My Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Help Me Financially: Why?

If your boyfriend doesn’t want to help you financially it’s clear he doesn’t want to spend money on you. For you to know what you should do about this, you need to know why he doesn’t support you.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You


You need to know why he doesn’t want to support you financially to figure out how you should handle this issue.


What you need to know is that your boyfriend has to support you financially when you are stranded.


A relationship is all about supporting each other through highs and lows. You need to support each other if you want to reach far together.


If you have nothing, your boyfriend has to be there for you if he can chip in. He should realize that you are stuck and help you financially.


In one way or another, you will have to support financially in a relationship because you will at one point be stranded to clear your bills if you are both hustling.


Let me share with you some of the possible reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t want to help you financially.


This is why your boyfriend doesn’t want to help you financially;

1. He is not financially stable to support you.

Your boyfriend doesn’t want to help you financially because he is not financially stable.


my boyfriend doesn't want to help me financially

He is struggling financially and that is why he finds it hard to help you financially.


You think that he doesn’t want to support you financially on purpose. He is harsh when you talk to him about your financial issues.


This is all because he is struggling financially but he doesn’t want you to know about it.


It can be that before you started dating, he gave you the impression that he is well-off.


He made you believe that he had his life figured out and money matters were not an issue to him.


All this was just to lure you to his box and make you his girlfriend. It’s not that he doesn’t want to support you financially, it’s just because he doesn’t have anything to give you.


Your boyfriend doesn’t want to tell you the truth about his situation. He wants you to think that he just doesn’t want to help you with money but that is not the case.


It can be that he thinks you will find him to be less of the man you used to see him and that is why he doesn’t want you to know the truth about his financial status.


If you have been sharing with him your financial issues and he has never helped you out, it’s possible that he doesn’t have a means.


Telling you the truth will just make you perceive him as a useless man in your life and that is why he says nothing.


He just wants you to conclude that he doesn’t want to support you financially and he wants you to think differently and figure out how you are going to help yourself financially.


Your boyfriend is broke and that is why he doesn’t help you financially. He just doesn’t want to talk about it with you.


2. He doesn’t want to spend money on you.

Your boyfriend doesn’t want to spend money on you and that is why he doesn’t want to help you financially.


Couples always spend money on each other. When people are in a relationship, they end up sharing most of the responsibilities.


If you move in with your boyfriend, you will have to help each other to clear up the bills if you also working.


This is to make things easier especially when you are both struggling financially and you don’t have jobs that pay you well.


There are so many reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t want to support you financially.


The common reasons are usually attached to selfish ones. It can be that he is not a generous person.


He is self-centered.  All he thinks about is his needs and not yours. When you end up dating someone who always thinks about himself, it will be hard for him to spend money on you.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You


If your boyfriend decided not to support you financially because of his personal reasons, this could be the reason why he doesn’t want to support you financially.


When you decide not to help someone because you just don’t feel like doing it, you will never change your mind about it.


It’s possible that your boyfriend just made up his mind about helping you financially even before you started dating.


He told himself that he would never help you financially. That was his final decision and he stuck with it.


Your boyfriend doesn’t want to spend money on you, that is why you are not included in his budget.


The amount of money that he earns, is for his needs only. Financial issues are sensitive in a relationship.


And often they can lead to misunderstandings in a relationship. If your boyfriend doesn’t want to spend money on you, he is a selfish person and there is no day he will help you even when you are stuck.


3. He thinks you don’t need his financial aid.

You think that your boyfriend doesn’t want to help you financially, but that is not the case.


It can be that you have never talked about this issue with him at all. He doesn’t know that you need his financial help.


It’s especially true if you don’t live together. He doesn’t know what you are going through. If you don’t talk about your challenges with him there is no way he will know them.


You never told your boyfriend about your financial problems and that is why he doesn’t even bother helping you out.


He is not an angel, he doesn’t know if yo are hurt.


The way your boyfriend sees you is that you are capable of paying your bills and take care of yourself financially.


He sees you shining and glowing every time you meet. You don’t show any signs that you find it very hard to clear your bills.


You don’t talk about your financial constraints with him at all. The only thing you discuss is about love and hanging out together.


If this has been the case, your boyfriend may think you have it all figured out and that is why he doesn’t want to help you financially.


He doesn’t think you need his financial aid because you seem to manage your life pretty well without any issues.


The moment your boyfriend concludes that you are capable of taking care of yourself financially and paying your bills without any problems, he will never count you in his budget.


He doesn’t want to help you financially because he thinks you don’t need his help, you got it all covered.


4. Your boyfriend doesn’t care about you.

If your boyfriend doesn’t want to help you financially yet he knows you are struggling, this shows that he doesn’t care about you.


A guy who truly loves you will want to know how you are handling your life. He will observe how you live your life and he will be ready to do anything to make your life comfortable no matter how hard his life is.


If he knows that you can’t support yourself financially and he doesn’t want to help you, he doesn’t care about you.


Don’t let him lie to you that he cares and loves you till infinity.


A man who loves you will never allow you to suffer yet he has a means to get you out of that condition.


