Design Of Water Distribution Systems

The designs of these water distribution systems are what enable the water to be transported efficiently, thus meeting the needs of the consumers.


These designs are mostly used to enhance the efficiency of any distribution system.


If you have no idea of the system layout used in water distribution, I recommend you check out the article below.


You might like this: Water Distribution System: Types, Requirements And Methods


Every system design should match these criteria. I’m going to share this article for it to be effective.


Water distribution system design considerations

1. The working pressure.

The working pressure of the distribution system should be approximately 60 to 80 psi, which is 450 to 550 Kpa and not less than 35psi, which translates to 24 0Kpa.


2. The pipe’s diameter.

The pipes of the distribution system should meet the fire demands. The minimum diameter of the pipes should be able to convey the needed volume of water needed by the fire department. Fire hydrants should be six inches in diameter.


3. The consumers’ demands.

The design of the water distribution system should meet the water demands of the consumers.


These consumers’ demands can be determined by peak factors and data sources which will enable the person designing the water distribution system to know the amount of water needed in that system.


The data that can be used in determining the demand can be from pre-existing compiled data. Data that was recorded concerning the usage of water in that area.


This data can also be from a research utility, that whose main aim was to find out the usage of water in the same area.


System operating data; this is a data production chart from wells or plants.


Since these plants have been using water for a set period, the designer can get to make some calculations and find out the amount of water that the consumers can use (from an approximation of the plants’ production charts.


To determine consumers’ demand, the designer can use the monthly water bills of most consumers and make an average from that to find the amount of water needed.


It’s not completely reliable, but it’s adequately fair enough to collect the right information on the demand for water that will be fed into the distribution system.


4. Allow room for ultimate expansion when needed.

The design of the system should allow room for expansion whenever it’s needed.


The system should be able to be stretched whenever there is a need to.


As you know, the population and the demand of the consumers will keep on rising from time to time.


To accommodate these changes, the water distribution system will need to be expanded.


So, if the system is not designed for any future expansion, then it will be a waste of resources.


5. The dead-ends minimization.

It should minimize the dead ends in a system to allow efficient circulation of water in pipes and reduce water wastage by providing adequate flushing.


Also, the minimization of the dead ends in the distribution system will aid in improving the water quality since the chemicals used to treat the water will be thoroughly mixed in the system.


Why these design recommendations are needed in the water distribution system

1. For efficient supply of water.

The designs of the water distribution systems according to certain recommendations ensure that there is an efficient supply of water without shortages.


For instance, when we talk of the pressure needed in the system, this is a very important factor to be considered since the whole system of water distribution depends on it to work efficiently.


If the water distribution system is designed in a way it conveys water at a pressure lower than the required value, then this will bring issues to the consumers.


The demand for water from the consumers will not be met, and this will be an issue.


In most cases, water will flow through the pipes under low pressure, thus not being able to reach some areas that are on a high elevation and shortages of water will be experienced.


To curb all these issues early in advance, the design recommendations have to be put into measure.


2. To deliver the quantity of water needed in case of a fire outbreak.

This is one of the reasons why the fire department needs pipes of the distribution system to be of a certain diameter.


They need pipes to be of a certain diameter simply because it will enable them to draw the water they need from the distribution system in a large quantity.


Fire outbreaks are unpredictable and for them to be controlled, the water system distribution should be able to provide the quantity of water needed at a certain period.


If the water distribution system can’t provide that need of water needed by the fire department, then it’s not fit for use.


3. To meet the demands of water for the growing population.

The design of a water distribution system helps to cover this important part of water demand.


As you know, the population will never remain constant, it will keep on increasing as time goes by.


If we do not design the water distribution system to accommodate the growing population of the area of supply, then it will not be effective.


The way we designed the system will either facilitate the ease of expansion or not.


This is one of the reasons we need these design recommendations for a water distribution system.


These are the reasons these design recommendations for water distribution systems are needed.


For more information about the design of the water distribution system, you can check out the website below.


Thanks for stopping by see you in my next article.

  1. Water Distribution System: Types, Requirements And Methods
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