My Boyfriend Avoids Me When I’m Sick: Why

If your boyfriend avoids you when you are sick, this is a big red flag! In this article, I will share with you some of the reasons why he does that. I know you are asking yourself so many questions about why he does this and how he feels about you.


The first thing you can conclude about him is that he doesn’t care about you at all and that is why he avoids you when you are sick.


You thought he would be there for you and take care of you when you are sick, but instead, he keeps avoiding you.


He doesn’t even come to visit you when you are sick.


Is this the same guy you fell in love with?

When he said he would be there for you no matter what happens did he mean it?


If he cares about you why would he avoid you when you need him the most?


Your boyfriend may be avoiding you when you are sick because he doesn’t really care about you or it’s just that he doesn’t like to see you in such a condition.


It breaks him when he sees you helpless and that is why he doesn’t bother being around being


Is that the reason why he avoids you when you are sick?


You will know more as you keep reading this article.


This is why your boyfriend avoids you when you are sick;

1. He doesn’t care about you.

The first thing you should about why your boyfriend avoids you when you are sick is because he doesn’t care about you.


why does he avoid me when i am sick

Let us forget about any possible reason that would make him avoid you when you need him the most, the first thing that will show up is that he doesn’t care about you.


The truth is that if he cared about you he wouldn’t have been avoiding you at all when you needed him the most despite what he was dealing with.


It doesn’t matter whether he is busy chasing his dreams, when you are sick and helpless he has to be there for you.


Your boyfriend doesn’t care about you as you thought he did. A guy who cares about his girlfriend would never avoid her when she needs him the most.


You now need him in your most vulnerable state and he doesn’t want to be there for you.


The truth is that he knows that you are not doing well, you called him and informed him that your condition keeps getting worse but he doesn’t even bother visiting you.


This only shows one thing about him, he is not a guy who values you at all.


You will know a man better during your hardest moments in life.


He says he cares so much about you and he would be there for you whenever you need him. All those words he said to you were lies.


A man who genuinely loves you and cares about your well-being will never abandon you when you need him the most.


This is just a red flag he is showing you. Don’t allow him to give you excuses that he was busy dealing with important matters.


You are his priority, he should always prioritize you when you need him the most and not what he is dealing with.


If your boyfriend always avoids you when you are sick and only comes around when you are happy and healthy this is not a man for you to stick with.


There is nothing true about his feelings for you. This is the kind of a man who will walk away from you when you need him the most.


Right now he is avoiding you when you are sick, do you think he will be there for you when you are pregnant?


He will run away from you the moment you tell him that you have his baby. He won’t take care of you at all.


He doesn’t care about you and that is why he always avoids you when you are sick.


2. He doesn’t want to take care of you.

This is another reason why he always avoids you when you are sick.


Your boyfriend doesn’t want to take care of you and that is why he doesn’t come over when you are sick.


He doesn’t want to be the one doing everything for you when you are sick. He knows that when he comes around he will have to be accountable for you and ensure you get everything you need.


Your boyfriend doesn’t want to be the guy who buys you the medicines you need, the food, and even pay your rent.


Read also; Should I Ask My Boyfriend To Pay My Rent?(+When U Should)


He knows that you can’t work anymore and if you are struggling financially since you don’t have any savings it will be hard for you to take care of yourself.


The only option you will have is to depend on him for everything you want.


You don’t have the energy to do your laundry, cook, and clean your house when you are sick.


If there is no one around to help you out, your boyfriend probably knows about it.


He avoids you when you are sick because he doesn’t want to be responsible for you. Your boyfriend knows you will need so much from him.


Maybe he can give you what you want or maybe he can’t give you what you want.


He just doesn’t want to be the guy who takes care of you when you are sick. He is avoiding you when you are sick knowing that you will have to call someone else to come and be there with you when you are in this condition.


Maybe he doesn’t want to spend money on you and that is why he avoids you when you are sick.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You


On the other hand, it can be that he is avoiding you when you are sick because he doesn’t know how to take care of you the way you would want. He doesn’t want to be around you and fails to be the help you need.


This may also be why he avoids you when you are sick.


It can be that he has never taken care of anyone who is sick. The thought of him being around you when you are helpless just doesn’t make sense to him and that is why he avoids you.


3. He hates it when you are sick.

This is another reason why your boyfriend avoids you when you are sick. Sometimes it’s not about how he feels about you being in that condition you are in.


He may be avoiding you when you are sick simply because he hates it when you are sick and helpless.


It’s not a pleasant thing for him to see you like that and that is why he always avoids you.


