Benefits Of Controlled Vibrations

Vibrations in machines need to be controlled for several reasons. In this article, I will share with the benefits of controlling machine vibrations.


These vibrations in machines can have advantages and disadvantages.


You might like this: Advantages & Disadvantages Of Vibration In Machines


Machine vibrations can be very harmful and that is why operators need to control them.


You might like this: Vibration Control In Mechanical Engineering (Methods)


Read the above article if you want to know more about how these vibrations are controlled in machines.


So, without wasting time, let me share with you the benefits of controlling vibrations in machines.


Advantages of controlled vibrations in machines;

1. Reduction of transmitted forces.

This is the first benefit of controlling vibrations in machines. When machines vibrate while they are operating they produce vibrations of different frequencies.


These vibrations end up transmitting forces that are harmful to the machine and the plant too.


The forces that are transmitted by the machine during vibrations have to be controlled for the machine to work effectively.


As I said earlier, there are several methods used to control the vibrations in machines.


Controlling these vibrations by isolation or damping ends up reducing the forces transmitted to the plant.


Reduction of these forces aids in the stability of the machine while it’s operating and some other benefits that you will know as you continue reading this article.


2. Increased machine life

The vibrations of the machines tend to lower the longevity of the machine as it keeps on operating daily.


When the machine is vibrating some parts of the machine tend to suffer.


The shafts and bolts tend to loosen up when the machine is vibrating. This ends up affecting the efficiency of the machine, thus reducing its life.


When the machine is vibrating vigorously the shafts tend to shift their positions with the bearing which ends up increasing the wear of the machine.


This means that if the vibrations aren’t controlled then the machine is not likely going to last longer no matter how frequently it’s maintained.


But when the vibrations are controlled and the machine is maintained then there is a big chance of the machine lasting longer.


This will end up increasing the machine’s life by reducing wear and fatigue.


3. Reduced construction and installation

You may be wondering how the construction and installation come into play when we talk about the vibrations of the machines.


What you have to know is that machine vibration is one of the reasons that require the machines to be installed in a foundation.


You might like this: Factors Influencing The Choice Of Machine Foundation


The foundations that these machines are installed on usually aid in the reduction of these vibrations and controlling them.


Once the vibrations are controlled this will reduce the cost of construction of the plant because operators won’t need expensive materials to build up the plant.


But if the vibrations aren’t controlled, the plant will need very strong materials to be built up in a way that it will be able to withstand the forces transmitted by these machines as they are operating.


As you can see, this will increase the cost of construction of the plant and the running cost of that machine will be higher.


Also, when we talk about the foundations used this also comes into play.


If the vibrations are controlled this means that the foundation needed won’t be that big.


The foundation is going to be moderate or smaller since the transmitted forces and stresses developed are significantly reduced.


4. Improved working conditions for operators.

Vibrations aren’t good for the operators. If the vibrations aren’t controlled the working conditions of the operators won’t be conducive.


The uncontrolled vibrations will cause physical and mental fatigue and noise.


All these will bring about a negative effect on the operators thus reducing the work quality of these operators.


But if the vibrations are controlled this is going to enhance the output of the workers and offer a conducive working environment.


5. Reduced maintenance cost.

As I stated earlier, the uncontrolled vibrations will reduce machine life and constant maintenance will be needed.


All these maintenances of the machine will increase the running cost of these machines in the plant.


But if the vibrations are controlled then the maintenance cost will be reduced since the wear will be reduced and bolts will always be in place.


There won’t be a need of replacing the shaft, bearings and bolts after every several months. This will end up reducing maintenance costs which are good for the plant.


Also, if the machine vibrations aren’t controlled, there will always be a need to keep on maintain the oil levels in these machines.


Spillage is likely going to be a problem as long as these machines are operating.


Controlling these vibrations reduces the maintenance cost.


6. Improved product surface finish.

The product surface finish needs to be clean. So, when the machine is vibrating vigorously the surface finish won’t be that great.


And this means the products that will be produced by the machine whose vibrations aren’t controlled are going to be of poor quality.


As we all know this is just going to increase the loss of the factory.


No one will be willing to buy products with poor finishing.


When the vibrations are controlled, the machine will run smoothly thus improving the product surface finish.


Especially, when we talk about products that need fine finishing this is a very important factor to be considered.


With the vibrations controlled it’s going to be a very easy task for operators to produce products of greater quality.


7. Easy movement of the machines.

Machines that are vibrating vigorously will always need to be strongly bolted on the ground.


Without bolting these machines, operating them is going to be very tricky and accidents are going to be the talk of the day.


The good thing about controlling the vibrations of these machines is that one won’t need to bolt them down thus making it easy for these machines to move around.


Especially if the machine has to be used in several areas of the plant, this is going to be a game changer.


I’m talking about small machines, some of them won’t need to be bolted if the vibrations are sufficiently controlled.


Final thoughts


Vibration control is one of the things one should think about before putting machines into use.


Especially in mechanical engineering, we will always be dealing with machines that are rotating. This means vibration is going to be a huge problem for us.


As you have known now, controlling these vibrations is going to make things easier for the operators and reduce the construction cost.


You have to know that you can’t completely eliminate the vibrations of a machine unless you want to damage it.


You can only reduce these vibrations and control them in a way that won’t bring problems when it comes to operating.


Thank you for reading, leave any questions you have in the comment section. I’ll be happy to help.


If you have additional points just leave your comment. See you in my next article.


Related articles to check.

  1. Causes Of Machine Vibrations
  2. Vibration Control In Mechanical Engineering (Methods)
  3. Advantages & Disadvantages Of Vibration In Machines
  4. Factors Influencing The Choice Of Machine Foundation
  5. Purposes Of Air Isolated Foundation

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