Guys Get Mad When You Don’t Give Them Attention: Why? 

Guys get totally mad at you when you don’t give them attention, I will tell you why that is the case. 


What you need to understand is that they also want attention from their women. 


Guys get mad when you don’t give them the attention they deserve. 


In this article, I will share some of the reasons why guys get mad when you don’t give them your attention. 


Guys want attention because it’s what makes them feel good about themselves and gives them a sense of being loved and cared for. 


Now, let me share the reasons why guys get mad when you don’t give them attention. 


This is why guys get mad when you don’t give them attention; 

1. It makes them think that you don’t care. 

When you don’t give attention to your boyfriend he will eventually conclude that you don’t care about him. 


why guys get mad when you don't give them attention

Guys will think that you don’t care about them when you don’t give them attention and this is enough to make them mad at you. 


When you keep on texting and calling him; you are giving him your attention. 


You keep on checking out on him and ask him about his day, it makes him feel that you are concerned about him. 


Men don’t want much from women. The simple things that you will do to make them recognize that you are concerned about them is what satisfies them. 


But when you don’t give them attention because you are too busy handling something else and you haven’t told them about what you are doing, they will conclude you don’t care about them. 


The moment you don’t bother to give your boyfriend attention because you are too busy with other things, you don’t even try to make an effort to reach out to him, he will conclude you don’t care about him. 


This will make him angry at you. You may get closer to him and he acts like you are not there. 


He won’t embrace you like he used to do. What he will do is just look at you and continue to deal with what he likes. 


If you don’t give him attention, he will also won’t bother giving you any attention. 


You might all be around each other but it will be like you aren’t close at all. 


When a guy realizes you don’t care about him because you no longer give him attention yet you haven’t been open to him about why that is happening, he will get mad at you. 


And if you keep on doing the same thing for longer, he might end up leaving you for that. 


If he gets someone else who gives him more attention than you do, he will feel loved and cared for. 


That only is enough for him to let you for someone else who gives him attention. 


2. They feel ignored and looked down upon. 

Guys get mad when you don’t give them attention because it makes them feel like they have been ignored and looked down upon. 


First, let me start with the part being ignored.  

Guys want their women to give them attention. They also want their women to notice the tiny changes they make. 


It can be a gift he bought for you, the changes he made around the backyard, the improvement he is doing on his body, and more things that he puts lots of his energy into just to make you happy. 


When a guy does things to make you comfortable and happy, he wants you to notice those things. 


If you truly give him your attention, you will see all those things that he is working on to make you super happy. 


The moment you find out that he is trying harder to make you comfortable, you will do and say things to encourage him and make him notice that he is doing a great job. 


Men want their women to recognize the effort they are putting into anything to make your life better. 


If you don’t recognize what they do, you don’t support them or encourage them in any way, they will get mad. 


Guys get angry about it because it makes them feel that they have been ignored. 


If you can’t see what your man is working on to make you happy, it means that you are ignoring him. 


You don’t pay any attention to him and that is why you can’t even see what he is working on. 


Let me ask you something, how would you feel if you work so hard to make your boyfriend happy, yet he doesn’t notice any single thing you do? 


He doesn’t compliment you and doesn’t even talk about it. It’s like he doesn’t see what you are doing. 


It will hurt you I know, this is the same case with guys. 


They will get mad when you don’t give them your attention because they will feel like you have ignored them completely. 


Also, when you don’t give men attention, they will conclude that you are looking down upon what they are working on. 


When a guy does something to make you happy and comfortable yet you don’t pay attention to it, he will conclude you are looking down upon what he is working on. 


You don’t find what he is doing for you of any benefit.


This is enough to make a guy so mad at you. 


A guy may not tell you that he is mad at you because you don’t give him attention. After all, it will be like he is telling you his weaknesses. 


Men don’t like to be seen as weak, especially in front of people they care about. 


A man will want to show you that he is strong and that is why in most cases you will only hear women saying that their men don’t give them attention. 


It’s a rare case for guys. 


3. Guys will conclude that you are giving attention to someone else. 

Another reason why guys will get mad at you when you don’t give them attention is that they think you are giving it to someone else. 


If your boyfriend is giving attention to someone else, what will you think about him? 


You will feel neglected and dumped, right? You will conclude that your boyfriend doesn’t value you at all. 


How will you feel about this? It will make you angry.  


It’s the same case for guys, but it will only make them think the worst about you. 


When you don’t give guys attention they will conclude that you are giving your attention to someone else. 


This is especially true if you were so close to them, giving them attention and suddenly you stopped. 


When you don’t give attention to your boyfriend he will get angry at you because he will conclude you are giving it to someone else. 


If it’s not him you are giving the attention, it’s someone else. 


He won’t know that you are not giving him attention because you are busy dealing with heavy stuff in your life if you haven’t talked to him about it. 


When this goes on for longer, no man can handle that. He will either cheat on you with someone else or break up with you. 


Men want their women to be available for them.


When you don’t give your man attention it’s like you are unavailable for him. 


Your boyfriend will conclude that you are giving your attention to someone else when you don’t give him the attention. 


This is enough to make him mad at you to the extent of even thinking of ending the relationship with you. 


When your boyfriend doesn’t make time for you, what will you conclude? 


4. Men also work on earning your attention. 

Guys get mad when you don’t give them your attention because they also work on getting it from you. 


guys get mad when you don't give them attention

How will you feel when you put your effort into something but it doesn’t give you back the results you expect? 


A guy will do everything to make you notice him. He will do things to make you see that he is working to make things right between the two of you. 


When you don’t notice what he is doing to make you happy, he will get mad at you. 


He is putting so much work into giving you what you want but you don’t notice it. 


This will hurt him so badly. He will be mad at you because he is putting all his energy into something that will make you smile, but you don’t recognize it.


What you need to understand is that everything in a relationship is a two-way traffic. 


You have to give out something for you to be given back. When that doesn’t happen, the relationship will turn one-sided. 


No one wants to be in a one-sided relationship, it’s never a good thing. 


A guy will get mad at you when you don’t give him attention because he is hurt when he thinks of all the effort he puts to make you notice him but you don’t. 


I hope you have understood why a guy might get mad at you when you don’t give him the attention he deserves. 



What you need to know is that guys also want attention. They might not tell you that they want you to notice what they do but they will portray it differently. 


Some guys will start telling you that you are distant, you don’t care nowadays and you are focused on something or someone else. 


They won’t straight tell you away that you don’t give them the attention they want. 


If you don’t give attention to your boyfriend, he will struggle to gain it from you. 


He will do things to pull you closer so that you notice what he does to make you happy and comfortable. 


If you don’t give him attention at all, he will be mad at you and eventually cheat on you with someone else or break up with you. 


Related reads;

  1.  When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  2. When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?
  3. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  4. What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?
  5. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?

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