Your boyfriend sends you cards, flowers, money, and gifts when you are sick but he can’t visit you because he hates to see you like that.


Read also; 5 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Gives You Money


He cares about you and that’s why he sends all these things but he doesn’t have the stomach to see you in your sick bed.


It can be that he gets too emotional and stressed when he sees you lying on your sick bed and this breaks him into pieces.


He hates it when you are sick because there is no way he can be of help to you when you are in that condition.


Your boyfriend hates that he doesn’t have the power to heal you in an instant and that is why he doesn’t want to be around you when you are sick.


He loves you and cares about you so much. When you are sick it breaks him into pieces to the point he can’t concentrate on anything he is working on.


Your boyfriend avoids you because he doesn’t want to break down too when you need him the most.


Avoiding you when you are sick but sending you everything you need keeps him strong and motivated to do everything to get you what you need so that you can become better again.


He doesn’t want to be around you when you are sick and end up breaking down when you need him.


This is why he is avoiding you when you are sick.


4. He doesn’t get what he wants when you are sick.

This is now the worst of the reasons why he avoids you when you are sick.


The guy you call your boyfriend doesn’t even care about you at all. The only thing he cares about is what you offer him.


He is always around you when you are healthy because you can give him what he wants.


The moment you are sick, you don’t have the energy to give him what he wants, he doesn’t see the need to be around you anymore.


It will be a waste of time when he spends hours with you yet you can’t deliver what he wants and that is why he always avoids you when he knows you are sick.


He only comes around after you have gotten better, that is when you can give him what he wants.


It can be that he is only using you for your body or money. When you are sick you can no longer work.


Since you are out of the job he can’t get the cash he needs from you and that is why he avoids you.


He knows that when he is around when you are sick he will have to be the one taking care of you and not the other way around.


He is avoiding you when you are sick because you don’t have the energy to hold him up in bed.


You should conclude this if he is the type of guy who only wants you for your body.


He doesn’t care about the relationship between the two of you. He is only with you because of what you give him.


You may be considering him as your boyfriend but he doesn’t perceive you the way you do.


If he has shown you any red flags that he is not a guy who is planning to stick around for you then know that he is just using you.


He is only around when he knows you are capable of fulfilling his needs and not yours.


This is a sad thing but this is the reality of some guys.


If what I am saying here is true then you should walk away from this guy no matter how you feel about him.


He is not someone you should put your faith in. Find someone who will be there to take care of you when you need him.


It doesn’t matter how you feel about him, if he can’t take care of you during your lowest point in life, he is not someone you should stick with.


5. He is just afraid of the unknown.

You have to know that different people act differently when they are faced with disturbing situations.


my boyfriend avoids me when i am sick

The first impulse you may have when you hear about someone you care about being sick may push you to want to be closer to them.


It doesn’t matter whether you have anything to provide for them or not. The only thing you will want is to be around them.


You will even leave the things you care about just to be around this person.


This impulse may not be the same for everyone. Your boyfriend may have a different reaction to this.


He avoids you when you are sick simply because he is just afraid of what might happen next. He is just afraid to be around you not knowing what is about to go down.


The truth is that he can’t keep himself together when something much far worse will happen to you and that is why he avoids you when you are sick.


It’s not that he doesn’t care about you. He is just afraid of the unknown happening when he is next to you and there is nothing he can do about it.


What you should know is that men are afraid of being helpless when you need them the most.


The moment a guy realizes that there is nothing he can do to fix a situation one of the things they will do is just avoid taking themselves closer to it.


Your boyfriend is avoiding you because he is just afraid of what might happen. He doesn’t have the power to change anything.


He will take care of you when he is far away but he won’t dare come around when you are in a worst situation.


This is another reason why he avoids you when you are sick.



When your boyfriend avoids you when you are sick and you don’t understand why he does that, you should confront him.


Don’t ask him why he avoids you when you are sick because he won’t give you the right answer. All he will try to do is make lots of excuses and give you so many reasons why he wasn’t around when you needed him the most.


What you should do instead is share with him how you feel about what he did. Be honest with him and spill everything out.


The response he will give you when you tell him how you feel when he avoids you when you are sick will give you a clear picture of how he feels about you.


You will know how a guy feels about you by how he treats you when you need him the most. If he cares about you and loves you for who are, he will always be there for you during your worst moments. But if he is only lying to you when he says he loves you, that will also be revealed by his actions when you are in a tough situation.


If he doesn’t make any sense as to why he ignores you when you need him the most, you will have no choice but to cut him off.


He is not a guy you should stick to because, at one point in your life, he will ditch you when you need him the most.


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