What Is Mechanical Engineering Plant Option?

In this article, I will share what the mechanical engineering plant option is and some of the key important things you should know about this course.


I will also share my experience about the things I have encountered while studying mechanical engineering plant option.


I pursued the mechanical engineering plant option and that is why I think I can give you detailed information about this topic.


Without wasting time, let me share what you need to know about this discipline of mechanical engineering.


What is mechanical engineering plant option?

The mechanical engineering plant option deals with the aspect of maintaining, operating, designing, installing, and overseeing any power plant processes that will require an expert.


what is mechanical engineering plant option

The mechanical engineering plant option is one of the choices of mechanical engineering choices that you will have to take from either production or automotive.


In Kenya, when you want to pursue a diploma in mechanical engineering, you will have to choose between these three disciplines of engineering.


What I can tell you is that the mechanical engineering plant option is one of the widest courses you can pursue in diploma.


It’s considered wide because of so many aspects that you can learn as a student from this course.


Not only will you be dealing with machines and manufacturing industries, but also you will be able to learn everything about building and services.


This will take you to refrigeration and air conditioning, water treatment processes that are carried out in the plants, installing of the water supply systems and so much more.


With the mechanical engineering plant option, you will fill your head with a wide knowledge of different aspects of engineering.


When you pursue mechanical engineering in plant option, this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to learn about the engines.


You will learn about them but you won’t go deeper as the automotive students will go into.


There is something else amazing that I am about to share with you that will blow your mind about this course.


What does mechanical engineering plant option entail?

Mechanical engineering plant option mainly entails learning about machine maintenance, operating them, designing them, and being in charge of main power production processes like steam power plants and hydroelectric power generation.


If you are someone who you are interested in learning more about different power generation processes, and you are curious to know what happens in different power plants, then this is going to be the best course for you.


Diving deep into mechanical engineering, it’s going to get you where you want to be.


The good thing about the mechanical engineering plant option is that you are not limited to the source of knowledge you may need when studying.


You can actually work with other engineers from different choices and make a pretty good team when it comes to any working environment.


Someone who pursued mechanical engineering in plant option can work with those who did building and civil, production, automotive, and even electrical engineering.


The mechanical engineering plant option entails a wide variety of areas of study a student can dive into when in search of solutions to different engineering problems.


As long as there is a mechanical aspect in any field that needs to be checked, a mechanical engineering plant option student can also be involved.


Don’t worry that the mechanical engineering plant option is a course that will keep you isolated from the other disciplines of engineering.


The good thing about the mechanical engineering plant option is that you won’t have any limit on the things you will learn.


The only thing that will limit you is the time you will have to work on each individual unit.


But if you were searching for the information about mechanical engineering plant option because you wanted to know what it’s all about then I guess I have answered your questions.


Difference between mechanical engineering plant option and production option.

The main difference between the mechanical engineering plant option and the production option is that the mechanical engineering plant option deals with maintaining, designing, operating, and installing machines while the mechanical engineering production option deals with manufacturing different productions in integration with other disciplines of engineering.


If you are thinking of pursuing the mechanical engineering production option then you should know that you are involving yourself in the field of manufacturing.


You won’t only be dealing with manufacturing, you will also take part in designing the products you want to produce, doing some analysis about the products, and coming up with any innovative ways that are going to make the products even better.


In the mechanical engineering production option, you will mostly use different types of lathe machines to produce the products you want.


You might like this: Lathe Machines: Types, Working Principle And Operations


These products can be bolts, metal pieces of certain shapes, folding pieces of metal plates and so much more.


You will mostly involve yourself in the operation of the machines that are used to design these products.


This is very different from the mechanical engineering plant option since they don’t deal with intensive production of any kind except when it comes to power generation.


However, the plant option engineers can work with the production engineers since there is an involvement of mechanical machinery operations.


So, now I think you have an idea of what you will be getting yourself into when you choose to pursue the mechanical engineering production option.




If you want to pursue a diploma in any of the options I have talked you have to do your research before you do so.


Check out the different criteria of the courses before you decide to pursue them.


You might pick an option thinking that it’s fancy because of the name, but later on in the future, you end up finding out that it’s not something you wanted to do.


You would have wasted so many years in a field you want nothing about. And if you wanted to pursue the mechanical engineering plant option because you are interested in the details I have shared in this article then go ahead and do so.


There are so many things that will intrigue you about this discipline of mechanical engineering and the good thing is that it’s a marketable course in Kenya considering how wide it’s.


If you have any questions just leave your comments. Thanks for reading, see you in my next article.


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2 thoughts on “What Is Mechanical Engineering Plant Option?”

  1. I think this is explanatory enough, I’ve downloaded different materials and at the same time did many researches just for me to know more ABOUT the Manufacturing Option and Power & Plant Option in Mechanical Engineering.

    Thanks a lot and God bless!!

    I have a question though, can CAD/CAM be useful in both options?


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