My Boyfriend Is Always On Phone With His Family: Do This

If your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family to the extent that it bothers you, you need to do something about it. That is if he doesn’t even give you his attention because he is busy talking to his family all the time.


Your boyfriend has the right to talk to his family but it shouldn’t be the extent that he forgets about you when you are next to him.


He has to give you his attention, know that you are around him and you also want to talk to him too.


What should you do if he gives all his time and attention to his family and not you?


Should you tell him that you also need his time?


The solution to this issue is what I am going to be talking about in this article.


What to do when your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family;

1. Find out why he is always on the phone with his family.

If your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family the first thing you have to do is find out what is going on.


what to do when your boyfriend is always on phone with his family

You have to know why he is always on the phone with his family before you do or say anything that will bring a conflict between the two of you.


It can be that he is always on the phone with his family since he is trying to work out an issue that you have no idea about.


So, don’t just start yelling at him that he doesn’t give you the attention and time you need because he is always on the phone with his family.


You need to approach this carefully because it’s a sensitive issue.


If you have realized that your boyfriend spends so much time on the phone with his family, you need to ask him what’s going on.


Especially if you have realized that this has been going on for a while. Sit down with your boyfriend and ask him what is going on with his family.


If your boyfriend spends lots of time on the phone with his family simply because he is trying to solve a problem, you will know about it.


And If there is nothing wrong with his family but he just always talks to them for hours and forgets about you, that will give you an idea of how to work out this problem.


Also, when you why he is always on the phone with his family you can reason with him so that you all find a common ground for what is happening.


But if you start working out on this issue without knowing what’s going on you might bring about a conflict.


If he is the kind of guy who says his family comes first, things might get rough.


Read also; Boyfriend Says Family Comes First: It Means?


2. Help him solve his family’s issues if there are any.

If your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family since there is a problem he is trying to solve then you should help him out.


Maybe your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family trying to solve a problem at home, so you will have to chip in.


If there is a family dispute you can help your boyfriend by giving him your advice on how he should approach the issue.


The fact that he is always on the phone with them shows that the issue is huge and he should find a way to work it out.


You will have no choice but to find a way you are going to help him out.


The only way you get him off the phone with his family is if there are no issues.


The faster you help him solve his family’s problems the sooner he will be away from the phone and give you all his time and attention.


So, this is what you should do if your boyfriend is busy trying to work out a problem with his family.


What if there are no issues he is trying to solve with his family?


Do what I am about to share with you next if there are no problems he is trying to work out.


3. Let him know how you feel about being always on the phone with his family.

How do you feel about your boyfriend being always on the phone with his family?


my boyfriend is always on phone with his family

What you feel about him being always on the phone with his family that is you should let it all out.


If it bothers you that he spends hours always on the phone with his family let him know about it.


It can be that he doesn’t think he is doing anything wrong at all and that is why he keeps doing it.


Or maybe he thinks you don’t find it a big deal when he is always on the phone with his family.


When you tell him that you feel left out and forgotten the moment he spends hours always on the phone with his family, he will understand that he is hurting you.


Your boyfriend will adjust the hours he spends on the phone with his family to ensure that you don’t feel left out.


Also, when you express what you feel about him spending hours always on the phone with his family, his response will give you an idea of what’s going on between the two of you.


It may be that he is mad at you about something you did recently but you don’t know.


You thought he forgave you but he still held on to it.


The negative tension between the two of you pushes him to spend hours on the phone with his family.


This is one way of distancing himself from you and not giving you any attention.


He is only using his family as an excuse to distance himself away from you.


You won’t know about it unless you talk to him about how you feel about what he does.


So, don’t be afraid to let your boyfriend know that you aren’t happy that he is always on the phone with his family.


That might be a reason for him to change or open up to you about what is going on.


4. Ask him to give you his time and attention too.

If your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family and he doesn’t give you his time and attention, you will have to ask him to consider you too


he always talks to his family on phone

Let him know that you feel he doesn’t give you the attention you need and you want him to start focusing on you too and not his family only.


