Sequence Of Operations For Machine Installations

Before a machine is installed in a plant there are several sequences that have to be carried out.


This sequence of operations for the machine installation will ensure that when the machine is installed in the plant or placed where it’s needed there isn’t going to be an issue once the machine is in operation.


So, it’s very important that these sequences are done effectively to prevent any problems in the future.


I will share the sequences of operations for machine installations so that you have an idea of what goes on before the machine is installed in a plant and put into use.


Without wasting time, let’s list down these sequences of operations for machine installation.


The sequence of operations for machine installations;

1. Selection and examination of the new site.

Selection and examination of the new site is an important sequence of operation for machine installations.


The site selected for the machine to be installed has to be examined if it can handle the types of machines that are about to be installed there.


This can range from the resources around the site to the ground condition of the site.


When we talk about resources, these are the things needed to ensure the smooth working of the machine.


If the machine needs a lot of water for cooling then the site should provide easy access to it.


Also, the ground should be in perfect condition to hold the machine without the soil crumbling during its operation.


The condition of the new site selected for these machines to be installed should facilitate ease of construction of these foundations without issues.


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There are so many things that come into play when it comes to the examination of the newly selected site.


We have security issues, the environment, space, soil condition, the ground (if waterlogged or not) the ease of building the foundations etc.


2. Examination of the new plant.

Before a machine is installed in the plant and put into use, the plant has to be examined if it can accommodate the machine.


In some cases, some machines will not fit in a plant because of their sizes.


And this will require the entire layout of the plant to be altered to accommodate this new machine that needs to be installed.


The space of the plant is one of the things that will be examined to ensure that it can accommodate the machine without a hassle.


Also, the weight, base area, type of loading and characteristics of the machine should also be examined to ensure that the new plant can handle this machine installation.


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This is an important process because it determines whether the machine will be fit for installation in such a plant or not.


If anything goes wrong during the plant examination and the noting of the requirements that the plant can handle then the machine installation is going to be a huge problem.


3. Calculation the size of the foundation.

This is another important sequence of operation for the machine installation that should be checked.


I mean if one wants to install a machine in a new plant, the foundation sizes should be considered even before moving the machines.


It’s important for the size of the foundations to be calculated earlier in advance to ensure that the machines will fit perfectly without tempering with the plant layout.


The machines will be only installed in a plant if the engineers have calculated the size of the foundations and have found that the machines will fit perfectly without issues.


Also, calculating the size of foundations is going to provide the data needed to plan how these foundations are going to be built and the cost to be incurred.


4. Marking out the site of the foundation.

Once the size has been calculated and it has been found that the machines will fit perfectly then this is another sequence of operations that will follow.


Marking out the site of the foundation is going to make it easier when it comes to installing these machines.


Also, this is going to direct the engineers to where the foundations should be built.


Marking out the site of the foundation is also going to help with avoiding confusion about where a particular machine should be installed thus making work easier when it comes to the installation of these machines.


5. Marking up the timber shattering and fixing bolts.

This is going to be the next sequence of operation for machine installation after marking out the site of the foundation.


The marking up of the timber shattering will aid in showing where the timbers should be placed on the site of the foundation.


The fixing bolts it’s where the machine will be bolted to when the machine needs to install.


Marking up these areas on the site of the foundation will make it easier to place the machines on the right sides.


6. Casting the foundation block.

This sequence of operation for machine installation involves the construction of the foundation.


The foundation block is going to be built on the marked site.


This foundation block is where the machine is going to be installed.


Since the data needed for the construction is available this process shouldn’t take much time.


7. Excavation of the foundation block.

Excavation needs to be done to prepare the foundation block for the machine installation.


The process of excavation is to ensure that there aren’t any problems when it comes to installing the machine.


8. Moving the machine to the site and installing it.

After the excavation is done the machine has to be moved to the foundation block and installed.


Since everything about the foundation is done, the only work will be lifting the machine and installing it to the right foundation that was marked earlier.


9. Levelling and packing/wedging the machine.

Levelling and packing of the machine should be done to ensure that the machine is on the right level.


The machine should not be titled to one side, and levelling will ensure that it’s taken care of.


Sometimes the foundation block may have been rightly excavated but when the machine is installed there is still an issue when it comes to its levelling.


So packing/wedging should be done to eliminate such an issue.


10. Grouting in.

This is another sequence of operation for machine installation that should be carried out after levelling and packing.


Grouting is the process of fording a plastic centing into the void between the machine’s base and the main foundation.


This process is to ensure that the air spaces and cavities are filled before it solidifies.


Grouting should correct unevenness in the concrete block and prevent shifting of the machine after it’s bolted to the foundation.


This grouting is usually applied to the concrete foundation with rough surfaces to prevent good bonds and increase the resistance to horizontal forces.


11. Test running and periodical observation of the machine.

After the machine has been installed a test running should be done to ensure that the foundation is well constructed and that it can accommodate the machine.


Periodical observations should also be carried out to ensure that the foundation is in perfect shape and there is no possibility of problems in the future.


This is a very important sequence of operation for machine installation because it helps us gather data about the foundation.


With this data we gather from test running and periodical observation of the machine, we will be able to know if we should change anything about the foundation or not.


Final thought.


The sequence of operation for machine installation is an important exercise that should be taken seriously.


The success of this process is going to make it easier for the next process that will follow in a plant.


If anything is not observed correctly it can result in a great loss of resources and a waste of time.


Sometimes the process won’t be in the order that I have just shared with you in this article.


Some machines’ installation sequences of operation processes differ, considering the different characteristics of machines.


Anyway, I hope you have found value in this article, if you have any questions you should leave your comment. Thanks for reading and see you in my next article.


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