Why Does He Stare At Me But Has A Girlfriend?

He stares at you but has a girlfriend, you are wondering what he wants from you. Is he looking at you because he is interested in you? In this article, I will share some of the reasons why a guy may stare at you when has a girlfriend.


This guy is in a relationship but he can’t take his eyes off you. I know you have so many questions but all of them will get answered soon.


A man can stare at you for so many reasons one of them being that he likes what he sees.


You are an amazing woman and he can’t just take his eyes off you. The truth is that he likes the way you look.


He can’t help himself but stare at you even if he has his girlfriend beside him. Does he stare at you because he wants to make a move on you?


Read also; Why He Stares At You


He may want to get closer to you but he doesn’t know how you will respond.


There is more you need to know about why he stares at you while he has a girlfriend already.


This is why he stares at you but has a girlfriend;

1. He finds you attractive.

He stares at you but has a girlfriend because he finds you attractive. He can’t take his eyes off you since you are just a visual feast.


why he stares at you but has a girlfriend

This guy finds you attractive than his girlfriend and that is why he just can’t look away.


It can be that he is staring at you because of how you have dressed, your hairstyle, or just how you generally look.


What you should know about guys is that they will start staring at you when they see something interesting in you.


A guy will stare at you just to fantasize about how amazing you are. For some guys, it doesn’t matter whether they are in a relationship or not.


They will stare at you as long as you have an incredible body. His girlfriend may be better than you but they will just stare at you.


Most guys can’t control themselves when it comes to staring at beautiful women in the streets. So, if he is staring at you while you see his girlfriend beside him know that he likes what he sees from you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 


It’s hard for guys to resist staring at women because it’s in their nature. Men appreciate things by looking at them.


He is staring at you because you are super attractive and he can’t help himself.


Let me be honest with you about something, if he didn’t find you attractive I don’t think he would have been focusing on you at all.


He wouldn’t even stare at you or realize you were standing around there.


Guys like staring at beautiful women it doesn’t matter if they are in a relationship or not.


Why does he stare at you while he has a girlfriend by his side? He is staring at you just to appreciate your beauty. It doesn’t necessarily mean when a guy stares at you finds you to be more attractive than the woman he has.


Some guys will stare at other women when they are with their girlfriends and end up discussing them.


It can be that he is staring at you because he likes the way you are dressed. Later on, he will start telling his girlfriend that she should also try to dress the way you are.


He might look at you and just compliment you in front of her girlfriend just to make her jealous. It can also be to motivate her girlfriend to keep on working on her body and the way she dresses.


Read also; When Your Boyfriend Compliments Another Girl: It Means? 


2. He is thinking of making a move on you.

Some guys will stare at you but have their girlfriends; all they think about is making a move on you.


A guy will stare at you when he finds you attractive. The part of him having a girlfriend won’t scare him at all. He might end up pretending that he would like to get to know you better.


And do you know where he will end up? If he wants to get to know you better he will eventually make a move on you in the long run.


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?


He won’t care if you know his girlfriend or not.


Some guys will stare at you just to get your attention too. Their main intention is to make a move on you. They will act like they don’t care about you, but when you get curious and you want to know why they were staring at you they will start a small talk.


This will be their first step in getting to know you and bringing themselves closer to you.


So, when a guy stares at you but has a girlfriend, don’t conclude that he won’t make a move on you.


If he has his girlfriend next to him, he might not make a move on you but when he is alone he will try to get close to you.


He will just get closer to you, talk to you, and pretend that he wants to get to know you better. A guy will stare at you and think if he should make a move on you or not.


When a guy is super attracted to you, he will make a move on you even if his girlfriend is around.


Other guys will stare at you and try to make an impression that they would like to talk to you even when their girlfriends are around.


So, if he stares at you while winking, this is just a sign that he wants to make a move on you but he doesn’t want his girlfriend to know about it.


He is thinking of making a move on you and if you give him the chance you will find him next to you when his girlfriend isn’t aware or she is away.


