6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Extra Nice To You 

All of a sudden your boyfriend is extra nice to you, he was never that nice to you. 


Sometimes he would even ignore you but now he is giving you so much attention. 


He buys you gifts and says nice things to you. You are wondering when he became so romantic. 


Is there something going on?

Why is he being so nice to me all of a sudden? 


In this article, will share with you some of the reasons why your boyfriend is extra nice to you. 


Some of what you will learn from this article will surprise you. 


Without wasting time, let me dive into this topic. 


What does it mean when a guy is suddenly being nicer to you? 

When a guy is suddenly being nicer to you it means that he needs something from you. It can be that he wants to ask you a favor and he knows that if he treats you the way he used to, you won’t give it to him. 


Also, it can be that he messed up and he knows that when you find out you will be mad at him. 


He is being nicer to you so that when you find out what he did, you won’t be extra aggressive at him. 


The short meaning I have shared with you won’t cover everything you need to know why he is suddenly nice to you. 


This is why your boyfriend is being extra nice to you; 

1. He is hiding something from you. 

He is hiding something from you and that is why he is being extra nice to you all of a sudden. 


why your boyfriend is extra nice to you

Your boyfriend is always the kind of guy who doesn’t care so much about you. 


He is a good guy to you but not that extra nice. Let me say he usually treats you nice but not nicer. 


All of a sudden out of nowhere he is treating you better than he used to, there is something he is hiding from you. 


Your boyfriend knows that if he keeps treating you the way he used to, you will end up finding out that he is hiding something from you. 


He is trying to distract you from finding the truth by treating you differently. 


The truth is that when your boyfriend is extra nice to you the only thing you will be focused on is how he treats you. 


You won’t want to know where he was some few hours ago when he left you hanging. 


It will be a great distraction for you. You won’t feel the need to ask him lots of questions because you will be enjoying what you get from him. 


You are happy because he is being extra nice to you and you don’t want to ruin that by starting to ask him about things that might ruin the moment. 


So, if your boyfriend is extra nice to you because there is something he doesn’t want you to know, it’s because he is trying to distract you from finding out the truth. 


Also, your boyfriend may be treating you nicer because he doesn’t want you to be so angry at him when you find out that he has been doing something odd behind your back. 


It’s kinda like he is treating you nicely so that you control your temper when you find out that he did something you are not happy about. 


This will happen because you will want him to treat you nicer and since you want to maintain the good relationship and vibe that exists you will go easy on him. 


This is one of the reasons why your boyfriend is nicer to you. 


2. He wants something from you. 

Your boyfriend is nicer to you because he wants something from you. 


Have you thought about it? He knows that when he wants something from you it will be hard for you to give it to him if he has been treating you like trash. 


So, he is being nicer just to manipulate you into giving him what he wants. 


It can be that he wants to ask for money from you and he knows if he treats you the way he used to you won’t give him anything. 


The only card he has right now is to treat you nicer so that you find it easier to give him what he asks from you. 


Your boyfriend knows that you won’t resist his charms and that is why he is doing this. 


He might not ask you just immediately when he is being nicer. You will enjoy what he has to offer until you have concluded that your boyfriend is just being caring and loving guy. 


That is when he will just come up with a topic that concerns what he wants to do. 


And then he will ask for something from you. 


So, if your boyfriend is being extra nice to you all of a sudden, it’s because he wants to ask a favor or something from you. 


This is what you should know. 


3. He is feeling guilty for something he did. 

Your boyfriend is suddenly extra nice to you because he feels guilty. He did something that goes against what your relationship stands for. 


It can be that he cheated on you with someone else or he did something that will just bring about a conflict when you find out. 


The good thing is that you didn’t find out what he did. You have been the loving and caring girlfriend to him you have always been. 


You have been treating him right and taking care of him. This is something that burns him. 


He did something bad but you are here treating him so nicely that he even feels guilty about how you handle him. 


Your boyfriend feels that he should be punished for what he did but you have no idea what he did. 


You are in the dark and that is why you handle him like everything is right between the two of you. 


The guilt that your boyfriend has keeps on burning him from inside and it pushes him to do something. 


He can’t tell you the truth because he is afraid of hurting your feelings. 


Also, he doesn’t want to lose you and that is why he doesn’t want to open up about what he did. He knows it will be impossible for you to forgive him. 


His guilt tells him to do something to wash the bad things he did to you. 


All of a sudden your boyfriend feels he needs to change and be a good boyfriend to you. 


He is treating you nicer all of a sudden just to wash away the guilt of the things he did to you behind your back. 


Your boyfriend knows that when you are happy because of how he treats you it will wash the guilt away and make his conscious clean. 


