What To Do When Your Girlfriend Keeps Insulting You

Your girlfriend keeps insulting you and you have no idea what you should do, this is the right article for you. I will share some of the things that you can do when your girlfriend keeps insulting you.


You are not allowed to raise a hard on her. So, what can you do to make her stop insulting you?


It’s not pleasing to hear your girlfriend insulting you. You might think of breaking up with her, but that isn’t the best solution for you.


You are in love with her.


On the other hand, if you let her continue insulting you, she will end up degrading your value.


The moment she loses all respect for you, you will never be at peace with each other and that will be the end of your relationship with her.


She will want to be on top of you and do everything she wants without considering what you feel about it; it won’t stop there.


This is what to do when your girlfriend keeps insulting you;

1. Find out why she keeps insulting you.

If your girlfriend keeps insulting you the first thing you should do is find out where the problem is.


she keeps insulting me

She never used to insult you in the past. You guys were on good terms. You never argued or fought about anything.


Right now she is insulting you for things you don’t even understand. You mess up a little and she starts insulting you without even caring about what you feel.


She is no longer the sweet girl you used to know.


There is a reason why she keeps insulting you. If you won’t find out why she keeps insulting you there is no way the two of you will create peace.


For you to start working out this problem, you need to find out why she is insulting you in the first place.


When you know why she keeps insulting you, you will have an idea of what to do to stop her from insulting you.


How can you find out why she is insulting you in the first place?


You can trace back some of the recent events that you had with her, if there is something you did to hurt her feelings you will know about it.


If there was an argument that you didn’t resolve, that might be the reason why she keeps insulting you.


She is angry at you and that is why she keeps insulting you.


If you have no idea why she keeps insulting you since you don’t remember doing anything to hurt her feelings, you will need to talk to her.


You will have to ask why she keeps insulting you.


The response she will give you will give you an idea of why she keeps insulting you.


2. Resolve any misunderstandings.

If you want your girlfriend to stop insulting you this is what you have to do.


You need to resolve any misunderstandings between the two of you if you want her to stop insulting you.


This means you will have to sit down with her and find a common ground to the issues that you don’t look eye to eye.


If it’s something you did or said to her to make her angry at you to the point of her insulting you, you need to fix that.


You will have to apologize to her, show her that you are sorry for what you did and you are willing to fix things between the two of you.


Swallow your ego and let her know that you admit to all the mistakes you made.


This is one of the ways you will be able to get rid of the negative tension between the two of you.


If she is not angry at you about anything she won’t have the power to keep on insulting you.


Unless she is crazy and that is how she behaves, there is no way you can change her.


You will have no choice but to work things out with her.


If it was about making decisions that she wasn’t happy about you will have to sit down and find a way you will both be happy with the decisions that you are about to make.


Don’t pull the decisions towards your side or hers. You need to be neutral, talk about what you both want, and find a way you can both be happy when it comes to what you want to decide.


The moment she is happy with whatever decisions you make in that relationship she won’t have a reason to keep on insulting you.


This is what you should do if your girlfriends keep insulting you.


You have to remember that your goal is to create peace with her. If you get angry to the extent that you can’t control your temper simply because she is insulting you there is no way you will make peace with her.


You will have to calm down if she is high. If both of you are on fire it will be hard to come up with any agreement that would end the insults.


Resolve the conflicts first before you think of doing anything about what she does.


If after resolving the issues between the two of you nothing changes and she keeps going on with the insults, that is when you will have to take another approach.


This clearly shows that she is insulting you because of other issues and it’s not that there is a conflict between the two of you.


And what would that be? Why would she just keep insulting you when you haven’t done anything wrong?


Maybe she doesn’t respect you at all nowadays, she no longer sees you as the man you used to be, you are nothing to her and that is why she feels she has the right to keep on insulting you.


That would need another approach if you want to stop her from insulting you every time.


3. Stop being on her wrong side.

If you know that she insults you when you do something wrong, you will need to be on her right side.


When you don’t do anything to annoy her or hurt her feelings, she won’t have a reason to keep on insulting you.


You will have to get rid of any behaviors that make her angry at you to the point of insulting you.


If she insults you because of what you do to her or say, you need to stop that. You have to change the way you handle her if you want her to stop insulting you.


Show her that you are mature by what you say and do when you are next to her.


When you show her that you don’t want to be on her wrong side and you always do the right thing to make her happy, she will stop insulting you.


You need to respect each other, and that will start with how you handle her.


When you always do the right thing whenever you are next to her, she won’t have any reason to insult you.


But if you keep handling her like a kid and she doesn’t like that she will keep insulting you.


She won’t show you respect because you don’t either. If you want her to stop insulting you then handle her the way she wants.


Don’t mess up with her feelings and she won’t mess up with yours too.


Respect her decisions and she will always do the same. Avoid doing anything that will give her a reason to insult you.


It doesn’t matter whether you have resolved the conflict between the two of you, if you will keep on doing the things that annoy her there is no way she will respect you.


You keep hurting her feelings, you make her angry all the time and you don’t respect her decisions; she will keep insulting you until the moment you show her that you don’t want to be on her wrong side.


4. Let her know what you feel about her insulting you.

If you want your girlfriend to stop insulting you this is what you should do.


my girlfriend keeps insulting me what should i do

You need to talk to her if you have done all the things I have shared in the above section of this article.


Let her know how you feel about what she does. She may be insulting you because she thinks you are enjoying it.


She keeps insulting you as a joke. Your girlfriend doesn’t think that you are angry at all when she does it.


It can be that you used to joke so often while insulting each other in the past and she knew you wouldn’t get offended when she does it.