Other guys will stare at you thinking of making a move on you but they will not go through with it. But if you find a way to get closer to them when their girlfriends are not around you will notice that they will try to make a move on you.


3. He is just comparing you to his girlfriend.

I told you told you that guys like staring at beautiful women. You can’t stop a guy from staring at women in the streets.


He stares at you but has a girlfriend just to compare you with her.


You may ask me, why would a guy want to compare you to his girlfriend? When a guy is not happy with his girlfriend’s body, he will start comparing her to other women.


He doesn’t see what he wants to see from her girlfriend. The only thing he does is stare at other women and compare them to his girlfriend.


This helps some guys to stay in place with their girlfriends without ending up cheating on them.


He gets what he wants from the women he stares at in the streets and maintains his connections with his girlfriend.


Other guys will stare at you and start fantasizing about how amazing you are than her girlfriend. It’s something common with most guys who aren’t happy with how their girlfriends look like.


They stare at other women and keep on feeling bad about themselves for being with the women they have currently.


These are the kinds of guys who end up cheating on their girlfriends with other women simply because they can no longer hold on to their fantasies.


He stares at you but has a girlfriend that he is not happy to be with. You are cute and the way he wants his girlfriend to be. He doesn’t want to end the relationship with his girlfriend right now not knowing how you will respond to his proposal.


He doesn’t want to be alone, and that is why he is holding on to his girlfriend though he doesn’t find her as beautiful as you are.


At the same time, he is just searching for a possible catch and you might be the one.


What you need to know is that men usually find other women more beautiful than their women.


This guy has been around his girlfriend for so long, he always sees her, and he knows her flaws and strengths. You are a mystery to him, he doesn’t know anything apart from the beautiful body he sees.


He thinks that you are way better than his girlfriend because he doesn’t know any of your flaws. The part of him wanting to explore more about you keeps him intrigued staring at you.


This man stares at you but has a girlfriend to see the difference that exists between you and his girlfriend. If you are more than what he sees from his girlfriend he might end up making a move on you.


4. You have captured his attention.

When a guy stares at you but has a girlfriend it’s because you have captured his attention.


when he stares at you but has a girlfriend

If you were doing something; singing, cooking, dancing, or talking about something, you got his attention and he can’t stop right now.


What were you doing that made him start staring at you while has a girlfriend?


The moment you do something that a guy doesn’t expect you to and you end up capturing his attention, he will keep staring at you.


It can be that he is either surprised by what you did or you intrigued him more than his girlfriend usually does. He can’t stop staring at you because what you did just blew his mind.


If you are talking about a topic that he is curious about, he is staring at you so that you keep talking about it. His girlfriend never talked that much sense when it comes to what you were talking about.


The part of him staring at you while his girlfriend is beside him is to keep you going.


If you were dancing, he stared at you because you danced better than his girlfriend did and that is what captured his attention.


What I am trying to say here is that if you capture a guy’s attention by what you do, it doesn’t matter whether his girlfriend is around or not, he will stare at you.


He will even end up complimenting you in front of his girlfriend.


And if he stares at you because you have captured his attention through what you were doing, he might end up approaching you just to compliment you or find a way to get in touch with you.



When a guy stares at you but has a girlfriend this should tell you that he likes what he sees. You are attractive than his girlfriend and that is why he has his eyes on you.


If he stares at you for a while longer and can’t help himself, he might end up making a move on you even if his girlfriend is around.


Some guys will stare at you and start thinking if they should approach you or not. But given a chance, they will do everything they can to be closer to you.


When a guy stares at you but has a girlfriend and you are interested in him, you should give him the impression that you would like to talk to him.


If he is truly interested in you he will make a move on you. But what you need to know is that if he stares at you and finds you more attractive than his girlfriend, he is probably going to see someone else better than you.


He will also end up ditching for another woman he will stare at in the future.


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  1. A Guy Says I Can’t Give Him What He Wants: It Means?
  2. Kinds Of Questions Guys Ask When Interested In You
  3. How Guys Feel After Rejecting A Girl
  4. What Does It Mean When A Guy Ignores Your Compliment?
  5. When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means? 

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