Kinds Of Questions Guys Ask When Interested In You

When a guy is interested in you he will ask you so many but specific questions. All these questions will have an agenda behind them. You may not know what he wants to know from you but by answering these questions you will be giving him what he wants to know from you.


In this article, I will some of the common questions that guys ask when they are interested in you.


The part of being interested in you, I mean they want to be more than friends with you.


Read also; When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?


If a guy is interested in you the first thing he will do is talk to you.


He can either choose to talk to you in person or ask for your number so that he can call or text you.


It depends on the courage a guy has. Those who are super confident about themselves will just look at you straight in the eye and tell you what they want from you.


The first part that will come in is the conversations. They will want to get to know you better.


For them to know you better, they will have no choice but to ask you so many questions.


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?


Types of questions guys ask when they are interested in you;

1. They will start by asking you for your name.

This is something obvious. It’s a powerful introductory question that guys who are interested in you will all lead on.


kinds of questions guys ask when interested in you

It’s also one way of them introducing themselves to you and get to know your name too.


A guy will approach you and say hi to you and introduce himself and then he will end up asking for your name.


I know you may be surprised about why so many guys use this approach but you will find out soon enough.


Guys who are interested in you will want to start a conversation with you.


When you start talking to them it’s when they will have the chance to continue interacting with you and ask you the rest of the questions you will read about in this article.


If you don’t respond to the first question, there is no way the conversation between the two of you will keep going.


When a man approaches you and says hi and you choose to ignore him, he will assume you aren’t interested in talking to him.


He will just walk away from you to find someone else who will be willing to start a conversation with him.


Guys will ask you, “What is your name?”

“Who may I call you?”

“Can I know the name of the beautiful woman I am talking to?”

“What is the name of the pretty lady driving my focus to the edge?”


All these are the kinds of questions guys who are interested in you will ask you.


The way they will pose this question is to make you feel good about yourself and make you feel flattered.


This is the first part that will always keep the conversation going for them to get deeper into other things.


Some will start will a small talk about your name what it means and how it reflects you as an individual just to make you pay attention to them.


2. They will want to know your hobbies.

Guys who are interested in you will want to know your hobbies. They will want to know what you are interested in doing.


These kinds of questions may sound obvious to you because you are used to sharing what you like doing during your free time.


For guys who are interested in you, this is a gold mine!


They can learn so much about you when they know what you are interested in.


The things you like doing define you as a person. They will know whether you are smart or dumb from the responses you will give them.


A guy might have seen you from a distance and realized that you are amazing just by the way you look.


Read also; Why He Stares At You


What you have to know is that not all guys will stick to how your physical appearance is.


Some guys will go further and want to know what you do to get a real picture of who you are as a person.


These are the kinds of questions guys who are interested in you will ask when they want to know what you enjoy doing;

“What do you like doing during your free time?”

“Are you a gamer?”

“If we spend a whole day together, what would you choose to do?”

“Is there anything in specific you like spending your time on?”

“I like traveling the world just exploring, do you like it too?”


These are the kinds of questions guys will ask you when they want to know what you enjoy doing during your free time.


Your answers to these questions are what will either keep them pulling you closer to them or walk away from you.


What you enjoy doing is also what will give these guys a clue if they can vibe with you or not.


If you enjoy doing things opposite to what they enjoy they will conclude that you aren’t the person they should be talking to.


Some guys will cut off the conversation with an excuse just to walk away from you while others will just clearly tell you what they think and feel about what you do for fun.


It’s likely to connect with someone when you all enjoy doing the same things.


3. They will ask if you can hang out with them.

When a guy is interested in you he will want to know if you have time to hang out with him.


All guys will want to hang out with you when they are interested in you. For them to make their moves on you, they have to be around you.


Every guy has a different approach when it comes to asking you if you have time to hang out with them.


Before they reach this point, they must have already asked you about what you like doing during your free time.


If they found out that you both enjoy the same things, they might ask you to meet up and just do the things you also enjoy doing.


“You like skating, right? why don’t we meet this Saturday we skate around?”

“You told me you like swimming but you aren’t better at it, on Monday can be your coach?”


“I would love to teach you how to dance, I got some sick moves, can we meet up later this evening I show you how to do it?”


All these questions have one thing in common, this guy wants you to meet up and spend time with you.


He wants to spend some time with you and not to teach you how to dance. This guy is interested in you.


Other guys who are interested in you will ask you if you would like to hang out with them directly;

“Can we meet up this weekend for a cup of coffee?”

“I would like to spend some time with you, when are you available?”

“Can this beautiful woman offer me a date at least?”


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?


All these are questions guys who are interested in you will ask you.


They will want to spend time with you just to get to know you a little more.


Also, when you choose to spend time with them, they will try to express what they feel about you.


Some will directly tell you why they wanted you to meet them and hang out while others will just have fun with you, make you feel comfortable around them, and play the long game.


4. They will want to know where you stay.

When guys are interested in you they will want to know where you stay.


And why would they want to know where you stay?


A guy will want to know where you stay for him to be able to come over.


If he wants to meet you he will come over to your place. When he misses you or he wants to surprise you with some gifts and flowers, he will come over to your house and drop them for you.


This is them trying to create a connection with you and showing you that you mean something to them.


When a guy asks you where you stay, don’t be always open about this even if he seems interested in you.


You should not reveal where you stay if your instincts don’t allow you to.


But if you have known him for a little longer, you trust him and you know he is a guy who is genuinely into you, you don’t need to worry at all.


When a guy wants to know where you stay, these are some of the questions he might ask you;

“Where can I bring you the gift I have for you?”

“Where can I find you when I need you?”

“Are you from Mombasa, or are you just visiting?”

“Where can I find you?”


These are the kinds of questions guys who are interested in you will ask.


