7 Factors To Consider When Selecting A Pump

When selecting a pump for a certain application there are factors that you have to consider. Not all pumps will work in any specified area since each pump has a different capacity.


Things like the head of the liquid it can pump, the height that the pump can lift the liquid and other factors usually matter when it comes to the selection of the pumps.


I will share with you some of the common factors one should consider when selecting a pump for a particular application.


Without further ado, let me share with you what you need to know about these factors.


Factors to consider when selecting a pump;

1. The capacity and efficiency of the pump.

When selecting a pump this is one of the factors one should consider.


The capacity and efficiency of the pump matter a lot when it comes to the area of application.


You just don’t need any pump, you need a pump that has certain efficiency and capacity.


For instance, if you select a pump with lower efficiency and capacity simply because you want to save money then you will not get the required work output that you expect from the pump.


If your application requires a pump with higher efficiency and you select a pump with a lower efficiency then you will have wasted your money.


It won’t do the work you expect it to. So, before you select a pump you have to know the capacity and efficiency of the pump that you want to select for your application.


The moment you know that you need a pump with certain efficiency due to your application then you should stick to that.


You have to check out the area of application of the pump and the work it will be required to do daily before you think of selecting a pump.


This will give you a clear idea of the kind of capacity you need from the pump you want to purchase for your application.


If you select a pump with a lower capacity you will encounter the high cost of frequent maintenance and repair of the pump since it can’t handle the work you expected it to do.


2. Maximum and minimum lift of the pump.

The lift of the pump is another important factor you have to consider when selecting a pump.


You have to calculate the lift that you expect the pump to pump the liquid before selecting a pump.


If you need a pump that is supposed to pump liquid at a certain height then you have to ensure you select the right pump for that purpose.


Not all pumps can pump liquid at any height, some are only limited to 10 metres while others are above that.


So, before you select a pump you have to ensure that the pump you are selecting has the suction head that you require for your application.


3. The head of the pump.

The head of the pump is usually the height of a column of fluid above a given point.


This matters when it comes to the pressure discharge expected from the pump.


The pump should in all situations meet the required head of the application.


If you select a pump that can’t meet the required head of application then you will have a problem in the area where the pump is applied.


The suction and delivery head of the pump should not change in any situation.


So, when selecting a pump one should consider the delivery head that is expected or required by the operation of the pump.


4. Reliability of the pump.

When selecting a pump this is something else that you have to put into consideration.


You have to select a pump that is reliable to the point of application.


This means you have to check the condition in where the pump will be working before you purchase it.


Some pumps work well in hot and harsh environments while others require a cool and conducive environment.


If the pump is going to be handling a liquid that is under high temperature and pressure then you should go for a pump that can handle that.


On the other hand, if the pump can’t handle the liquid it’s required to convey then you should also take note of that.


Don’t select a pump that will constantly need maintenance since it cost you a lot of money to keep it under working condition.


This is another important factor one should consider when selecting a pump.


5. Initial cost of the pump.

The initial cost of the pump also matters when it comes to a pump selection.


You have to keep in mind the budget allocated for the purchase of the pump.


Don’t break the bank account by purchasing a pump that has a higher initial cost yet you can get a similar pump at a considerable price range and with higher efficiency.


The initial cost of the pump should be as lower as possible and the pump should have the required capacity and efficiency.


Also, you should think of the cost that the pump will require when it comes to installation.


The installation cost of the pump also should be lower as possible.


If you get a pump that has a lower purchase cost but has a higher installation cost then you should avoid that pump.


Both the purchase and installation cost of the pump should be lower when selecting a pump.


6. Maintenance of the pump.

When selecting a pump this is something else you should keep in mind.


The maintenance of the pump should be easier.


This pump that you will select will require to be maintained for it to work to its full capacity and efficiency.


If you will select a pump that is very hard to maintain then you will have a problem when it comes to its operation and handling.


For instance, if you want to select a centrifugal pump you should go for a pump that has a split case since it will facilitate the ease to reach the inner parts of the pump to clean and repair it.


Also, you should keep in mind the spares of the pump are largely available when needed.


If you purchase a pump whose spares are difficult to find then once the pump fails to work you will have to purchase another pump.


The maintenance cost of the pump should be at the minimum and very easy to maintain.


This is a factor one should consider when selecting a pump.


7. The power consumption of the pump.

The power consumption of the pump is also something that should be put into consideration.


The pump purchased should consume less power when operating at a certain length of time.


Selecting a pump that consumes a lot of power within a very short period will be costly.


This means you will have to spend so much money to pay power bills.


The pump should consume less power but it should be effective.


If you select a pump that consumes much power and it’s not effective then you will be the one going into loss.


These are some of the factors you should consider when selecting a pump.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions leave your comment, and see you in my next article.


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