This is another possible reason why your boyfriend is being extra nice to you. 


It’s the guilt of something he did behind your back that makes him treat you like this. 


4. He has decided to make a change in the relationship. 

If your boyfriend is being extra nice to you it’s because he has realized that he needs to change. 


my boyfriend is extra nice all of a sudden

He needs to start working on the relationship. Sometimes guys can treat you the way they feel like when they know you will always stick to them. 


Especially when a guy knows that you are so in love with him and you will always stay no matter how he treats you. 


But when he realizes that you are the only person who cares about him and you are ready to stand up with him through his lows and highs, something will click in his head. 


He will feel that he needs to change for the better of the relationship and give you what you deserve. 


So, if he sat down and observed how you have been treating him and noticed that it’s not even closer to how he treats you, this could be one of the reasons why he is being extra nice to you. 


Your boyfriend wants to work on the relationship to make some changes. 


This is because he has realized that he needs to settle down with you and go places with you. 


That won’t happen if he keeps treating you like he used to. He knows that you will eventually be tired of being treated like trash and you will walk away. 


This is why your boyfriend has decided to make some changes in the relationship. 


So, if your boyfriend is being extra nice to you and works on improving how he treats you and the relationship at large, it’s because he wants to make the relationship better. 


He realized that without him changing the way he handles you there is no way you will be happy with each other and the relationship won’t go far. 


5. He just realized you deserve to be treated better. 

Your boyfriend just realized that you need to be treated better than he used to. 


He knows your worth and that is why he has decided to change all of a sudden. 


It can be that your boyfriend has realized that the way he has been treating you is worse.


You have been a good person to him and never judged how he handles you. 


He took a moment to observe you, the things you sacrifice for the relationship, and the commitment you keep, that is why he has decided to change. 


He has realized that you deserve to be treated better because you are the best girlfriend he has ever been with so far. 


Something that bothers him is that you never complain about how he treats you. 


He is being mean to you but you don’t treat him the way he does. 


This is something that made him realize that he is on the wrong side. 


You deserve better than what he offers and that is why he has decided to change all of a sudden. 


He is being extra nice to you to compensate for the times he has been treating you badly. 


This is one of the reasons why your boyfriend is extra nice to you. 


He has also come to his senses that if he keeps treating you the way he does, you will eventually end the relationship and leave him for someone who is going to treat you better. 


Guys sometimes will treat you the way they want but later on, something will remind them how they got hold of you. 


Your boyfriend realized that he needs to treat you better because you deserve better. 


He is afraid that one day you will wake up and decide that you are done being treated badly and you will walk away from him. 


That is when you will realize that you need something better and not what he offers. 


This is one of the reasons why your boyfriend is being extra nice to you. 


6. Your boyfriend is jealous and insecure. 

Your boyfriend has realized that you are attracting attention when you go out there. 


The competition is stiff. Other guys out there are giving you so much attention and handle you nicely. 


Your boyfriend sees this and he feels threatened. Your boyfriend is feeling insecure and jealous at the same time. 


He knows that when you keep getting so much attention from other guys and they treat you nicely, you might end up leaving him for someone better. 


Your boyfriend has decided to change how he treats you because he is afraid of losing you to someone else. 


He knows that if he treats you better than he used to treat you, there won’t be a need for you to focus on the attention you get from the other guys out there. 


You will start paying more attention to him and focus on him only. There is no way you will think of leaving him for someone else because he handles you better than other guys do. 


Your boyfriend is jealous. He doesn’t want you to enjoy the attention that you get from other guys. 


And that is why he has decided to change how he handles you. 


Your boyfriend is insecure, he doesn’t want to lose you to someone else. 


And that is why he has decided to be the best guy you have ever had in your life. 


This is one of the possible reasons why your boyfriend is being extra nice to you. 



If your boyfriend is extra nice to you and there is no way he is manipulating you, don’t question it. 


Enjoy what he has to offer. Reciprocate the energy you get from him this is what will make your relationship better. 


Sometimes a guy will just change how he handles you when things are getting better in his life. 


There are no things that are stressing him out and everything that is working on is going great. 


This is also one of the reasons why your boyfriend may be extra nice to you. 


But when a guy is going through tough situations sometimes it will be hard for him to be nicer to you because he is stressed.


You also have to understand that not all guys have control of what is affecting them from the outside. 


Some carry the rage even to the people they care about. So, if your boyfriend is extra nice and there is nothing wrong, just embrace him. 


Show him that you appreciate what he is doing and grow your relationship. 


 Related reads;

  1. Boyfriend Always Wants To Know What I’m Doing: Why? 
  2. 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You
  3. 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Wants Everything His Way
  4. My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This  

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