Axial Flow Dynamic Compressor Working Principle

In this article, I will share with you the working principle of the axial flow dynamic compressor.


The working principle of the axial flow dynamic compressor is kinda similar to that of the centrifugal compressor.


You might like this: Centrifugal Air Compressor: Components And Working Principle


The only difference when it comes to the operation of the axial flow dynamic compressor is how the air flows within the unit.


In an axial flow dynamic compressor, the air flows axially.


Before I share with you how the axial flow dynamic compressor works there are some details about it that I would like you to know.


Knowing the components that are in the axial flow dynamic compressor will make you understand the way it works.


The main components of the axial flow dynamic compressor are;


The casing is fixed with static blades; these are the blades that aid in the reduction of the velocity of air flowing within the unit.


The casing is also canonical such that the inlet of the compressor is very small and while you move to the end of the casing it keeps on increasing in size.


The outlet of the axial flow dynamic compressor is radial and it’s located at the larger end of the casing.


The casing is a diffuser type that aids in the reduction of the velocity of the air and increases the pressure built within the compressor as the air moves towards the outlet.


There is a shaft that where the blades are mounted; this shaft is connected to the power unit. The blades of this shaft rotate in between the row of static blades.


This is to change the direction of the air thus decreasing the velocity and building up the pressure.


The same action of the rotating blades creates the suction that is responsible for allowing air in the compressor.


Now that you know the main parts that are involved in the working principle of this compressor let me share with you how it works.


Working principle of axial flow dynamic compressor

When the rotor rotates at a high speed it creates a centrifugal force that causes the suction action which allows the inlet to direct the air to the inlet filter to be cleaned, and then the inlet valve opens to allow the air within the compressor.


The air is propelled equally by the rotating blades towards the static blades that are attached to the casing of the compressor.


As the rotor keeps rotating it increases the kinetic energy of the air but due to the static blades in the casing, the velocity is decreased due to the change of direction of the air and this results in an increase in pressure.


The velocity of air keeps on reducing as it progresses forward but the pressure keeps on increasing.


The process of velocity reduction by the static blades is repeated at each stage while the diffused type casing will keep on reducing the velocity and this will result in high-pressure build-up at the existing.


The compressed air is discharged out of the compressor through the outlet and directed to the point of use or stored in an air receiver.


The working principle of the axial flow dynamic compressor is quite similar to the centrifugal compressor since they both work under the same principle.


The difference between these compressors is brought about by their designs.


Thank you for reading, if you have any questions leave your comment. See you in my next article.


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