Your response to these questions will give them an idea of how you feel about them.


If you tell them where you stay without any issues, they will assume you trust them and feel comfortable around them.


Some will even conclude that you are ready for them to visit your place.


Others will also use this as an opportunity to share with you where they stay and end up inviting you there.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?


5. They will ask you what you think about them.

Guys will want to know what you think of them simply because they want to know how you feel about them.


It will be hard for them to know how you feel about them when you have just started getting to know each other.


Most guys don’t want to spend their time on a woman who doesn’t consider them to be their type.


A guy will want you to know what you think of him so that he knows if he should keep going or let you go.


These are the kinds of questions guys will ask you when they want to know how you feel about them;

“Do you consider me as a guy you can be with?”

“Do you want me to be around you?”

“When you look at me, what do you see?”

“Would you consider giving a guy like me a chance?”

“Do I look handsome enough for you?”


They will ask you so many questions about how you perceive them to know what you feel and think about them.


When you tell them that you consider them to be guys you can spend your time with, they will conclude that you find them to be incredible.


This is what will keep them coming at you, maintaining the communication and always asking you to meet them and hang out.


Some will start using this chance to push harder when they realize you fancy them somehow.


Don’t think that the questions will end at this point, this is just the beginning of their long pursuit.


6. They ask you about your relationship status.

Guys who are interested in you will want to know if you are in a relationship.


They will want to know if you are in a relationship or not so that they can know how to approach you.


We have some guys who will give up on you when you end up telling them you are in a relationship while we have those who will keep pursuing you even when you tell them that you have someone in your life.


The moment it reaches a point where a guy asks you about your relationship status, this is a sign that this guy is about to express what he feels for you.


Your response to this question is what will determine if he will keep asking you questions or not.


These are the kinds of questions guys who are interested in you will ask when they want to know about your relationship status;

“Who is the lucky guy who owns this pretty woman?”

“You seem independent; do you need a boyfriend?”

“Do you have someone special in your life?”

“Is there someone taking care of you?”

“Do you have someone to share with your highs and lows?”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”


These are the kinds of questions you should expect from guys who want to be with you.


No guy will ask you about your relationship status if he doesn’t care about you and doesn’t find you attractive.


A guy will want to know if you are occupied or not for him to either move forward pursuing you or walk away from you.


When you tell a guy that you are in a relationship, you will immediately notice that he will change how he handles you.


If he used to spend hours talking to you over the phone he will stop that.


He won’t text you often the way he used to or he will eventually decide to ghost you at once.


Read also; When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?


7. They will ask you flirty questions.

Guys who are interested in you will always ask you flirty questions to get you in the mood.


questions guys ask when interested in you

Some guys who are into you will start flirting with you just to give you an indication of what they want and expect from you.


It’s normal for guys to flirt with girls they admire.


It will take time for some guys to ask you flirty questions while others will even start flirting with you the first day you meet without even considering how you feel about them.


As long as they notice that your energy is connecting, they will be free and comfortable to share anything they feel like with you.


These are the flirty questions guys who are interested in you will ask;

“What makes you so charming?”

“What is the one thing that turns you on?”

“Can I call you my love?”

“When can I get a chance to hold you tight in my arms?”

“Do you enjoy a deep kiss or a shallow one?”

“Do you mind telling me why I think so much about you?”


When a guy starts asking these flirty questions it clearly shows that he feels comfortable around you.


You connect the way he expected and he is showing you that he is interested in you.


The moment a guy starts asking flirty questions it is up to you to decide if you want it to keep going or not.


If you aren’t comfortable answering these questions just be honest with him.


But if you like it, keep the conversation going because you are both on the same page.


8. They will ask you about your past relationships.

Guys who are interested in you will want to know about your past relationships.


They will want to know why you are single right now, what happened in your last relationship and so many other personal questions.


So, if a guy is just a friend to you, and he reaches a point where he is so interested in knowing about your past relationships it’s clear that he sees you as more than just a friend.


He is interested in you.


The information you will share about your past relationships is what he will use to learn more about you.


He will learn your weaknesses and strengths when it comes to relationships.


If your previous relationship failed because your ex did something you didn’t like, he will try his best not to be in the shoes of your ex.


These are the kinds of questions guys who are interested in you will ask about your past relationships;

“What happened in your last relationship?”

“Did he handle you the way you wanted?”

“Were you the problem in your previous relationship?”

“Do you still love your ex?”

“What could have he done better to keep you?”


He will ask you all these questions to know more about what ended your relationship and what you expect when you start a new relationship with him.


Guys will know if they can manage you by the response you will give to them about your past relationships.


Some guys will use that as a way of comparing themselves to the guys you dated in the past.


The moment they find out that they can handle you, they will ask you to be with them.


“Will you let me be the guy who is going to take care of you now?”

“Can you be my girlfriend?”

“Can you let me be the only man who will be there for you during your highs and lows?”

“I think so highly of you, can you be the woman of my life”


These are the kinds of questions you should expect when a guy is interested in you.


He will ask you so many questions and when he finds the answers that suit him, he will ask you to be there for him.



These are the kinds of questions guys who are interested in you will ask. There is no way they will avoid these questions.


If you are interested in a guy who is asking you all these questions, give him the right answers to give him the impression that you are on the same page.


But if you aren’t interested in him, the thing you can do is give him the wrong answers or ignore him.


When you ignore him he will just give up on you because the conversation won’t go on the way he expects.


A guy will ask you all these questions to know more about you and gauge if you are good enough for him or not.


It’s also a process of getting to know each other.


Related reads;

  1. How Guys Feel After Rejecting A Girl
  2. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants Your Company?
  3. What Does It Mean When A Guy Ignores Your Compliment?
  4. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  5. Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You

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