Is It Weird To Go On A Trip With A Guy Friend?

Your guy friend wants to go on a trip with you, there are so many questions that are running in your mind. Is it okay for you to go on that trip with him? How will it feel when you go on a trip with a guy friend?


You are asking yourself if it’s weird to go on a trip with a friend but what you need to know is this.


Is it weird to go on a trip with a guy friend?

It’s not weird at all to go on a trip with a guy friend as long as you are okay with it. If you are comfortable around him, you enjoy spending time with him and you also like exploring there is nothing strange about it.


No one will judge you for going on a trip with a guy friend. It’s a trip you want to go on with him, stop overthinking about it.


He told you he wants to go with you on a trip, it’s up to you to decide if you want to accompany him or not.


The question you should have asked yourself is not about whether it’s weird but whether it’s okay for you to go on that trip.


You are asking yourself if it’s weird to go on that trip because of what you feel about him.


Or maybe it’s about how he feels about you. You know he is just a friend but there is more to what you see from his eyes.


The tension between the two of you is what makes you ask yourself whether it’s weird to go on that trip with him or not.


Otherwise, if there was no romantic tension between the two of you and you saw him as a friend you wouldn’t have been asking yourself if it’s weird to go on a trip with him.


Let me make it easier for you, if you want to go on that trip with him you should do it.


He asked you to go on a trip with him because he just wants to spend more time with you, explore different places together, and just have a good time.


What will emerge from that will depend on how you feel about this guy friend.


Now that you know whether it’s weird or not to go on a trip with a guy friend, let me share whether you should go or not.


This is when you should go on a trip with a guy friend;

1. When you want to get to know him better.

If you want to go on a trip with a guy friend just to get to know him better, you should do it.


when you should not go on a trip with a guy friend

You have been talking to each other for a while, the way you look at each other suggests that there is more.


He told you he wants to get to know you better and now here you are the two of you.


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?


A guy friend wants to go on a trip with you. He invited you on that trip with him because he knows what it will be like.


It’s one way for him to get to know you and interact with you at a level that you have never done before.


So, if you want to get to know him better, his intentions, and what he expects from you, go on that trip with him.


It’s during that trip when you are far from your comfort zone that he will reveal his true identity.


If he is a guy who values and respects you, that will emerge when the two of you are closer for a considerable period.


But if he only wants to use you and dump you, this will also be known on this trip that he invited you on.


So, if you want to get to know him since you are interested in him and you want to find out if he is the right guy for you or not, go on that trip with him.


Before you decide to do that, notify your friends and family just for security purposes.


Especially if it’s someone you just met recently and it’s when you are getting to know him.


2. When you want to know what you feel for each other.

He is your guy friend and he invited you on a trip. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a trip to Africa or Asia, if you want to know what you feel for each other this is the chance you have.


You have the chance to know what he feels about you and what you feel about him too.


He is your friend but sometimes you look at him and ask yourself, “What if there was more?”


Read also; When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?


He is always so kind to you and makes sure that you are happy whenever you are around him.


You don’t know what you feel for him and you have no idea what he feels for you because all he has done is give you mixed signals.


If he invited you on a trip, this is the chance that you have to get to know what you feel for each other.


What you should know is that he wants you around, and this can mean more than what he says.


You are unsure about what you feel for him but maybe you know what he wants from you.


The only way you will get to know what you feel for each other is if you go on this trip.


When you spend more time with him it will be easier for you to know what you feel for each other.


The places you will visit, the things you will do, and the exciting adventures you will have will reveal how you perceive him.


If you have feelings for him this will be known on this trip.


But if you don’t feel anything for him you also know it when you go on this trip with him.


This will help you to make the right decision of whether you should let him in or not.


So, if you are unsure about how you feel for each other prepare yourself and go on this trip with him.


It will open so many doors if there is anything hidden it will reveal itself.


3. When you feel comfortable and safe around him.

When a guy friend wants to go on a trip with you and you feel safe and comfortable around him, do it.


Go on this trip with him because it might be the best trip you will ever have.


It’s always cool to travel with someone you feel comfortable with.


You can do lots of things together without the feeling of awkwardness coming in between the two of you.


If you feel comfortable around him don’t ask yourself so many questions of whether you should go on this trip with him or not.


He is your guy friend, if you feel comfortable around him it means he has never shown you any red flags.


This is a guy who has always maintained his boundaries no matter where he was with you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?


If he invited you to his house and never did anything to make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, this guy respects you.


The probability of him doing anything that goes against your wishes is slim.


So, if you feel safe whenever you are around him, you feel at ease and you can share anything with him, go on that trip with him.


You will have so much fun with him when you travel together.


The part of you feeling safe and comfortable around him also shows that your relationship with him is great.


Maybe it’s through this trip that you will realize that you can be more than what you are right now.


4. When you want to spend more time with him.

If a guy friend wants to go on a trip with you don’t waste your time if you want to spend more time with him.


Is this a guy you enjoy spending your time with? Do you want to visit new places with him?


If you want to spend more time with him simply because you enjoy his company you should go on this trip with him.


You will be happy when you go on that trip with him if you love spending time with him.


It can be that his personality amazes you, you like the way he talks to you and you enjoy how he handles you.


If this is the case don’t ask yourself so many questions, you should go on this trip with him.

He wants to go on a trip with you because deep down he wants more of you around him.


If that weren’t the case, he wouldn’t have asked you to go on that trip with him.


Do you want to spend more time around him? Do you enjoy his company?


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?


Suppose the answer to the questions above is YES! Don’t miss that trip with him.


