She Says She Wants To Focus On Herself: It Means?

When a girl says she wants to focus on herself it means she wants time to work on herself.


She wants time to work on the issues that are dragging her behind. What you should know is that she feels she has lost focus on what matters.


In this article, I will share what it means when a girl says she wants to focus on herself and why she would say something like that.


What does it mean when a girl says she wants to focus on herself?

When a girl says she wants to focus on herself it means she wants space and time from anything that is going to distract her to work on what matters the most to her. It can be her career or personal issues that are driving her nuts.


She is struggling to pay attention to the things that matter to her. Whatever you are selling; be it a romantic relationship or friendship is only wasting her time.


This should tell you that she needs time off, kinda like a break to focus on building herself.


So, if you are in a relationship and she tells you that she needs to focus on herself, this means she wants you to give her time to work on herself.


She knows that if she continues to be with you, focuses on your relationship, and works on building herself, it won’t be possible for her.


And that is why she has told you that she wants to focus on herself for you to give her time to take care of what matters to her.


Don’t get me wrong, when a girl tells you that she wants to focus on herself, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have feelings for you.


Her romantic affection and attachment to you don’t have anything with her wanting to focus on herself.


It’s just that she needs time alone to work on other issues that are crumbling in her life.


If she is someone you are pursuing and she just told you that she wants time to herself it means that she is not ready to be in a romantic relationship for now.


There are a lot of things she wants to work on before she decides to be in a relationship with you.


Being in a relationship with you will only prevent her from working on herself since she will be distracted.


This is what it means when a girl says she wants to focus on herself.


Anyway, there is more you need to know if a woman tells you she wants to focus on herself.


There are reasons why she told you she wants to focus on herself.


She said it clearly to you because she wants you to acknowledge something that is going on with her.


This is why she said she wants to focus on herself;

1. She wants time for herself.

This is why she told you she wants to focus on herself.


when a girl says she wants to focus on herself

She wants time for herself to work on something that matters to her.


It can be that your relationship or what you are asking of her is something that is going to take away all her focus.


It won’t be possible for her to focus on what you are asking of her right now because some other parts of her life are a mess.


And that is why she wants you to acknowledge that she wants time to herself to deal with other issues.


This means that focusing on you, the relationship, friendship, or anything you are expecting her to; will be a difficult thing for her to work on.


Right now the only thing she needs is time from you and anything that is going to distract her from her original plan.


You may be asking yourself, why didn’t she just tell you that she needs a break or space from you?


She didn’t tell you any of that because she thought you would have gotten a bad idea of what she meant.


If she could have told you that she wanted space or a break from you, the only thing you could have concluded is that she is struggling in that relationship with you.


It can be that she is not happy in that relationship, you don’t handle her the way she wants and she just wants to push you away.


You will start thinking that everything that is happening between the two of you is because of how you handle her.


At a point, you will start blaming yourself and that is not something she wants to put you through.


But when she talks about focusing on herself, you won’t think this is all because of you; it’s for her personal reasons.


2. She wants a break from the relationship.

If you are in a relationship with her and she just told you that she needs time to focus on herself, this should let you know that she needs a break from the relationship.


It’s not possible for her to focus on the relationship and herself at the same time.


She wants you to give her ample time to work on things that matter to her.


It can be that it’s because of the relationship that she has lost sense of what matters to her and that is why things aren’t working on her side.


She has been paying too much attention to you and the relationship to the extent that other parts of her life are crumbling into pieces.


It’s difficult for her to focus on herself and solve the problems that are weighing her down if she will still put effort into working on the relationship.


This should give you an idea that she finds it tough to maintain the relationship and work on herself at the same time.


The relationship has been tough for her, she finds it exhausting because of the issues that she is dealing with currently.


She wants a break from the relationship to be able to focus on herself and work on the things that are driving her insane.


She told you that she wants to focus on herself meaning that it won’t be possible for her to focus on your relationship.


This is what you have to keep in mind. If it was possible for her to focus on the relationship while dealing with her issues, she wouldn’t have told you about this.


But since things are too hard for her, she is overwhelmed and exhausted, the only option she has is to drop one thing down; which is the relationship for now.


