5 Requirements Of Steam Power Plant Piping System

In this article, I will share some of the requirements that an effective piping system in a steam power plant should fulfill.


A piping system is an essential part of a steam power plant since the generation of power will mainly depend on one factor moving from one single unit to the other.


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Whether the steam power plant uses a boiler or a steam generator machine, water will still need to be conveyed from one spot to another.


The treated, feed, and boiler water all will require an effective piping system to be conveyed from one point to the other in the steam power plant.


Without forgetting the steam that will be generated, the air needed, oil, and even the exhausted flue gasses from the furnace.


All these will require an effective piping system to be able to move from one point to another.


Just like a steam distribution system, the entire piping system in the power plant also requires to be designed in a specific way for it to operate effectively.


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With that much said, let me share the requirements that a steam power plant piping system should fulfill.


Steam power plant piping systems should fulfill the following requirements;

1. It should be of the required size.

This is the first requirement that a steam power plant piping system should fulfill.


The size of the piping system plays a big role when it comes to conveying water, air, steam, or oil.


The size of the piping system should be able to convey the required supplies at ease without causing damage or shortages.


If the amount of water to be supplied across the entire steam power plant is of large volume, it will make sense to increase the size of the piping system.


This is just to ensure that the flow of water across the power plant happens easily and fast.


A unique and appropriate size of the piping system should be chosen according to the volume of fluids that will be moving around entire the steam power plant.


If the size of the piping system is too small it will reduce the amount of fluids conveyed and if it’s too large, it will also utilize bigger space, and increase the resources for installation and maintenance of the entire piping system.


What one should know is that the size of the piping system is going to differ depending on the type of fluid that is conveyed through it.


It is convenient for the piping system of steam distribution lines to contain pipes of smaller diameter than the water piping system.


2. The piping system should be able to withstand the temperature changes.

The piping system should be able to withstand high temperatures; if the pipes carry fluids of high temperatures.


For instance, if we are talking about the pipes that aid in steam distribution from the boiler unit, they should be designed in a way they are able to withstand temperature changes.


If the pipes won’t be able to withstand the high temperatures of the steam being conveyed from one point to the other, they will end up being useless.


When I talk about the capability of the piping system to be able to withstand high temperatures, the first thing that should come to mind is the type of material used to manufacture the pipe.


The piping system of the steam power plant should be made of the right material that can withstand the high temperatures of the fluids being conveyed.


The pipes should be able to withstand thermal stresses easily where there is a sudden change of temperature across the entire piping system.


The piping system should be able to withstand the expansion and contraction caused by the temperature changes, this is what will make it very effective.


3. The piping system should be able to withstand the pressure.

The fluids conveyed by the piping system are also usually subjected to a higher pressure.


The steam from the boiler unit is usually under a very high pressure considering the fact that high-pressure boiler systems are usually selected for use in the steam power plant.


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High pressure is necessary to ensure that enough work is being done to drive the steam turbines to able electrical energy generation.


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The piping system should be able to withstand all this pressure without any problems.


The ability of the entire piping system to be able to withstand the pressure of the fluids being conveyed depends on how the piping system is designed.


When I talk about the design of the piping system; it’s all about how the entire piping system is laid, the fittings and the bends fixed along the entire system.


The above factors are some of the things that can either make a piping system strong enough to withstand the pressure of fluids or not.


The piping system should be strongly held by bolts on the walls to ensure that they don’t get loose or fall out of the places they have been installed.


The joints selected to be used in the piping system should be made strong enough to withstand the maximum pressure values of the fluid being conveyed throughout the entire steam power plant.


If the joints are weak, the piping system won’t be able to withstand the pressure because they will start leaking, or worst of all they will burst and cause a huge problem in the power plant.


Now I think you know the reason why the piping system should be strong enough to withstand the high pressure of the fluids being transported.


4. The piping system should have less number of joints and bends.

The higher the number of joints and bends in the piping system, the weaker the system will get.


The joints in the piping system should be reduced significantly if the piping system is to be strong enough.


Considering the pressure and high temperatures of the fluid being conveyed, the piping system needs to be strong.


The joints should be fewer and the ones selected should be appropriate ones.


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On the part of the bends, there should be few bends; if it’s possible for the piping system to be straight entirely then that should be made so.


The pipes being straight will make it easier for the lines to be maintained, the piping system will be robust and the leakages will be reduced.


Also reducing the number of fittings and bends in the piping system will reduce the pressure drop; this is necessary in the steam distribution lines.


One important factor that a piping system should provide is a smooth and safe operation.


This will be achieved by using minimum pipe lengths across the entire system. It will also make it easier to inspect and maintain the piping system.


5. The piping system should be appropriately laid.

The piping system should be appropriately laid to ensure that the conveying of the fluids happens smoothly and easily.


The piping system used to convey steam from one point to another should be installed to prevent air accumulation and allocate drain points.


If the steam piping system is horizontally installed, the slope must run in the direction of steam flow for the following reasons;

  • It prevents the pressure drop of the steam from being distributed.
  • It prevents the accumulation of air in the piping system when steam distribution has been stopped.
  • It makes it easier for the piping system to drain water accumulated in the piping system through the steam traps.


From the points I have shared above, the piping system should be designed with steam traps if it conveys steam.


If the piping system conveys water, necessary valves should be installed to enable closing and opening of the water easily.


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The way the piping system is laid should provide easy access to clean and maintain them.




Other measures like preventing mechanical damage and corrosion of the piping system should be put into place to ensure the piping system remains effective as long as it’s used.


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These are the requirements that a piping system in a steam power plant should fulfill.


These factors are important in ensuring that the entire piping system is effective enough to carry the fluids around.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment. See you in my next piece.


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