What To Text Her When She Is Out With Her Friends

When your girlfriend is out with friends and you want to text her, there are kinds of conversations you should ignite with her.


What you have to understand is that you don’t want to send her texts that will make her notice that you desperately need her.


I know you want her around but today she decided to hang out with her friends.


Before she met you, she had friends and a social life she was creating for herself.


You don’t want to be the reason she doesn’t hang out with her friends because you are super jealous and insecure.


The kinds of text you will send her when she is out with her friends should encourage her to have fun with her friends but at the same time push her to want to be around you.


These are the kinds of texts you should send your girlfriend when she is out with her friends.


In this article, I will share with you phrases you can use to text her that won’t make you seem so desperate that you need her around yet it’s a way of telling her that you need her around.


Without wasting time, this is what you should know.


This is what to text your girlfriend when she is out with her friends;

1. I guess you are having fun out there.

This is one of the phrases you can use as an opener. When your girlfriend is out with her friends and you don’t know how to start the conversation use this phrase.


what to text her when she is out with friends

When you text “I guess you are having fun out there” it’s like you are asking her to tell you what she is doing with her friends but indirectly.


It’s different from when you text “What activities are you doing there with your friends” This kind of text will sound like you don’t trust your girlfriend at all.


She will feel like you want to know everything she is doing. It might now come out differently to her.


It will be like you want to know what she is doing and start telling her what to do and what not to do.


But when you frame it the way I have shared “I guess you are having fun out there” she will start talking about the activities she does.


If you know what she does out there, you have the upper hand in pulling her to your side.


You know what she likes and what she hates. If she does something with her friends that she is not fond of you can use that to grab her attention.


2. I feel like I am missing something here.

This is another phrase you can text your girlfriend when she is out with friends.


The moment you tell her that you feel like you are missing something around, she will be curious.


She will want to know what you are missing.


This will give you the chance to grab her attention and use this to your advantage.


When tell her that you miss something around, she will want to know what you miss.


This will give you the opportunity to say things that will pull her to you more instead of her friends.


When she realizes that you miss her more when is away, she will start realizing that she occupies a huge place in your heart.


Without her, you will just feel empty and lonely.


This is something that will just want to make her be around you and spice things up.


What you need to understand is that in a relationship, the way you communicate about how you feel to your partner plays a big role when it comes to how deeply you will connect.


Now that you are dating, the action part is more than it was when you were pursuing her.


You hold her, you hug her, you kiss her, romance, and more.


She is used to that part. The only part that you need to do more right now is letting your girlfriend know how special she is in your life.


So, when you text her and tell her that you miss her more when she is away, she will realize that she is so crucial in your life.


And instead of focusing on what she is doing with her friends out there, she will just want to be around you.


3. The place looks really empty right now.

You tell her through text that the place looks empty without her, you will make her feel special.


She will conclude that everything you have at your place doesn’t fulfill you when she is not around.


It’s like an indirect way of telling her that you need her around because the place feels like a ghost house.


This will give her a sense that you always value her presence.


You feel happy and energized when she is with you.


So, if she chooses to go out with friends just to run away from you, she will realize that she is hurting your feelings and she will do everything she can to get back to you as fast as possible.


4. I didn’t expect I would feel this lonely without you around.

When you text her telling her that you didn’t expect you would feel lonely when she is gone, she will feel that she has the upper hand.


She will think that you are completely attached to her and that is why when she went out with her friends you started feeling lonely.


Women love the idea of their boyfriends being completely glued to them.


So, when you tell her that you are lonely because she is out there, she will just want to be around you.


It will make her realize that what she does around you makes you completely attached to her.


If she loves you so much and she doesn’t want to lose you to someone else, she will do things to make you love her even more.


The fantasy of every woman in a relationship is to have the man she loves be obsessed with her completely.


This is what will make her want to be around you so soon and leave her friends hanging for you.


5. Your friends are pissed at me for taking your attention.

When you text her “Your friends are pissed at me for taking your attention” she will give you a response that will enable you to know if she is too busy or not.


what to text her when she is out with her friends

She will either tell you that there is nothing much going on other than the girls talking or her friends are really staring at her while she is texting.


The moment you text her such a phrase she will tell you what you need to hear.


If she is too busy to text she will let you know and if she wants to talk to you she will let you know.


The main intention of this text is just to find out if it’s okay for you to keep texting or let her have fun.


If she is bored out there and she wants to talk to you, she will tell you that there is nothing much that goes on out there with her friends.


She will keep the conversation going.


But if she is busy and by texting you make it hard for her to have fun with her friends you will also know it through the response she will give you.


As I said earlier, you don’t want to seem too desperate.


If she is having fun out there, let her have it, but if she doesn’t enjoy it there, keep the conversation going.


6. We shouldn’t be talking this much right now.

This is another text you should text your girlfriend when she is out with friends.


When you tell her that you shouldn’t be talking, she will actually want you to keep talking to her.


Have you ever heard that when a woman tells you no, it’s a yes?


That is not what it literally means but when you put a woman in a situation that questions why you don’t want to do a certain thing, it will make her curious.


The curiosity is what will make her keep searching for answers.


So, if you want to talk to her more, just tell her that you shouldn’t be texting.


She will keep the communication going even if she is busy. She cares about you, she loves you and when you say you don’t want to keep talking with her, it will raise questions.


This is the moment she will give you the attention you want to lure her into coming back to you as quickly as possible.


7. I remember there is something I wanted to give you.

It can be that you don’t have anything to give her. It doesn’t have to be something that is tangible.


Your intention is to make her consider getting home to you as fast as possible.


So, this is what you should text her when she is out with friends.


Tell her that you have a surprise for her. She will be curious.


It will be hard for her to focus on anything else other than you.


If you wanted her to come back to you fast, there you have it.


It’s all about the mind’s game.




There is nothing wrong with wanting your girlfriend to be around you always.


Sometimes you have to give her time to hang out with friends. Give her a chance to miss you more.


Don’t show her that you want to control every aspect of her life to the extent that you don’t want her to hang out with friends because you need her around for yourself.


If you need her around, the texts I have shared with you will do the trick.


At least it will spice up your relationship and make her realize you are an amazing guy through the way you play with your words.


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