She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why

If your girlfriend never calls but you are always the one calling her, there is something you need to know. What I can tell you is that your relationship is one-sided, but there is more to it.


When it comes to communication, both of the partners have to make an effort to keep it going.


One person can’t keep the communication going in a relationship.


If she never calls you, but you always call her, there is a huge gap between the two of you that is taking the relationship apart.


It can be caused by so many things that I will be sharing in this article.


This is why she never calls but you always call her;

1. She wants you to put in all the effort.

If she never calls but you always call her this is something you need to know.


she never calls

You keep calling her but she doesn’t bother even calling you back when you don’t call.


When you look at this closely, you are the only person putting all effort into the relationship.


She doesn’t bother calling yet she knows you always call her because she wants you to do everything in that relationship.


This is a one-sided relationship that you are in.


She doesn’t call you but expects you to call. You are the guy who is going to do all the heavy work to keep the relationship going.


If she doesn’t bother to initiate calls, it clearly shows that doesn’t make any effort.


She expects you to keep the communication going because she is not ready to give it all.


When you call she picks up, but she doesn’t bother calling you when you don’t.


What you need to know is that she is weighing the relationship on you.


She depends on you to keep the relationship going. The success or the failure of the relationship will depend on you.


The truth is that if you stop calling her, the relationship will just end like that.


She won’t bother to reach out to you when you go silent because the relationship was working only because you put some effort into it.


When a woman doesn’t put effort into a relationship, it shows that she is not serious about the relationship or she is just around you for the moment.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why She Doesn’t Want A Relationship 


And that is why she doesn’t do anything to move the relationship forward.


2. She doesn’t love you.

She doesn’t love you and that is why she doesn’t ever bother calling you.


You are always the one initiating the calls because you are into her.


A woman who loves you will always initiate conversation with you; she will call and text you every just to know how you are doing.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Texts You First?


She doesn’t call you because she doesn’t even think about you, she doesn’t care about you and you don’t mean anything to her.


If you observe her, you will find out that she is not even interested in you.


It can be that she is picking up your calls because she is just being friendly to you.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


If she was in love with you, you would have noticed how hard she maintains the communication between the two of you.


There is no love. If she treats you like she wants you when you are around her, it’s only because you give her something that she wants.


She is only using you for money or your attention.


Don’t think that you are winning her, she is just taking advantage of you.


She knows that you will always call her because you are into her.


If she told you that she has feelings for you, that is a lie. She doesn’t love you at all.


A woman who loves you will put effort equal to what you put into a relationship.


She will go the extra mile to show you that she is ready to take the relationship to the next level.


3. She wants you to keep chasing her.

It can be a woman you are pursuing or she is already your girlfriend.


She wants you to keep chasing her and that is why she always expects you to initiate the communication.


If you think about it, she doesn’t call you but you always call her and she picks up your calls.


You talk and laugh together but when you hang up the call, she doesn’t bother calling you back.


There will be no communication between the two of you unless you keep on calling her.


She wants you to keep chasing her that is why she doesn’t bother calling you.


If she doesn’t call you, she won’t bother texting or even ask you out on a date.


When a woman wants you to chase her, she won’t do anything to keep the relationship going.


You will find out that you are the only one doing things to make her happy and pull her close.


She knows you are in love with her and you will always call her. That is why she doesn’t call you.


Women like it when guys are chasing after them because it makes them feel special and wanted.


She doesn’t want to call you because she expects you to do all the following while she relaxes.


Also, it’s possible that she feels she is too good for you, to keep her, you have to do more.


And that is why she never calls you but you always call her.


4. She has her mind on someone else.

It’s simple with a woman, if you are the only guy she is in love with, you will notice that.


If you are someone she wants to be with, she will do everything to show you how special you are to her.


She will initiate calls and texts. You will always be waking up with morning texts and calls from her.


You always call her but she doesn’t bother calling you because you are not a priority.


She has someone else in mind. If she never calls you, she calls someone else.


If you were the priority in her life she would have been calling you.


She doesn’t call you, she never has the time to call you because she is busy calling someone else.


I know you felt that something was off. She doesn’t want to tell you the truth about how she feels about you.


The truth is that you are not someone who sticks in her mind, you are not the guy she thinks about and not someone she wants to give her attention to.


It can be that she has someone else and you are just a third wheel. She is just using you for the attention.


The truth is that if you were the guy she had in mind, you would have noticed that.


5. She thinks you are desperate for her.

You always call her. She thinks that you are desperate for her and that is why she doesn’t even bother calling you.


The impression you give her is that nothing is going on in your life.


If you have always been calling her non-stop, you gave her the impression that you want her so much.


When the attention you give to a woman is too much, she will conclude that you are desperate for her.


How many times have you been calling her per day?


Have you done anything to show her that you are desperate for her?

Have you been begging her to give you attention?


These are some of the questions you should answer for you to understand why she never calls you.


If you did something to show her that you are desperate for her, it can be that it turned her off.


To be honest, women like it when a guy is into them, but it turns them off when it’s too much.


A woman can’t love a man who is obsessed with her.


So, if she noticed that you are desperate for her because you have been calling her so many times, this could be the reason why she never calls you.


She doesn’t call you because she knows you are desperate. If she doesn’t call, you will always call her.


The moment you show a woman you are desperate for her, she will never give you the attention you want.


She will let you drawn yourself in her, while she will be focused on someone else.


Even if she was into you, she would pull out.


She will let you do everything as long as she benefits from what you do.


Read also; Chase Money Not Women: This Is Why


6. She doesn’t want to be in touch with you.

If you call her and she never calls you, it’s simple but you don’t want to see it.


i always call her, she doesn't call

She doesn’t want to be in touch with you and that is why she never calls you.


You are the only person forcing yourself into her but she doesn’t want to talk to you.


She doesn’t make any effort to call you because she doesn’t want to be in touch with you.


If she wanted to be in touch with you, she would have been initiating calls.


You should just take in your head that you are not on the same page with her.


She just doesn’t want to tell you the truth because she thinks she will hurt your feelings.


You call, and she picks up because she doesn’t want to make you feel bad or think that she is looking down upon you.


If a girl doesn’t want to be in touch with you, it will be impossible for her to initiate conversations with you.


7. You don’t give her a reason to call you.

She never calls you because you don’t give her a reason. A woman will keep communication going with you when she knows that there is something she is going to gain from you.


What is she gaining from you?

What do you have to offer that will make her pick up her phone to call you?


Before you ask yourself so many questions as to why she never calls you, think about what you have to offer her.


If you were the guy who drove her nuts and she couldn’t stop thinking about you, then she would have been calling you.


For that to happen, there has to be something you give her.


She needs a reason to call you. If you are the guy who bores her, doesn’t drive her crazy, doesn’t have anything new to offer, and always treats her badly, what will she gain by calling you?



If you give a girl a reason to call you, she will call you. What I can tell you is that she doesn’t call you because she knows she won’t gain anything from you.


When a girl doesn’t call you, but that was not the case before, you need to get closer to her.


You need to find out why she doesn’t call you. If there is a misunderstanding between the two of you, you need to resolve the issue.


Talk to her about how you feel about what she does. If she cares about you, she will change.


From the conversation you will have about this issue, the response she will give you will give you an idea of how she feels about you.


Related reads;

  1. If She Told You Not To Wait For Her: Here’s Why 
  2. She Says She Wants To Focus On Herself: It Means?
  3. 6 Reasons Why She Tells You Other Guys Hit On Her
  4. If She Says She Misses Me Does She Like Me?
  5. When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: Do This

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