love you too.”


i told him i love him and he said i know

When you tell a guy “I love you” and he says “I know” don’t conclude that he feels the same way or he doesn’t want anything to do with you.


The moment he says “I know” after you have told him you love him you need to ask him follow-up questions for you to know how he feels about you.


If you are satisfied with the response he gave you (I know) it will be hard for you to know what he truly feels about you.


When you say “I love you” and he says “I know,” don’t let him skip the topic.


You should confront him and ask him to tell you the truth about how he feels about you.


Don’t make any conclusions about what he feels about you no matter how he treats you.


If he is your boyfriend and you told him “I love you” and he said “I know,” it’s just that he doesn’t feel like saying it back to you. It may be that he is mad at you for something you did recently, he is losing interest in you or he just wants to see your reaction.


What does it mean when you say I love you and they say I know?

When you say “I love you” and they say “I know” it means they are aware you have feelings for them, but they might not feel the same way for you.


If he is a guy you have feelings for and you have expressed your feelings for him and he says “I know,” just know that he doesn’t feel the same for you though he knows you are interested in him.


On the other hand, if it’s your boyfriend, he just doesn’t want to say I love you too because he is just mad at you or he doesn’t agree with what you did recently. Sometimes it’s also meant to get your reaction.


I told him I love him and he said okay

If you told him that you love him and he said “okay” it means that he doesn’t have a problem with you loving him. You decide to love him but he doesn’t feel the same for you. It’s like he is telling you that you are allowed to love him.


When you tell a guy “I love you” and he says “Okay” it shows that he doesn’t have a problem with you having feelings for him.


He is not excited about it and it doesn’t bother him either. You can love him but he will always handle you the way he does.


If you have feelings for him and he perceives you as a friend, that is how it will always be.


He doesn’t think it’s a big deal for you to love him because he expected that you would end up expressing your feelings for him.


The moment you tell a guy you love him and he says “It’s okay” don’t conclude that he feels the same way for you unless he makes it clear to you.


When a guy says “okay” after you have expressed your feelings for him this shows that he doesn’t have a problem with how you feel about him.


He is fine with the statement, “I love you” but it doesn’t mean he feels the same way for you.


If a guy says “okay” after you love him, don’t stop there, you need to ask him follow-up questions to know how he truly feels about you.


This will force you to ask him questions like,

“How do you feel about me?”

“Do you feel the same way I feel about you?”


“Does okay mean you also love me?”

“Do you mean you are now my boyfriend?”


These are some of the follow-up questions you can ask him to give you the right answer you want from him.


If you ask him these questions you will be able to know what he truly feels about you.


I told him I love him and he said nothing

If you told him you love him and he said nothing this shows that he doesn’t know what to say to you, though it’s likely that he doesn’t feel the same way for you. He said nothing because he didn’t want to hurt your feelings.


If he felt anything for you he would have said something. The words that he kept locked in his mouth aren’t what you wanted to hear and that is why he said nothing.


When you tell a guy you love him and he feels the same way for you, the first thing you will see is the excitement on his face before he says or does anything.


You will know for sure that he feels the same way for you without struggling to find clues.


If he said nothing after you told him you love him and just walked away, he just doesn’t feel the same for you.


Anyway, how can you be sure how he feels about you? He didn’t say anything.


What if you told him you love him and he froze?


If you want to be sure about how he feels about you, don’t stop at this point.


You need to talk to him in person and ask him what he feels about you.


If you told him via text, it would be better if you meet him in person and ask him how he feels about you.


It’s easier to get the true impression of how someone feels about you in person than over text.


When you are around him you will be able to see his reaction and you will know for sure if he feels the same for you or if you annoyed him when you expressed your feelings for him.


If he said nothing when you told him you love him because he froze, you will know about it when you talk to him next time.


When you say I love you and he doesn’t say it back

If you say “I love you” and he doesn’t say it back it means he doesn’t feel the same for you. He just doesn’t want to say “I don’t love you” because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. He wants you to fill in the gaps by yourself.


when you tell a guy you love him and he doesn't say it back

The truth is that if he felt the same way for you he would have opened up to you.


Maybe he is afraid that you will get angry at him when he says he doesn’t love you too and he still wants you around as his friend.


And that is why he thought it would be best if he kept the words to himself.


I told him I love you and he said thank you

If you told him you love him and he said “thank you” it means that he is happy that you love him and he appreciates it but he doesn’t exactly feel the same for you. He only sees you as his good friend or as his sister.


A guy will only say thank you when a girl tells him I love you if he doesn’t want anything romantic with her.


When a guy is attracted to you sexually, he won’t waste his time by giving you clues for you to think about.


He won’t respond to you with phrases for you to find their meaning. This guy will be straightforward with you and tell you what you want to hear from home.


The moment you notice that he doesn’t make things clear to you after you have expressed your feelings, it’s either he doesn’t feel the same way for you, or he is still thinking of what to tell you.


And if a guy is thinking of what to tell you, it will mostly turn out to be a negative answer.


Men are not like women who think so hard after someone expresses their feelings to them.


A guy usually knows if he is interested in you or not the moment you start getting on his good side.


Should I keep saying I love you if he doesn’t say it back?

If you said “I love you” and he didn’t say it back don’t bother repeating it. As long as you are sure he heard everything you said don’t say anything again. Keep it to yourself. You don’t need to embarrass yourself.


I told him i love him and he said nothing

When you have expressed your feelings and he doesn’t say anything you should stop talking and just walk away.


If he feels anything for you he won’t let you walk away. It will force him to express what he feels for you too.


But if he lets you walk away after you have said “I love you” and he didn’t say it back, he doesn’t feel the same for you.


Walk away as you are walking out of his life and never look back.


What to do when you tell someone you love them and they don’t say it back

When you tell someone you love them and they don’t say it back don’t repeat yourself, walk away from them and accept that they don’t feel the same way for you. Don’t take it hard on yourself either.


You just have to accept they don’t feel the same way you do. If you keep thinking so hard about it and ask yourself endless questions and start doubting yourself, it will only wreck you.


The truth is that not all people you will find attractive. You will fall for them but they won’t feel the same for you.


It wasn’t meant to be.


You will one day find someone who will reply to you, “I love you too.”


For now, don’t let it break you down into pieces.



When you tell a guy “I love you” and he gives you a response you were not hoping for you should not stop there.


Don’t show him that you are satisfied with the response that he gave you.


You need to ask him follow-up questions about how he feels about you. If he loves you he will open up to you but if he doesn’t feel anything for you he won’t.


When you express your feelings to a guy and he doesn’t say anything, you should just walk away from him.


If he wants to talk to you about what you have just told him he won’t let you walk away.


He will ask you to stay to keep the conversation going. But if he lets you walk away just know that he doesn’t want anything to do with you.


Don’t repeat yourself when you are expressing your feelings to a guy you are interested in. Keep it short and sweet.


He hears it all. If he wants to be with you he will tell you, but if he is not interested in you, that will also be revealed.


Related reads;

  1. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  2. Kinds Of Questions Guys Ask When Interested In You
  3. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  4. What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?
  5. If A Guy Talks Sexually Does He Like You?

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