When you should not go on a trip with a guy friend;

1. When you are in a relationship.

If a guy friend wants you to go on a trip with him and you know that you are in a serious relationship, don’t think of going on that trip.


when you should go on a trip with a guy friend

You need to spend more time with your boyfriend and not go on a trip with a guy friend.


What will your boyfriend conclude when you go on a trip with your guy friend?


It doesn’t matter whether he trusts you or not, it’s not a good idea to go a trip with him.


Would you be happy if your boyfriend went on a trip with his female friend?


Your boyfriend won’t be comfortable with your going across the globe with your guy friend.


He may not tell you that he doesn’t like the idea but deep down he doesn’t want you to go with him.


If you are in a relationship you have to consider what your boyfriend will feel when you do something odd.


Don’t do something that you won’t be happy about if your boyfriend does it to you.


If you are in a relationship don’t entertain your guy friend because it might hurt your boyfriend’s feelings.


Don’t put yourself in a situation that will tempt you to cheat on your boyfriend.


Being the two of you on that trip might bring about other issues that you won’t be able to control.


So, if you are in a relationship and your guy friend invites you on a trip don’t accept that invitation.


This is one way of protecting your relationship.


2. When you aren’t interested in him.

When your guy friend invites you on a trip and you know for sure you aren’t interested in him, don’t go on that trip.


Why bother going on a trip with him when you aren’t interested in him?


Don’t give him the impression that you want something more with him.


The moment you accept to go with him on a trip across the globe this might give him the impression that you are also interested in him.


He might use this chance to make a move on you. This will make you uncomfortable because you don’t feel anything for him.


It will be hard for the two of you to vibe, instead of the trip being something that you will enjoy, it will end up turning out to be a nuisance to you.


Why entertain someone you aren’t interested in?


Don’t give him a reason to think that you only wanted to exploit him financially.


Be honest with him that you won’t be going on that trip with him because you aren’t interested in him.


I know he may insist but you should stick to what you say.


Don’t make yourself accessible to guys who you aren’t interested in, it will not help you in any way but waste your time.


3. When you don’t trust him.

He is your guy friend but you don’t trust him, his motives with you are unclear and the way he behaves around you is just a red flag, don’t go on that trip with him.


Trust your instincts and don’t take yourself in situations that you know will be hard for you to manage.


If he has shown any red flags don’t accept to go on a trip with him.


He might be using the trip to trap you and eventually take advantage of you.


If you don’t trust him to take care of you, keep you safe, and be there for you when you need him without him demanding anything from you on that trip, don’t go with him on that trip.


He will likely try to do things just to take advantage of you.


4. When you don’t want to be too friendly with him.

Why go on a trip with a guy you don’t want to be closer to? You shouldn’t go on that trip if you don’t want to be around him.


What you should know about guys is that the moment they notice that you are so friendly to them they will get the impression that you are ready for anything with them.


They will not give you the respect you want, the way they handle themselves around you will change and the vibe between the two of you will change.


Don’t give him a reason to stick to you and even make a romantic move on you if you don’t want to be too friendly with him.


If you want him to maintain his boundaries don’t get so close to him.


Create a considerable distance with him so that when he wants to say or do something that is off he won’t even think of trying it out.


But when are too friendly with a guy, he might change how he handles you and this might make you uncomfortable.


5. When you don’t feel like going on that trip with him.

If you don’t feel like going on a trip with him you shouldn’t force yourself simply because you want to make him happy.


Don’t do something that you aren’t interested in because you are afraid of what he might think of you.


He is your guy friend, there is nothing more between the two of you and if you don’t feel like doing anything for him, don’t push yourself.


I know you may care for him as a friend, but if there is no shred of you hyping for that trip don’t push yourself to it.


You won’t enjoy that trip if you don’t feel like going, so there is no need for you to go.


Be honest with him and let him know that you won’t go on that trip with him.


He might be angry but that doesn’t mean he won’t talk to you ever again simply because you have rejected his invitation.


Read also; Will He Ask Me Out Again After I Rejected Him? 


If he is a mature guy and understands you, he will not push you to go with him on that trip.


6. When you don’t know him better.

He wants you to go on a trip with him, should you go if you don’t know him?


is it weird to go on trip with a guy friend

Don’t go on a trip with someone you don’t know better. If you have been talking for a few days and you don’t know much about him, don’t go on that trip.


It’s better to take caution than trying to figure out what you should do when you are in a tricky situation with someone you don’t know better.


If you don’t know much about him don’t put yourself in an awkward situation.


Going on a trip with a guy you don’t know will be awkward because it will be hard for the two of you to connect.


Apart from that, if he has bad intentions with you, it will be hard for you to get yourself out of that situation.


He might take advantage of you while you are together on that trip or do far much worse to you.


Don’t travel with guys you don’t know for your safety.




If a guy friend invites you on a trip and you don’t feel like going just be honest with him.


Let him know that you won’t go on that trip with him because you aren’t interested.


Going on a trip with a guy friend can be amazing or weird depending on how you connect with him.


What do you feel for each other and how better do you know him?


The tips I have shared in this article will help you to make the right decision whether you should go on that trip with him or not.


If you feel comfortable around him, you know him better and you want to spend more time with him it’s not wrong to go on that trip with him.


Take yourself on that trip and enjoy it to the fullest.


But if you don’t trust him, you don’t know him better and you aren’t interested in him, don’t go on that trip with him.


Related reads;

  1. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants Your Company?
  2. What Does It Mean When A Guy Ignores Your Compliment?
  3. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  4. When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?
  5. A Guy Says I Can’t Give Him What He Wants: It Means?

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