His love for you has a big question mark.


If he knows your situation, and the problems you face right now and he doesn’t bother helping you out, don’t even think of getting closer to him.


You should find a way out of that relationship because this is the kind of a man who will leave you stranded when you need him the most.


Would you let him suffer if you had a way to support him financially?


If you can’t let him suffer when he is struggling financially this shows you care so much about him than he does.


A guy who doesn’t care about your problems is not someone you should think of spending your life with.


I know you have been thinking so much about how he feels about you. If he can help you financially but he doesn’t bother to do it, he doesn’t care about you.


You can walk away from him and it won’t bother him at all.


5. You don’t support him in any way.

It’s possible that your boyfriend doesn’t support you financially because you don’t bother doing the same for him.


Have you ever supported your boyfriend financially?

Did you give him any support when he was working on his projects?


Were you there for him when he was figuring out how to make money?

Did you give him encouragement and positive advice on the projects he was working on?


Your boyfriend doesn’t want to support you financially because you never helped him when he was struggling.


How do you expect him to support you when you don’t do the same?


When you help your partner, he will also do the same. This applies everywhere in life. If you give something, you will get it back in return.


If you trust someone, they will trust you back. A relationship is a two-way traffic.


“Do me, I do you” I think you have heard this phrase so many times.


If you have not been supporting your boyfriend in any way, don’t expect he will do the same for you.


He doesn’t want to support you financially because you have never been there for him. You were not there when he needed you the most.


Why should he bend his knee for you when you never bothered? 


Take your time and think about anything that you did to support him financially or support him in the side hustles that he was doing to be in the position he is today.


If it’s clear that you never done anything to help him financially, this could be the reason why he doesn’t want to help you.


You need to change that if you want him to help you financially in the future.


If my girlfriend is willing to go the hard way with me through my hustles, I will be there to support her whenever she needs me to.


That is how relationships work.


6. You don’t put effort into supporting yourself financially.

Your boyfriend doesn’t support you financially because you are too lazy. You don’t make any effort to change your financial status.


Other guys will not tell you that you are lazy and unmotivated to work on yourself. They will just ignore you.


I bet your boyfriend said nothing to you about how he feels and that is why you want to know why he doesn’t want to support you financially.


You are not trying anything to change your financial status.


The moment a guy realizes you are over-dependent on him, you don’t do anything to change your life and you are just too chill in your comfort zone, he will never help you out.


To make matters worse, he might end up leaving you for someone else who is ambitious.


It can be that you keep on complaining about how hard your life is but you don’t do anything to help yourself.


You always expect him to help you every day yet he also has his bills to clear.


You don’t work hard enough to make money, there is nothing you are doing to help your boyfriend and you keep making things harder for him.


If he doesn’t want to help you financially it’s because you are too dependent on him. You don’t work hard, you don’t even try to give him the impression that you are concerned about your financial status.


Men love women who are trying to change their situations. They love women who work harder to get their money.


They respect and value women who take themselves out of their comfort zones to change their lives.


If you are not doing anything to change your situation, don’t ask yourself so many questions about why he doesn’t want to help you financially.


7. He doesn’t think of settling down with you.

He doesn’t want to help you financially because he doesn’t think of settling down with you.


he doesn't want to support me financially

Trust me, guys know where to invest. A man will invest somewhere he will stay. If he doesn’t spend money on you, it’s possible you are not someone he is considering spending his life with.


If he doesn’t spend money on you, he is spending it on someone else.


He doesn’t want to settle down with you and that is why he doesn’t care if you go or stay.


Maybe he knows you are struggling financially, and you need money to cater to your needs but he doesn’t care to help you out.


He knows you might end up leaving him for someone who is going to help you out especially if you have no means to make money.


Your boyfriend doesn’t care if you go or stay. He lets you deal with all those financial issues without supporting you because he doesn’t have the intention of being around.


He doesn’t want to invest in you, he doesn’t want to shape your life because you are not a woman he thinks of sticking with.


If you decide to walk away because he doesn’t support you financially, he doesn’t care about that.


A man who loves you will do everything he can to support you financially because he knows he will be there with you no matter what happens.



If your boyfriend doesn’t want to help you financially you have to take your time to find out if he can support himself.


Find out why he doesn’t want to help you financially before you conclude he is stingy. It can be that he is going through a hard time supporting his parents.


Read also; My Boyfriend’s Parents Are Dependent On Him: What To Do


Don’t start throwing words at him that he doesn’t care about you when you don’t know what he is going through.


When you find out that your boyfriend can support you financially but he doesn’t want to, try to talk to him about it.


Hear what he has to say about why he doesn’t want to help you financially. Maybe he doesn’t want to support you because of something you can change.


The moment you realize that he doesn’t want to support you because of something you can change, work on it.


But if he doesn’t want to support you when you are going through a hard time and he can, you should let him go, he is not someone you should think of spending your life with.


He will at one point leave you stranded.


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  1. Why Your Boyfriend Told Another Girl He Was Single
  2. 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Quiet Around You
  3. 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Extra Nice To You 

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