Is It Okay To Ask Your Partner To Block Someone?

Is it okay to ask your partner to block someone simply because you are jealous or you feel insecure? Is it toxic to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend to block someone?


What if the person your partner is chatting with is messing up with your relationship?


There are so many things you need to know when it comes to asking your partner to get rid of someone.


I know you may be asking yourself so many questions about what your partner will feel when you ask him or her to block someone.


What I can tell you is that it can turn out to be wrong or right when you ask your partner to block someone. It depends on several situations; you will know them as you continue reading the article.


Is it okay to ask your partner to block someone?

It’s okay to ask your partner to block someone if that person is messing up your relationship. When you have a clear clue that the person your partner is talking to is the reason why your relationship is unstable right now or that person brings conflicts between the two of you.


So, if your partner is in touch with someone who is a danger to your relationship, you have the right to ask your partner to block that person.


can you ask your partner to block someone

You are trying to protect your relationship. I know some people will conclude that you are jealous and overprotective.


What I can tell you is that you are doing nothing wrong by protecting your relationship.


The moment you notice that your partner is chatting with someone who wants to destroy your relationship and you have evidence that is the case, it’s okay to ask him or her to block that person.


You will do this out of love and the need to protect your relationship.


For instance, if your partner is chatting with someone who is hitting on him or her, you have an idea that the person your partner is in touch with is all over your partner. You have the right to ask him or her to block that person.


Read also; 6 Reasons Why She Tells You Other Guys Hit On Her


Your partner will conclude that you are jealous and insecure when you ask him or her to block someone who is hitting on him or her, but you shouldn’t let his or her statement make you feel bad for wanting to protect what is yours.


If you will not protect your relationship no one will do it for you.


So, if you know that the person your partner is in touch with is seducing your boyfriend or girlfriend, you shouldn’t hold yourself back. It’s okay for you to ask him or her to block that person.


Sometimes, you may find that your partner is still chatting with someone who wants him or her.


He or she will tell you that nothing is going on, the fact is, your boyfriend or girlfriend spends hours chatting to that person because he or she enjoys his or her attention.


On the clear side, you know that the person your girlfriend or boyfriend is still chatting with is someone who wants him or her so badly.


Now your partner spends hours talking to the same person. He or she tells you that he or she is just a friend right now and there is nothing much going on.


If this is the case, you have the right to ask your partner to block that person.


You should never allow your boyfriend or girlfriend to entertain someone who wants him or her.


The moment your boyfriend or girlfriend entertains someone who is into him or her, it shows that he or she isn’t bothered to protect your feelings and respect you.


At one point, if your partner is in touch with someone who wants to be with him or her, that person will still flirt with him or her.


We all know where this is going, right?


You can’t tell me that a person who is so much into your partner will suddenly lose all feelings for him or her and chat friendly with him or her.


That person will continue pulling moves to have your partner.


So, if your partner is chatting with someone who wants her or him romantically, it’s okay for you to ask him or her to block that person.


Also, if your partner chats with someone who flirts with him or her you have the right to ask your partner to block him or her. Your partner should do it without hesitation because that is beyond discussion.


There are some other cases where it won’t be okay for you to ask your partner to block someone.


When you ask your partner to block you someone because of your selfish interest, control, jealousy, and insecurity yet nothing is going on, it’s wrong.


It’s not okay to ask your partner to block someone because you don’t like the person your partner is in touch with. This is wrong because you are letting your selfish interest come between your partner and the people your partner befriends.


You can’t tell me that if you hate someone because of a conflict you had a long time ago, you will also expect your partner to be on the same page with you.


Some situations won’t be realistic for your partner to follow.


If you are in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that your partner will have to hate the people you hate.


Your partner may be friends with someone you don’t like. You have no right to ask him or her to block that person because you fought with the person your partner is talking to.


You have to understand that you both have different social life. You can’t just make your partner’s social similar to yours.


You can’t control the friends your partner keeps close.


If it reaches a point where you want your partner to only be friends with the people you are friends with, it will end up feeling like you are controlling your partner’s social life.


is it okay to ask your partner to block someone

This is likely to wreck your relationship in pieces.


You can’t ask your partner to block someone simply because you think that the person your partner is in touch with doesn’t like you.


If you have no evidence that the person your partner is talking to is a threat to your relationship, it’s not right for you to ask your partner to block that person.


You can’t ask your partner to get rid of his or her friends based on instincts, jealousy, and insecurity.


It’s not okay to ask your partner to block his or her friends because you don’t want him or her to talk frequently to them.


If you get to this point, you will only be controlling your partner. You will eventually make the relationship toxic.



It’s okay to ask your partner to block someone who is posing a threat to your relationship and the life of your partner.


If someone is a danger to your partner’s life or the relationship, you have the right to ask your partner to block that person and he or she should respect that.


But if your partner is talking to someone who doesn’t pose a threat to your relationship or partner’s life, you have no right to ask him or her to block that person.


You can’t ask your partner to get rid of his or her friends simply because you are jealous and insecure. The only way you should go about that is to talk to your partner and find a common ground to handle this issue.


It’s not okay to ask your partner to block someone because you don’t talk to that person. You can’t ask your partner to hate the people you hate when she or he has nothing to do with the conflict between the two of you.


If you know that your partner is in touch with someone who is messing up with your relationship and he or she doesn’t want to block that person, it’s clear that something is going on.


It’s either your partner is cheating on you with that person or he or she just wants to make you angry.


Anyway, that is another topic of its own that I will talk about next time.


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  1. How Does A Girl Feel When You Block Her?
  2. My Boyfriend Wants Me To Block Someone: Should I Do It?
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