If you don’t get his attention and time, this is the time for you to let him know.


When you tell your boyfriend that you need his attention and time, he will realize that he has been paying too much attention to his family lately and not you.


As long as you express to him how you feel that he is always on the phone with his family. Your boyfriend will know that he has been so busy with his family to the extent of forgetting about you.


If your boyfriend still cares about you and doesn’t spend hours always on the phone to hurt you, he will start paying attention to you.


The habit of being always on the phone with his family will change.


If it’s to talk to his family he will allocate specific time for that.


When you are around him, he will make sure he pays attention to you and is present for you and won’t spend hours on the phone with his family.


Your boyfriend won’t do this unless you open up to him about what you want from him.


But if your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family just to hurt you and make you feel neglected, he won’t be willing to stop it.


He won’t even care about what you will tell him. He will keep doing it just to hurt you.


What should you do if your boyfriend doesn’t want to adjust the time he always spends on the phone with his family?


Should you break up with him because he is always on the phone with his family?


Read also; Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend Because Of His Mom?


You may express what you feel about what he does and even ask him to give you his attention and time but he may still spend hours always on the phone with his family.


5. Take your action according to his response.

When there is a problem in a relationship your first response should always be to find a solution.


If the solution involves you talking to your boyfriend, helping him to fill a certain gap, and even offering your resources to fix it, do it.


When your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family to the extent that he doesn’t give you his attention and time, you need to be honest with him about how this affects you.


Take your action according to how he will respond after you have told him about how you feel.


If your boyfriend doesn’t want to change, doesn’t talk of a solution with you, and doesn’t even care about what you feel about what he does, you should distance yourself from him.


This is the first thing I would advise you to do before you think of ending the relationship with him.


You must give him space to deal with anything that is going on with his family.


If there are disputes he is trying to work out and he doesn’t want you to know about them, when things are fine he will reach out to you.


The moment he misses you around, he doesn’t get your attention, and sees your pretty face he will want you around.


And if you talked to him earlier about him spending hours always on his phone with his family, he will adjust that.


Also, the moment you distance yourself from him after you have talked about this issue your boyfriend will know that he did something wrong.


He will reach out to you and want to fix this issue. That is if he still cares about you.


But if your boyfriend won’t reach out to you after you have distanced yourself from after you talked about this problem, this shows that he does not care about you.


If this is the case you will have to walk away from him because he is taking you for granted.


A guy who cares about you would want to work out issues with you the moment you distance yourself from him.


But if he is not bothered that you have distanced yourself after telling him about the issue of him being always on the phone with his family, end the relationship.


If he would rather always be on the phone with his family the break up will do him good.



If your boyfriend is always on the phone with his family to the extent that he doesn’t give you attention you have to do something about it.


The first thing you have to do is find out if there is any problem he is trying to work out with his family.


If there is a problem he is trying to solve and it’s eating him up you should help him out.


When the issue is resolved he won’t always be on the phone with his family and you will have him for yourself.


But if there is nothing wrong with his family, express what you feel about him being always on the phone with them.


If your boyfriend cares about you he will realize that he is not doing the right thing.


He will adjust the hours he spends on the phone with his family and he won’t make a big deal out of this.


But if your boyfriend does this to hurt you, he won’t change anything and it will be clear to you by the response he will give you about him being always on the phone with his family.


If this is the case you will have no choice but to distance yourself from him. This might make him change when he misses you around.


You will have to end the relationship if he doesn’t consider what you feel. This shows he is only taking you for granted.


You deserve better!


Related reads;

  1. 12 Signs Your Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Like You (+To Do)
  2. What To Do When Your Boyfriend’s Family Is Toxic
  3. Boyfriend’s Family Talks Bad About Me: Do This
  4. My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 
  5. What To Do When Your Boyfriend Is Too Attached To His Mom

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