I Don’t Feel Comfortable At My Boyfriend’s House: Do This

Your boyfriend invited you to his house, you went several times but you have never been comfortable. It still doesn’t matter whether you have been there before or not.


The solution that I am about to share in this article covers it all. If you don’t feel comfortable at your boyfriend’s house it will be hard for you to enjoy yourself when you go there.


This is something that you should work on if you want to enjoy your time when you visit him at his place.


If you don’t feel comfortable, you will feel restricted and you won’t be free to do anything you feel like.


This will destroy your usual vibe when you are with him. You won’t interact with your boyfriend the way you do when you are outdoors.


If you usually go to his house to spend quality time with him it will be hard for you to enjoy since you aren’t comfortable.


In this article, I will share with you several things you can do if you don’t feel comfortable at your boyfriend’s house.


This is what to do when you don’t feel comfortable at your boyfriend’s house;

1. Find out why you feel uncomfortable.

If you feel uncomfortable at your boyfriend’s house the first thing you should do is ask yourself why you feel that way.


I feel uncomfortable at my boyfriend's house

When you have an idea why you don’t feel comfortable at his house it will be easier for you to solve this problem.


It can be that there is a single thing that makes you feel this way. Getting rid of it or changing it might change how you feel when you are at your boyfriend’s house.


You feel uncomfortable, do you have an idea why you feel the way you do?


I am sure you usually feel comfortable around him but that is when you are out in public and not at his house.


He is your boyfriend, this shows that you feel safe and at ease when you are with him, otherwise you wouldn’t be dating right now.


You need to find what makes you feel uncomfortable if you want to solve this issue easily.


Do you feel uncomfortable at your boyfriend’s house because of how he handles you?

Is it because of how your boyfriend behaves when he is at his place with you?


Does he say anything that makes you feel uncomfortable when you are with him at his place?

Is it the design or how the house is set up?


These are some of the questions you should ask yourself when you feel uncomfortable at his place.


The moment you have an idea why you feel the way you do when you are at his house, it will be easier for you to come up with a way to change this.


2. Fix what makes you uncomfortable.

When you have an idea why you don’t feel comfortable at your boyfriend’s house, this is something else you should do.


You need to work on what makes you feel uncomfortable at your boyfriend’s house. If it has something to do with how your boyfriend handles you then you will have no choice but to talk to him about it.


Sit down with him and let him know that you feel uncomfortable at his house when he does or says certain things.


The moment he realizes that he makes you feel uncomfortable by doing what he does, he will make the environment for you conducive and enjoyable.


If you don’t feel comfortable at your boyfriend’s house because of how he has set up his house, you will need to share this with him.


Talk to your boyfriend and let him know how you would like the house to be arranged for you to feel at ease when you are there with him.


If your boyfriend wants you to enjoy your time when you are with him at his place he will do the right thing.


When you have an idea of what makes you feel uncomfortable it will be easier for you to change that.


But if you don’t know why you don’t feel comfortable, and you have no idea of how to fix that you will need to talk to your boyfriend about it.


3. Talk to your boyfriend about what you feel.

When you feel uncomfortable at your boyfriend’s house this is what you should do. You need to let him know what you feel when you are at his place.


Don’t hide it from him simply because you think he will conclude that you don’t want to be around him.


If he invited you to his house and whenever you are there you feel uncomfortable, let him know about it.


When you tell your boyfriend that you always feel uncomfortable at his place, he will come up with a way to make you feel welcomed and at ease when you are at his house.


If his friends are always there when you go over to visit him, next time he won’t allow them to be around when you want to come over.


Your boyfriend will understand how to handle you and make you feel at ease when you are at his place.


If he has to play some music to keep you calm and relaxed he will start doing that when you go over at his place.


When you let him know how you feel when you are in his place he will try his best to make you feel comfortable when you are there with him.


Hiding this from him will only make things worse. The energy between the two of you will not align and this might make your boyfriend think you are bored when you go to his house.


If there is anything that bothers you when you go to his place and that is why you feel uncomfortable, share it with him.


The moment your boyfriend is aware of what you feel when you are at his place he will either remove the things that make you feel uncomfortable or he will do things to make you feel at ease and relaxed when you are at his place.


So, don’t be afraid to talk about it with him if you want to change this.


4. Spend more time at his place.

If you feel uncomfortable at your boyfriend’s place it’s because you haven’t been spending more time at his place.


I am not talking about spending more time with him, that is another issue. When you are at his house, other things have been introduced.


It can be a big space that scares you, the feeling of being in a strange room other than yours, or the privacy part.


You feel uncomfortable at his place simply because you haven’t been spending more time with him.


Trust me, if you were always spending your time with him at his place watching movies, helping him clean the house, and even doing your laundry at his place, you wouldn’t be feeling the way you do right now.


This only says one thing about you; you haven’t been spending a lot of time with him at his place and that is why you don’t feel comfortable.


If you want to feel comfortable and free when you are at his place, you will have to spend more time with him.


You need even to sleep over at his place if you want to feel comfortable. If you can stay for about 3 to 4 days with him before you go back to your place, you should do that.


This will get rid of the feeling that you are in a strange space. You will feel safe and free when you are at his place because you have been there until it feels like home.


The more time you spend at his place the better you will feel when you go there. The awkward feeling that you feel right now when you are at his place will just fade away.


So, make some arrangements with your boyfriend to spend more time there. If he is not available you can even choose to stay there until he comes back from wherever he may be.


