Leakages Prevention In Water Pipes

In this article, I will share several ways you can use to prevent leakages in water pipes.


It’s important to prevent leakages in water pipelines early in advance than waiting to repair one.


Prevention is better than cure.


Preventing leakages in water pipelines will ensure that the pressure that the water is supplied with doesn’t drop, there will be minimal water wastage, and it saves money and energy.


On the other hand, if you talk about repairing leakages in water pipes, it’s costly, disrupting water delivery to the consumers and tempering the longevity of the water pipes.


So, let me share with you what you need to do to prevent leakages in water pipelines.


This is how to prevent leakages in water pipelines;

1. Good field piping.

If you want to prevent leakages in water pipes this is the first thing one should ensure it’s done right.


Good field piping is very crucial if one wants to prevent leakages in water pipes.


The water pipes should be well assembled from the mains to the points of consumption.


If the pipelines are not well assembled then leakages are likely going to be experienced.


The pipes should be well connected to prevent leakages.


Also, if pipes need to be buried in the ground, that should be done to prevent leakages.


If the water pipes are exposed and the area has a lot of traffic then these pipes are likely not to last.


When this is the case, then the pipes should be buried deep enough to prevent any direct contact with the traffic in such an area.


Doing this will put the water pipes in a safe condition, thus preventing them from being damaged which will end up causing leakages.


Good field piping goes from the materials of the pipe selected to the point of erection.


An engineer should know the right pipe materials to use, how to connect them and erect them on the ground.


Good field piping will prevent leakages in these water pipes whereas poor field piping will end up messing up the pipelines.


If the pipes are not well connected to the ground then this means they will be prone to leakages.


So, prevention of water pipe leakages starts with the erection of pipes, if that is done wrong then it will be hard to prevent leakages.


2. Avoiding many joints.

Pipe joints are significant because they help the piping system to work effectively.


Without making joints the connections of these pipes would be impossible.


You also have to understand that pipe joints provide support and stability to the piping system.


So, joints in water pipes are crucial, but this doesn’t mean that water pipelines should have so many of them.


Having too many joints in the water pipelines will result in the weakness of the piping system.


If there are too many joints in the piping system, the pipe joints won’t be able to withstand the pressure of water flowing through them and this will eventually result in leakages.


Though the pipe joints provide support and stability in the piping system, you should also know that they are the weakest points in a plumbing system.


The other thing that can cause leakages in these water pipelines is the wear and weakening of the pipe joints as they get older.


So, it’s better than the joints in a water piping system are reduced to prevent leakages in water pipes.


3. Add support to the water piping system.

In some cases, where the pipes are suspended in air, as the water is flowing under pressure in these pipes it will flex the pipes and this may end up causing leakages in water pipes.


Adding support to the pipes is going to prevent leakages by ensuring that the joints aren’t further weakened by the weight of the pipes and the water in them.


In most cases, supports in pipes should be located near the valves and flange and any area that is necessary.


If the pipes are passing through an area that can’t be in the correct possible then supports should be put below or above them to ensure that the connections and joints aren’t destroyed.


Supporting water pipelines when they are needed will prevent leakages in these pipes.


Especially horizontal pipes need support every 3 or 4 feet depending on the diameter of the pipes.


Adding these supports will prevent the pipes from flexing or weakening the joints and resulting in leakages.


The supports in pipelines not only prevent leakages but also absorb shock, guide, anchor and support a specified load.


4. Charging water pipes to the correct pressure.

If the water in the pipes flows under very high pressure, this will result in leakages.


Excessive water pressure is one of the factors that cause leakages in the water piping systems.


You have to understand that pipes have a rated pressure limit. Not all pipes will handle the pressure, some will won’t be able to handle the pressure that is beyond their limit.


So, if one uses pipes that have a lower pressure limit and the water charged into those pipes is of a higher pressure then leakages are likely to be experienced.


The choice of pipes to be used on the water piping system is also going to play a part when it comes to preventing these leakages.


Charging water pipes to the wrong pressure is going to result in leakages.


These leakages are going to be experienced at the valves and joints in most cases.


The kitchen and bathroom faucets, shower hose, toilet flapper valve and the supply lines of the water pipes are some of the areas where you will also experience leakages if the pressure of water is excessive.


One can prevent this excessive water pressure in water pipes by using pressure-reducing valves, pressure-sustaining valves and pressure-control valves.


These valves will help in controlling the pressure in the water piping system and end up minimizing the pressure.


Final thoughts.


I have tried to make this article comprehensive so that you can understand what you need to do to prevent leakages in water pipes.


The most important thing that one has to consider when erecting water pipelines is good field piping. If the engineer erecting the water pipeline is not knowledgeable then he or she will end up messing things up.


Selection of wrong pipes, connecting them, selecting the support, and putting the joints and valves used all are things to be considered if one wants to prevent water pipe leakages.


It’s important to prevent water pipe leakages if you want to save money and save yourself from the pain of having to repair the pipes every now and then.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions leave your comment. See you in my next article.


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