What To Do If You Can’t Find An Engineering Job

If you can’t find an engineering job after graduation then this is an article you should read. In this article, I will share with you several things you can do when you can’t find a job.


Sit tight, I’m about to share with you a piece of information that will make it easier for you to know what to do.


We all expect that after graduation we will end up finding the dream job we have been dreaming of.


This may not be the same case for you, it can be that your friends are successful at that part and you are wondering what you are doing wrong.


Without wasting time, let me share with you what you can do when you can’t find the engineering job you are searching for.


What to do when you can’t find an engineering job;

1. Figure out what you are doing wrong.

If you have been searching for a job for a while and you haven’t found it then there is something you might be doing wrong.


There is something that you are messing up and that is why you can’t find the job you are searching for.


So, before you curse yourself and give up on the dream job you are searching for, take a pause, sit down and think of what you are not doing right.


Is it your resume that makes it harder for you to get a job? Is it the way you present yourself?


Do you have the right recommendations for the job you are searching for?


These are some of the things you should ask yourself before you give up on hunting for the job you are searching for.


It can be that you can’t find the job you are searching for because of a tiny mistake that you usually do in every interview that you are called to.


You never know it can be that your resume is missing an important detail about yourself and that is why you can’t find the job you are searching for.


So, take your time to think about what makes it harder for you to get the job you are looking for.


If you do not know how you should search for the job you want then find the right source of information that will help you get the right knowledge.


It’s not too late to do that, and you will eventually find the answer you are looking for.


2. Find people who can help you to hunt for the job you are searching for.

Most people after graduation tend to cut off connections with their old friends from college or university.


They usually think that they no longer need them, and this might be the mistake you are making.


If you have tried everything to find the job you want and you haven’t been lucky yet then this is something you should think of doing.


Find people who can help you hunt for the engineering job you are searching for.


The first people you should connect with are your friends that you were with in the same university or college.


Ask about how they are progressing, ask them about the things they are doing and get to know the companies they are working in.


Connection with these people is what will help you to find the right information you want.


For instance, if your friend found a job in a similar company you were searching then make a point of talking to him or her.


The information that he or she will give you, will enable you to come up with an idea of how you will also get that job.


You can say it’s luck for your friend but it only happened because he or she went an extra mile searching for that job.


So, talk to your friend and ask him or her to help you hunt for the job you want to do.


If he or she won’t tarmac with you to help you search for the job you want to do then he or she will help you with information that might help you to find the job you are searching for.


3. Check out your expectations.

What are you expecting from the engineering job you are searching for?


Are your expectations realistic? Do you run for the right job?


These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before you give up on searching for that engineering job.


It can be that there is an opportunity for you to get the job you want but you are too choosy.


You only want to work in a certain company, you think that with your diploma or degree you are supposed to work at a certain level, and you keep turning down every offer you get thinking that you will land the job you want.


This might be something you are doing and that is why you can’t find the job you are searching for.


You have to humble yourself, lower your expectations and find a starting point.


Don’t think of going big on the first engineering job you land, that is unlikely to happen simply because you still don’t have what it takes to go big at your first job.


You don’t have the experience, which is something most companies will be checking on your resume.


Just start small and find a way that you can scale up to the dream job that you want to do.


When you change your expectations and be realistic about your situation then you will be able to get the job you are searching for.


Engineers are meant to solve problems, start solving the ones you are facing and then think of how you can be able to solve the ones out there.


4. Think outside the box.

I wanted to pursue mechanical engineering so bad until when I got to the college I applied to.


After I started my side hustle of writing articles and owning several blogs and I started earning money, something clicked in me.


I thought so hard about being employed, as my friends struggled to search for the best companies that they would end up doing their internships the only thing I was thinking about is how to be my boss.


I wanted to learn and have the knowledge of engineering I have today but I never wanted to work for anyone.


The only thing I thought of was to use my knowledge to make myself financially free, and that is when I decided to start this mechanical nerd.


I thought so hard about it, and I just closed my eyes and created the website you are on now.


So, think out of the box, if you can’t find the job you are searching for don’t give up.


Try to think of a way you will use the knowledge you got from college or university to make yourself financially free.


Why choose to be employed yet you can do something with your knowledge and get the cash you want.


It’s all about money, think of something you are passionate about and find a way that you can do it and make money without working under someone.


This is what I call thinking out of the box, try this and you will thank me later.


Thanks so much for reading, if you have any questions leave your comment, and see you in my next article.

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