Do Mechanical Engineers Need To Be Good At Math?

You can pursue mechanical engineering even if you are not that good at math. Read the article to know how you can achieve that.


In this article, I will give you the answer to this question, at the end you will have the right conclusion about this.


So, when we talk of maths, that is what most people find scary in mechanical engineering.


Sometimes some of my friends usually ask me, are you doing pure engineering mathematics?


When I tell them that I do pure engineering mathematics as a unit, I leave them with a jaw dropped.


They are surprised since they think that mathematics is a very hard unit.


Some people find mathematics to be hard because it needs a mind that can think and solve several puzzles.


I’m pursuing mechanical engineering, but I’m not that good at mathematics.


I know you may ask me why I’m pursuing mechanical engineering if I’m poor at engineering mathematics.


What I can tell you about the issue of maths is this; you don’t need to be a mathematics genius for you to pursue mechanical engineering, you just have to be willing to learn and master new things.


Most of my colleagues that I’m in the same college with aren’t that good at maths.


Some of the complain about the unit driving them crazy. On my end, I’m in the similar situation.


I’m not that person that learns everything at the spot. I’m struggling in mathematics but I choose to pursue mechanical engineering because I’m so much interested in analyzing how several machines work.


Since maths is necessary for me to learn how these machines work, I just feel that I’m under the pressure to get the concepts of the maths that I learn in some lectures, so that I get to understand how a certain machine works.


I’m doing my best to know everything that has something to do with my success in this career simply because I know without grasping the content, I will never succeed.


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The things that I want to achieve from this career are what are driving and motivating me to learn even the difficult things and end up finding them easier.


My point here is, you don’t need to be so good at math for you to pursue mechanical engineering, you just have to change your mindset about maths and be ready to learn the things that you find challenging.


Anyway, there is nothing hard about mechanical engineering. If you are willing to spend hours learning how to calculate calculus, then you will eventually have the concept and you will end up teaching someone else who knows nothing about it.


So, let no one tell you that you have to super great at maths for you to pursue mechanical engineering.


You can pursue mechanical engineering even if you are not that good at maths as long as you are willing to learn and improve in areas that challenge you.


What I can tell you is that there is no way you will know everything about mechanical engineering.


And that is okay, you are not a machine, you can’t absorb all the information you get from your lectures.


But you have to try your best to get the most of it.


If you are not good at maths and you want to pursue mechanical engineering, don’t let it stop you from pursuing this course.


I’m not good at maths and but I find myself doing great when it comes to my national exams even than some of the people who claim to be good at maths.


As long as you are willing to learn, invest your time in what you want to learn and you are ready to do anything to succeed, then there is no way you will fail at maths.


You will do best even if you think you are not good at math.


Did you know that it’s just a mindset that makes you perceive mathematics that way?


You are good at math. The only that makes you think you are not is your mindset and what you hear from other people.


So, listen to me, you don’t need to be great at maths for you to pursue mechanical engineering.


If that was the case, then I couldn’t have been the author of this amazing website.


There is nothing hard about engineering mathematics as long as you are willing to learn something every single day, do several exercises every day and try to find knowledge from those who know something that you don’t know.


I want to be an engineer but I’m bad at math

If you want to be an engineer but you are bad at math, then this should not stop you from pursuing that course.


You want to be an engineer. That should be the only thought that should ring in your head.


As long as you qualify to pursue engineering and you are truly obsessed with being an engineer, then you should not let any negative mindset pull you back.


Go for what you want! Get rid of the thought that you are bad at math. You are not the only one thinking that way.


Even the great engineers in the field right now used to doubt their capabilities.


No one was born knowing everything. We all learn one thing and connect it to another. That is how we emerge the best.


So, if you want to be an engineer but you are bad at math, then don’t let this stop you from being who you want to be. As long as you are willing to learn, focus your time and energy on the right thing, then you will succeed in being an engineer.


Drive all the negative thoughts away, do what you want to do and I promise you that you will find things so manageable.


When I was first admitted to the college, I’m I thought that I wasn’t fit to be an engineer, this is because things were a bit tight for me during the first week.


I never understood anything about mathematics that the lecturer taught in any of the sessions.


But instead of me fighting to change my course since things were hard for me during the first week, I searched for ways to solve the problems I was facing.


I asked for help and after the first week, at least I had an idea of what was needed of me from the maths that we learned in those sessions.


Right now, I’m crushing it, because I’m used to find solutions on my own and that is why I pass in my national exams.


So, if you are bad at math and you want to be an engineer, don’t let this stop you at all. You can still be an engineer as long as you are willing to get rid of that attitude and learn something new.


It’s not hard, the only that makes you think that maths is harder in engineering is because of how you perceive it.


Can you change your mindset and believe in yourself? Make an affirmation within yourself that you can succeed in anything.


This will motivate you and the only thing that worries you (maths) will be a thing of the past.


Thanks so much for stopping by. If you have any questions leave your comment, see you in my next article.

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