When you are at his house, just handle yourself like you do when you are at your place.


As you also stay at his place you should try to arrange the house the way you would arrange yours.


Something like this might not seem a big deal but it will greatly help you to change how you feel when you are at your boyfriend’s house.


This will make you feel like you are at your place.


The more time you spend at his house, the more you will get used to it and you will no longer feel uncomfortable when you visit him.


5. Leave some of your stuff at his place.

This is another genius tip I can share with you if you don’t feel comfortable when you are at your boyfriend’s house.


You don’t feel comfortable because it doesn’t feel like your place.


When you enter your room, you feel you have entered the safe heavens. You don’t feel pressured because this is your sanctuary.


Your jackets are hanging by the cupboard, your shoes are well arranged in the cabinet too, and you have your make-up bag by your dressing table.


Everything feels so peaceful at your place.


One of the reasons why you feel comfortable when you are at your place it’s because you see everything you might need to use.


The amazing colors of your bedsheet and duvet make you feel at ease. You feel comfortable because it is not strange. This is what you are used to.


You can do the same thing at your boyfriend’s house. Start giving your boyfriend’s house the feel you get when you are at your place.


The only way you can do that is by leaving your things behind. Your boyfriend won’t find it a big deal when you leave some of the things that you use frequently at his place.


If he doesn’t want you to leave anything at his place, that should tell you that there is something fishy going on.


Read also; Why He Doesn’t Want You To Leave Your Stuff At His Place


The moment you have several things that you use frequently at his place, you will start to feel comfortable when you enter his house because it will just look like yours.


When you enter his house you see your shoes, make-up bag, your charge and even the novels that you like reading so much.


The moment you see your things at his place it will give you a familiar feeling and you will start feeling comfortable at his place.


Let your boyfriend know why you are leaving your stuff at his place so that he doesn’t put them in a bag and put them in a store.


This is something you can do if you visit your boyfriend often.


6. Stop overthinking.

You are overthinking about everything when you visit him and that is why you don’t feel comfortable when you are there.


I feel uncomfortable at my boyfriend's house

When you are at your boyfriend’s place you are overthinking how things will turn out to be.


The impression that you have about him is that he took you to his place to just get you on his bed.


It can be that in your previous relationship, your ex-boyfriend used to only take you to his place when he wanted to get you on his bed.


He was never that great at handling you when you were at his place. He didn’t care what you felt and wanted from him.


This left a scar on you. The moment you visit your boyfriend’s place, you start thinking of what happened with your ex-boyfriend whenever he took you to his house.


You feel uncomfortable at your boyfriend’s house because you are overthinking about everything. This makes you feel unsafe at his place and it takes you back in the past.


When you are stuck in your past about what your ex-boyfriend used to do to you when you were at his place you fail to breathe.


You feel suffocated and confused when you are at his house because of overthinking.


It’s also possible that you feel uncomfortable at your boyfriend’s house because you overthink what he will do to you when it’s just the two of you.


You know that when a guy takes you to his place is just to make a romantic move on you. This is what stuck with you and that is why you always overthink about it.


“What if he makes a move on me when I am at his place and I fail to give him what he wants?”

“What if he doesn’t feel happy when he sees my body?”


“What if tries to kiss me and I pull away?”

“I am not ready for sex, will he do anything when I stay with him a little longer with him?”


“Where will he start to touch me?”

“He is taking his shirt off, what does he want to do with me?”


This is you now overthinking about everything he does when you are at his place.


The moment you overthink every single thing your boyfriend does or says when you are at his place you will never feel comfortable.


You will feel your heart racing like you are running a marathon.


You need to relax and take your mind off any thoughts that will start making you feel like you are running a 100 meters race with “Usain Bolt”


If there is anything that your boyfriend usually does and it makes you start overthinking about things, let him know about it.


He will stop doing it.


If it’s about the romantic moves he makes when you are with him at his place, talk to him about it and how you would like him to approach them.


This is what will help you feel comfortable at your boyfriend’s house.


7. Assure yourself you are safe around him.

If you feel uncomfortable at your boyfriend’s house this is something you can do to feel safe around him.


You need to assure yourself that you are safe with him at his place.


There is no safer place other than his house. This is what you should assure yourself if you want to feel comfortable when you are at your boyfriend’s house.


When you assure yourself that you are safe with him at his house any negative thoughts will vanish away.


You will feel free to talk about anything with him and enjoy your stay with him at his house.


Assure yourself and relax, take deep breaths before you enter his house, and just relax.


Ask him to give you your favorite drink when you are seated in his house.


This will also help you to feel relaxed, comfortable, and safe.



When you don’t feel comfortable at your boyfriend’s house the first thing you should do is find out why.


Find out why you feel the way you feel when you are at your boyfriend’s house. If there is something your boyfriend does to make you feel uncomfortable talk to him about it.


Let him know that you would like him to stop doing the things he does.


Use the tips I have shared with you to make yourself feel at ease when you are with him.


You also need to spend more time at your boyfriend’s house if you want to get used to being there. If it’s your first time there, don’t worry too much about it, with time you will feel at ease when you are at his place.


Give it time.


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  1. Why Your Boyfriend Kicks You Out When You Fight
  2. My Partner Makes Me Feel Like A Bad Person: Do This
  3. My Boyfriend Avoids Me When I’m Sick: Why
  4. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?
  5. What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House

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