5 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Gives You Money

Your boyfriend gives you money when you don’t even ask him to, you have so many questions about why he does it.


You want to know why he gives you money.


Is there a reason why he does it?

Why would he give you money even when haven’t asked him?


Does he think you want him for his money?


You are going to be surprised by what you will learn from this article… Your boyfriend is giving you money because he wants to help you financially.


That is something obvious…


This might be something obvious to you but there is more to it. A guy will do something with an intention behind it.


If he gives you money, he is helping you out, he is taking care of you, treating you, and showing you that he notices what you need even without telling him about it.


What does it mean when your boyfriend gives you money?

When your boyfriend gives you money it means he wants to support you financially. It can be that you gave him the impression that you are struggling financially and that is why he has chosen to help you out.


The moment a guy chooses to help you financially even when you haven’t told him about your challenges, it’s usually because he has noticed you need his help.


Your boyfriend has observed and realized that you need his aid and that is why he has chosen to help you out.


The part of your boyfriend helping you out financially may not be the only reason why he gives you money.


You may not be struggling financially at all. That is where the other part of this article will help you out.


This is why your boyfriend gives you money;

1. He wants to help you financially.

He gives you money because he wants to help you financially. Your boyfriend gives you money since he knows he has to take care of you.


why your boyfriend gives you money

Your boyfriend knows that he has to give you money to make your life comfortable.


If he has observed how you handle yourself and realized that you have so many responsibilities, you find it hard to clear your bills on time and your life is not that great, this is why he wants to chip in.


You may have not told him that you need his financial support, he took his time to learn what stresses you most and decided to help you out.


Your boyfriend is observant and that is why he managed to notice that you need his financial aid.


If he gives you money every month, when you are down and stranded it’s all because he wants to help you financially.


Don’t ask yourself so many questions why he is giving you money. You have to know that he is doing it to help you.


He wants to help you. It can be that he thought you would reject his aid which is why he never bothered talking to you about it.


Also, he thought it would make you uncomfortable when you talk about money issues with him.


He is giving you money since he knows you need his financial help.


If you have ever told him about your financial status when you were getting to know each other, this also could be why he is giving you money.


You never know, it can be that he knows your parents also depend on you financially and that is why he is giving you money.


Your boyfriend knows that you won’t be able to support yourself financially and help your family too.


He is giving you money because he wants to help you out.


2. He wants to treat you.

Your boyfriend is giving you money because he wants to treat you.


There are moments when a guy will want to make you happy by giving you something you value the most.


If your relationship with him is progressing smoothly, he is happy being with you, everything in his life is going exactly the way he wants, and he is giving you money to treat you.



He wants you to be happy too. Your boyfriend is giving you money to enjoy yourself.


When you are excited about something and also you want someone you care about to be happy you will choose to treat them.


You can decide to treat them by taking them on a trip abroad, buying them something they love, or giving them money to enjoy themselves.


Your boyfriend is giving you money to treat yourself and buy the things you like and care about.


If he always gives you money once a month when he has received his salary it’s because he wants to treat you.


He is happy and he also wants you to be. Your boyfriend is giving you money for you to buy yourself something that will make you excited.


3. He wants you to know that he can take care of you.

Your boyfriend is giving you money to show you that he can take care of you financially.


Have you observed the attitude he has when he is giving you money?


How does he handle you when he gives you money?


Have you ever talked about wanting a man who can take care of you financially?


If you told him that you want a guy who is going to support you financially and it’s when you have started dating, he is giving you money to prove a point to you.


He is giving you money to show that he can support you financially. Your boyfriend is giving you money to drive your doubts away.


“I want you to know that I can support you financially, I can take care of you and get you anything you want”


Your boyfriend is giving you money to assure you that he can support you when you need him to.


If it’s when you have started dating, he wants you to know that he will always be there for you when you need his financial aid.


Your boyfriend is giving you money to prove to you that he is an ambitious man, he knows how to get money and when you decide to settle with him, he will always take care of you.


It can be that you did or said something to make him think that you thought he wasn’t capable of helping you financially.


He is giving you money to clear your worries and let you know that he can take care of you financially.


Your boyfriend knows that if he gives you money you will realize that he can take care of you anytime you want him to.


This is for you to know that he can do it.


4. He thinks you are struggling financially.

If your boyfriend is giving you money it’s because he thinks you are struggling financially.


If he thinks that you are having a hard time paying your bills and buying food, this could be the reason why he is giving you money.


When a guy who cares about you notices that you are having a hard time handling your life because of financial issues, he will chip in to help you out.


So, if there is anything that made your boyfriend realize that your life is tough, he is giving you money to help you.


Also, if your boyfriend noticed that you are having a hard time clearing your bills yet you are working this made him realize that you are struggling financially.


The moment you give your boyfriend the impression that you are struggling financially and he can help you out, he will give you money.


You don’t need to ask yourself so many questions about why he is giving you money.


5. He wants to control you.

Your boyfriend may be giving you money to control you.


why your boyfriend gives you money

Right now, you may not see that at all but it will manifest itself as time goes by.


If your boyfriend is giving you money with conditions this is a sign that he wants to control your life.


It will reach a point where he will tell you not to do certain things because he is the one supporting you financially.


There are lots of ways he can use to control your life without you knowing it.


He is giving you money for him to have control over everything you want to do.


Your boyfriend can decide to tell you not to do any work because he is the one providing everything.


On the other hand, he may find a reason to restrict you from going places just because he is paying for everything.


For instance, if you want to go to a party with your friends and he doesn’t want you to go he will use the money he gives you as an excuse to deny you to go.


Also, your boyfriend can end up controlling everything you want to do because he is giving you money.


He can end up telling you the clothes to wear, the places you should go if you want to enjoy yourself, the meals you should have, and the people you should help out.


You should conclude that your boyfriend wants to control you if he is giving you conditions every time he gives you money.


Also, if you have noticed that when he gives you money he wants you to do everything he likes, it’s a clear sign that he wants to control your life.


The more you take his cash, the more he will feel he has control over your life and everything you do.


He will think he is entitled to your life and everything you do because he gives you money to do everything you want.


Your boyfriend can take advantage of you and there is nothing you can do about it especially if you depend on him financially.



If your boyfriend is giving you money with conditions, this should let you know that he wants to control you.


He will ask you not to do some things because he feels he is entitled to you.


There is nothing to worry about if your boyfriend is helping you financially without any strings attached.


As it should be, couples should support and help each other in their time of need.


If you told your boyfriend that you are struggling financially, you shouldn’t worry if he is giving you money. He is doing it because he knows you need his help.


Your boyfriend cares about you and is there for you when you need him.


In case, you have no idea why he is giving you money, you should confront him and ask him why he does that.


If his intentions are unclear to you about why he gives you money then you should deny it.


Also, if you have realized that your boyfriend wants to control your life because of the cash he gives you, take yourself away from those chains.


I hope I have given you a clear perspective as to why your boyfriend is giving you money.


Related reads;

  1. 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You
  2. My Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Help Me Financially: Why?
  3. Boyfriend Chooses His Mother Over Me: Do This
  4. 5 Things To Do When A Guy Cries In Front Of You 

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