3. She doesn’t want to be in a romantic relationship.

She doesn’t want to be in a romantic relationship if she is someone you are pursuing and told you this.


It can be that you have expressed your feelings trying to convince her that you want her in your life.


Instead of her telling you how she feels about you; whether she wants to be with you or not, she just told you that she wants to focus on herself.


She just told you something that doesn’t relate to what you have asked of her.


What does focusing on herself has anything to do with you wanting to be in a relationship with her?


She told you that she wants to focus on herself thinking that you would understand that she is not ready to be in a relationship for now.


There are things that she has to work on for now before she thinks of being with you.


The things she wants to work on are very important to her and that is why she can’t afford to be with you.


Also, this should tell you that being in a relationship with you will only consume her.


It will be hard for her to commit to the relationship when she has other personal problems that are eating her up.


She wants you to understand that it’s going to be impossible for her to handle you the way you want.


And that is why she says she wants to focus on herself.


4. She wants to work on improving herself.

This is another reason why she told you she wants to focus on herself.


She wants to work on improving herself and that is why she told you such a thing.


She is a mess right now, the only thing she wants to focus on is herself.


It can be something to do with her self-esteem, her past, her career, trauma, and any other issues that are preventing her from being herself right now.


She doesn’t want to focus on anything else apart from what matters to her right now.


So, if you gave her a request about anything that you want her to work on so badly, it should give you an idea that it’s something she won’t be able to work on.


She wants to improve herself to become someone better, someone she admires, and achieve her goals.


The truth is that she knows when she focuses on anything other than improving herself, things will never work out for her.


This is because of the self-doubt she has about everything else that concerns her.


She told you she wants to focus on herself for you to understand that she is going through self-transformation in her life.


When you get what she means, it’s when you will understand how important her quest is.


5. She is unsure of which path she should follow in her life.

Things are unclear to her right now and that is why she told you she needs to focus on herself.


she wants to focus on herself

She doesn’t know which is the right decision for her to make and what she should do with her life.


She is undecided and that is why she wants time to think about what she should do.


This is why she wants to be alone to focus on what she should do with her life.


There are many decisions she has to make about important things that will turn her life around.


All these decisions she has to make, she doesn’t know which one will lead her to the right path.


And that is why she doesn’t want to focus on anything else that will distract her from what matters more than what she is working on currently.


If it was all clear to her what she should do with her life, she wouldn’t have told you about focusing on herself.


6. It’s just an excuse to throw out of her radar.

This may be harsh for you but you need to take it with a grain of salt.


When a girl doesn’t want to be with you, there are always petty issues she going to tell you.


Especially if she knows that telling you directly that she doesn’t have feelings for you will hurt you, hiding the truth is what she needs to do.


It can be that she still wants you around as a friend though she doesn’t want you romantically.


Read also; 6 Reasons Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You


She wants your attention because you always make her feel good about herself.


If she tells you that she doesn’t want to be with you because she has never felt anything for you, it will anger you and you won’t want anything to do with her.


All this will turn out to be about her not loving you.


But when she frames this to herself; she tells you that she wants to focus on herself, you will conclude that the problem is based on her personal problems and not about you.


This will convince you to be a good friend to her, help her work on her things, and forget about the things you wanted from her.


This is what she wants you to think about and forget that you ever wanted something romantic from her.


In the process of you thinking of the issues she is dealing with you will end up giving up on her and find someone else with not so many issues to fix in her life.


She is just throwing you off her radar and that is why she tells you she wants to focus on herself.




When a girl tells you that she wants to focus on herself, you should understand that she doesn’t want to deal with anything else that will take all her focus away from what matters the most.


She can’t focus on you or a relationship you want her to think of so badly.


If you want her to be your girlfriend and she tells you that she needs to focus on herself, this means she is not ready to be in a relationship.


On the other side, if you are dating, she wants a break from you to get enough time to work on her broken self.


Give her time to work on herself, it can be that the relationship she is focusing on is what keeps on preventing her from tackling the problems in her life.


This is what it means when a girl says she wants to focus on herself.


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  1. What To Do When A Girl Wants You To Visit Her
  2. When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: Do This
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