She calls you names and verbally abuses you while laughing, you usually say nothing about it.


This makes her think she is doing the right thing since you have never told her how you feel about what she does.


You need to tell her what you feel about her insulting you.


If it annoys you let her know that it makes you angry and you would like her to stop at once.


When you talk about this issue with your girlfriend and she realizes that you are not happy about what she does, she will stop doing it.


Also, when you talk to her about what you feel when she keeps insulting you, she will give you a response that will enable you to know what she thinks about what she does.


If she always insults you because it’s something she likes doing, you will hear it from her.


But if she always insults you because you are in her right lane, she will also tell you about it.


5. Come up with a peaceful way to resolve your conflicts.

Your girlfriend keeps insulting you because she doesn’t have an idea of a peaceful way to resolve your conflicts.


You might talk to her about how you feel when she insults but that won’t stop her.


She won’t insult you after you have talked to her about it, but when she is angry at you because of something you did or said, she will start insulting you again.


You have no choice but to come up with a peaceful way that will enable you to resolve your disputes instead of insulting each other.


Let her know how you would like to resolve your conflicts.


Tell her what to do when you are on her wrong side, and talk about ways she should use to approach you when you have wronged her instead of her insulting you.


These are some of the things you should talk about if you want your girlfriend to stop insulting you.


You have to show her that there is no benefit to her insulting you since it will only make matters worse between the two of you.


You need to share with her how you would like her to face you when you have done something that she is not happy about.


After you have shared with her how you would like her to handle the conflicts between the two of you, listen to what she has to say.


What does she want? How does she want to work out the misunderstandings between the two of you?


Listen to her carefully and note down anything important that she emphasizes.


When the two of you understand each other’s needs you will always know how to work out any problems between the two of you.


The moment something happens and you are both angry at each other, you will know a way to work things out.


You won’t start yelling at her and she won’t start insulting you.


6. Teach her a lesson not ever to insult you again.

Another way to stop your girlfriend from insulting you is to teach her a lesson if all the ways I have shared with you haven’t worked.


You talked to her, you resolved your conflicts and even came up with ways to handle your disputes but she hasn’t changed.


She keeps insulting you without even considering how you feel about it.


What you need to know is that she loves you so much, but that doesn’t give her the right to keep insulting you.


You need to change now and handle her the way she wants to be handled.


Show her that you don’t tolerate what she does and you won’t handle her like an egg again.


If she won’t stop insulting you have to put on the alpha male mode and teach her a lesson.


The perfect way to teach your girlfriend a lesson is by ignoring her and distancing yourself from her.


If she keeps insulting you and you take it all in, you still give her the attention she yearns for and you are always around her to keep her warm, she won’t learn anything.


You don’t need to insult her back when she does. Walk away from her when she starts insulting you.


Don’t reply to her texts and don’t pick up her calls; just ghost her for days.


If you can don’t even go back to your place, go somewhere that she will never find you.


Any woman wants attention from the guy she loves. She will crave your attention but you won’t be there for her.


This will make her realize that what she did was wrong and you weren’t happy about it.


She will miss you so much. Your girlfriend will start regretting why she insulted you instead of fixing the issues between the two of you.


You can ignore her for a week and then switch your phone on. Don’t text or call her.


She will do it because she will realize you are online. When she does, she will start by apologizing for what she did because she needs you.


Let us assume you were the one providing her with everything, she will have learned a lesson.


She will think twice next time when she wants to insult you.


If she won’t apologize for insulting you when she reaches out to you, don’t talk to her about anything.


Hang up her call or don’t reply to her text. This is what will make her realize that you are still not happy.


She has to admit that she did something wrong, she should apologize and assure you that she will never do it again.


If she won’t bother calling or texting you after you have ignored her for a week, leave her alone.


Don’t bother going back to her, this clearly shows that she doesn’t love you at all.


You are someone she doesn’t care about and if you decide to walk away from her it won’t bother her either.


She doesn’t value you; you are just someone she pushes her time with.


Find yourself someone who respects and values you for who you are.


7. Cut her off if she doesn’t stop insulting you.

If you have done everything I have shared in this article and still your girlfriend keeps insulting you, you will have to cut her off.


my girlfriend keeps insulting me

Your girlfriend doesn’t respect you. If there is no respect she has for you, it’s true to say that there is no love too.


A woman who doesn’t respect will never love you.


What you need to know is that a relationship is held still with more than a single thing.


You need to respect each other if the relationship is going to stand still.


There are so many things in a relationship that won’t happen if you don’t respect one another.


Every single day in a relationship you have to make decisions, you have to do things to maintain the pledge of your relationship, the conversations you have with your partner and so many things involve the two of you respecting each other.


When a woman doesn’t respect you, she will insult you, she will cheat on you, and will never value you.


There is no way a relationship will hold in these situations. It doesn’t matter how much you love her, what you give her, and what you do for her, if she doesn’t respect you, she will never love you.


If she doesn’t respect you, leave her. She is not someone you can build a future with.


Find someone else who will respect you and love you for who you are.



When your girlfriend keeps insulting you the first thing you have to think of is finding a way to fix any conflicts between the two of you.


In most cases, she will insult you when she is angry at you for something you did or said.


But if she just insults you out of nowhere, be honest about how you feel about what she does.


Let her know how you would like to handle your conflicts. If she doesn’t listen to you will have no choice but to cut her off.


If she keeps insulting you even after you have talked about it, she doesn’t respect you.


Never hold onto a woman who doesn’t respect you because there is no day, she will love you the way you want her to.


This is what you should take away from this article.


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