When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means? 

When a guy acts childish around you there is a lot that is going on between the two of you. 


In this article, I will share what it means when a guy acts like a kid around you, why he acts that way, and what to do if you don’t like it. 


The moment a guy acts childish around you and you don’t understand what it means you might end up handling the situation wrongly. 


If it is his way of showing you that he cares about you, wants to make you happy, or expresses his feelings; the way you will handle it might bring the two of you closer or push him away further. 


Let me start by sharing what it means when a guy acts childish around you. 


What does it mean when a guy acts like a kid around you? 

When a guy acts like a kid around you it means that he feels comfortable around you, he wants to spike your mood up and it can be that he likes you and that is why he behaves this way. 



he acts childish around me

Let me break it down for you to understand deeply what it means when a guy acts childish around you. 


The moment a guy acts childish around you, it’s because he is very comfortable around you. 


A guy being comfortable around you confirms that he is himself around you. He is not trying to hide anything about himself from you. 


He lets out all his energy around to show you who he is when it comes to having fun with you. 


When a guy is comfortable around you, he will always be himself. He will not act special just to please you. 


The things he will do when you are together will give you a real picture of who he is. 


If you have been friends for a while and he behaves like a kid around you, this shows that he knows you better and that brought the two of you closer to the extent of him feeling free around you. 


He doesn’t feel restricted with you, he doesn’t think he needs to be someone else around you and it’s because he is used to spending more time with you.


All these are things that make him feel so comfortable around you. 


When a guy is not comfortable around you, it will be hard for him to behave like a kid. 


He will think that it will be lame for him to act that way because it’s something that won’t please you at all. 


A guy who is not comfortable will act professionally around you. If he has something to share with you he will do it and get away from you as fast as possible. 


He won’t have the luxury to act childishly around you because it will seem weird to both of you. 


A guy will act like a kid around you when he wants to spike your mood up. He notices you are down and gloomy. He knows that when he acts like a kid around you it will make you smile. 


If you don’t feel like talking to him because you are not in the mood or you are stressed about something that is going on in your life, you will just find yourself talking to him. 


He wants to make you happy and lighten you up and that is why he is acting childish around you. 


Don’t ask yourself so many questions if you are in this state, he noticed that you are down and he is putting on a show to cheer you up. 


If you know each other better, he acts this way around you because he knows that it’s a way of cheering you up. 


The moment you see him acting like a kid, you will start smiling and laughing because it’s funny for you. 


It’s something that is going to lighten up your mood. 


When a guy likes you he will do lots of things to make you happy. He will try all these things to have a good time with you. 


Love is all about being stupid together. He knows that if he starts acting professionally around you he will bore you. 


He doesn’t want to do that at all and that is why he is putting up the goofiness around you. 


He likes you and that is why he acts like a kid around you. 


If a guy doesn’t like you, there is no way he will act like a kid around you. 


He will think that he is only humiliating himself in front of you which will only make him look like a clown. 


This guy will always be on business with you, he won’t have the time to put the childish act around you.  


If there is something he needs from you he will just let you know about it, and when you manage to give it to him, the story between the two of you will end. 


When a man truly loves you, he acts like a child 

When a man is in love with you, he will always feel comfortable around you. 


He won’t hide any side of him, he will want you to know him for who he is. 


When a man truly loves you, he will act like a child around you just to show how free he feels around you, to make you happy, and to show you that you can loosen yourself around him. 


He doesn’t want you to be always so serious when you are around each other and that is why he acts this way. 


When you observe him, you will never see him acting this way around other girls or his friends. 


So, when a guy acts like a child around you, it also shows how much he likes you. 


Guys don’t want to be seen as clowns in front of other people, but when they show the reality of who they are; it’s because they are in love with you. 


So, if your boyfriend acts like a child around you, it’s because he loves you so much, he feels comfortable around you and he wants to have a good time with you. 


Love is all about being kids together, no tension and that is how you will enjoy yourselves. 


A guy I don’t know acts like a child around me 

If it’s a guy you don’t know who acts like a child around you, this is what you should know. 


when he acts like a kid around you

This guy acts like a child around you because he finds you attractive and he is trying so hard to get your attention. 


You will ask yourself questions about why he acts that way, and this will be a reason for you to start a conversation with him. 


Some guys do this intentionally for you to notice them. 


That is what this guy is doing. 


If you keep communicating with him, you will realize that he will want to be in touch with you with you. 


It’s all because he likes what he sees and he was searching for an angle to talk to you. 


If a guy acts goofy around you 

When a guy acts goofy and silly around you, it can be that he is trying to make the atmosphere around you easy for you to handle. He wants to make you feel at ease around him. 


He wants to make it easier for you to open up to him if you have anything in mind especially if there has been an awkward silence. 


So, if you are hanging out and you notice this, you should know this is what it means. 


Also, when a guy acts silly around you it’s because he also finds it easier to talk to you. 


You are an easy person to please, he feels at ease around you and nothing sounds hard when it’s just the two of you. 


If this is happening, it’s a good thing for your relationship, for a relationship to be greater and connect with each other easily these are some of the things that have to happen. 


It will be hard for you to have fun if he will always be serious around you. 


I hate it when a guy behaves like a child 

It can be that he behaves like a kid around you, but it’s something that you don’t like, you have to be honest about it. 


If a guy behaves like a kid around you to the extent that it annoys you, the only thing you will have to do is confront him. Let him know that when he acts like a child sometimes it annoys you. 


Let him know that it’s not always a good idea to act silly especially when you are trying to discuss some important issues.  


He should know when he should act silly and when he should be serious around you. 


Too much of something is poison. 




If it’s your boyfriend acting like a kid around you it means that he is comfortable around you, he is trying to make you happy, he wants to have a good time with you and he feels himself with you. 


When a guy you don’t know acts like a kid, it should let you know that he is trying to get your attention, he likes you and he wants to find a way to talk to you. 


Is it good to act goofy around each other? If a guy acts goofy around you and you are comfortable around him there is nothing wrong with that. 


Get closer to each other and have some fun. That is what makes things exciting. 


It doesn’t matter if you are dating or you are friends. 


Related reads; 

  1. When A Guy Tells You About His Whereabouts: It Means?
  2. When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?
  3. Why Do I Act Like A Child Around My Boyfriend?
  4. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  5. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants Your Company?

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